Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday Game

 Ready, Set, ACTION    (more action with the new camera just before the rain came)
 No Fair

 Take That
 I warned you

 Gemme a bite
Game Over


  1. They look like they are really fighting. LOL

  2. ♥ •˚。
    °°Olá, amiga! 。♥。
    ● ♥• Passei para uma visitinha!!!

    É lógico que amei os seus cães... até tem caras feias (de bravos) mas tenho certeza que são mansos... e gostam de carinho nas orelhas...

    Vi sua postagem anterior... abacates... eu tenho um abacateiro no meu quintal...

    Só que não gosto de abacates... come-se com açúcar... e eu não suporto açúcar desde criança... acho que é uma incompatibilidade genética... todo mundo gosta de açúcar, não é mesmo?

    ˚。˚ Boa semana!
    ♥ •˚。Beijinhos.

    ..(░(¯ `•.\|/.•´¯)
    (░(¯ `•.(█).•´¯)░)

  3. Do you speak Spanish? Looked like a nice reply.

    Hey they are cute - I guess like real brothers.

    And I love your new header!


  4. ♥ •˚。 ° °Ola, friend! 。♥。 ● ♥• i Spent for a visit comes! IT IS logical that i loved their dogs ... until has expensive ugly (of brave) but i'M sure that are meek ... and enjoy affection in the ears ... I saw his posting previous ... avocados ... i have an avocado tree in my backyard ... Only i do not like avocados ... we eat with sugar ... and i do not unappealing sugar since child ...
    i think that it is an incompatibility genetics ...

    everyone likes to sugar, is not

    Really? ˚。˚ Good week! ♥ •˚。Beijinhos. •˚。Brasil

    Babylon 9
    I translated this by google, i love it. Sandra

  5. Great photos, Sandra. I love the look on Baby's face in that last one!

  6. Great series of photos, Sandra. You really enjoyed looking them playing together.

  7. Lots of fun-makes me wish Ruby Sue had a friend to play with.

  8. Great action shots, Sandra. Looks like your furry babies are having lots of fun!!!!! Which one is the most aggressive?

    Your new camera seems to be doing GREAT.... Love the header.

  9. You caught beautiful action of your sweet ones!

  10. Thanks for the smiles, Sandra. Looks to me like you understand your dogs very well. :)

  11. Your doggies are so frisky! These photos are so clear and crisp! I don't live that far away and I plan on giving your doggies hugs on day! Great shots Sandra!

  12. They really have so much Character. You captured that so well.
    I love to see them

  13. That expression in the last photo is just priceless. I love it. I was reading through your comments and I was wondering for a second if maybe you had been eating over rip avocado's or something. I laughed when I saw that you had translated the other comment.

  14. They look pretty serious about their play.

  15. What wonderful action shot you captured. I totally am captured by the dog's wonderful expressions!!!

    God bless and enjoy this beautiful week!!! :o)

  16. What great shots of these two playing. I love the expression on Baby's face in that last photo!

  17. Those pups look like they have a lot of energy! :)

    The wind sure did a number on your pool in the photos below. Hope it was easy to clean up!

    xo Catherine

  18. Your camera really captures action well.
    Fun to see Sandra.
    Hope you had a great weekend.

  19. Love the action. Hubby just ordered a new camera, too.

  20. Haha i like the last one. His face tells a lot. Love the way you come up with great daily blogs.

  21. love the look in that last photo...what fun...

  22. love the look in that last photo...what fun...

  23. These are great action shots. Very well done.

  24. Those two look like they are having a blast! I love the foot action in your second shot. And Baby's expression in the last photo is too funny.

    When it rains my cats gather on the patio and mope and pout. Do Jake and Baby mind rain?

  25. these are great action shots!

    the pups are sooo adorable!

  26. these almost make me laugh out loud...reminds me of a couple dogs we had.
