Monday, October 10, 2011

What Wind Does....

 See these Avocado's? they fell off our tree yesterday, 14 of them. The tree Bobby Appleseed grew from a seed.

See the two dogs over on the side bar? They LOVE avocado's, we have to do constant avocado patrol. these guys way 2 pounds each and Jake ate half of one yesterday. Baby loves the little ones, a little bigger than a golf ball, she just eats seed and all.
 The wind gusted and howled for 24 hours, 20 to 40 MPH... once an avocado hit the roof, bounced twice and onto the ground, I thought the roof was caving in. We gave 3 to a neighbor, the others said no thanks, and I don't eat them. Sorry, can't send them to you, it is illegal to ship fruit out of Florida.
Remember my post on our sparkling pool?

Above and below shows a small part of what the wind did to the pool. that is black dirt and leaves. We had no rain for 2 months, the dirt was dry, the wind through it in the pool and it made mud. Middle of the night it started pouring rain and has rained off and on all day. As soon as the sun comes out The Man of This House has a lot of work to do. This morning he scooped out 2 bushel baskets of leaves.
Moral of this story is do not plant an avocado seed in your yard because the dogs eat them if you don't get them first and they fall on the roof. Plus Do Not Have a POOL unless you are young and healthy.


  1. Our table is full of them..son brought some over too. We have a tree which looks almost the same variety here and the round ones (my favorite) which were full this year. When I walk past the shop I don't want to look at another one! At the beginning I was so excited (ha ha)..but you can only have so much! They keep pretty well with lime - still you can't freeze them. I could of sold them? Our old gray cat likes his with sour cream or plain yogurt (lol). I know what you mean though..I helped hubby in the yard today (I mowed a little and he weed wacked and repaired our screens. One had a little rip and the cats decided to enlarge it. When son came over his little dog thought it was a perfect door as well! It's not easy (for us). Your header is just terrific!!

  2. Those are gorgeous avocados. I'm thinking guacamole, a little salsa and taco fixins'. Yum.

    It did make a mess of your pool, Bob has some work to do.

  3. I'm not a big fan of avocado. I once planted a seed though, in a pot indoors, which grew quite high. But not big enough to bear fruit. (That was decades ago now.)

    Anyway I think I'll take your advice. Not plant any more avocado seeds and not try to dig my own pool ;) Of course the limitations of living a small flat make decisions like that so much easier...

  4. Watch the weather report. It is raining here to. The eastern seabord is trying to develop a tropical storm.

  5. they looks so it's time for some guacamoli....

  6. sounds like wise advice from someone who knows. :)

  7. Thud, thud can sound like footsteps in the dark of night.. it happened outside my window when I was a child.
    Left the pool up north when we moved south.. work that I don't envy, Sandy.

    Pam i am :D

  8. I'm glad you finally got some rain, but I'm also glad that I don't have to clean the pool. It's too bad you can't ship those avocados out of state -- I like them. Just don't get hit on the head by a falling avocado!

  9. Okay, I will need to plant one here, I love them. Wonder if you call if a fruit, then you can send some my way. DO you know how much those things in the store are?

    I do hope the wind and rain ease up, I see on the news were FL is getting alot. We could use some of it here. Rain I mean....

  10. You have everything in your yard! That is so cool! Love the pics!

  11. Hi Sandra, That's interesting that your doggies love avocados. Even I am not crazy about them...

    I've always heard and read that swimming pools are nice to have --but hard due to the upkeep... My son in Texas has one --and at least there are no big trees near them... BUT--even still, the upkeep is necessary --and it can get expensive.

    Good Luck also with the Avocados and the Pool.

  12. Oh my, doesn't it. One year I was getting ready to go somewhere and we had awindy day, and whoosh, I must have had 100 young mangoes all over my yard in back. It was notwhat I wanted to spend my time doing...gathering them all up before I left.

  13. I know from experience how hard it is to keep up a pool.

    Are avocados bad for dogs?

    And they look so delish.

    Good thing Bob is young!

    We are having wind up here to but nothing like yours.


  14. This post really made me smile. You're always ready for humor. I'm glad you finally got some rain. I was surprised to know that you have Avocado in your own garden. This type of fruit I can only see in shopping malls. I am not used to its taste so it is strange to me. I know how much healthy Avocado is for women.

  15. Sorry about the ppol-but congrats on the avocados! Do you believe I've never even bought one!

  16. I'd LOVE to have an avocado tree but I'm not the least bit interested in having a pool here in Canada. Our season is way to short (although I have many neighbours who DO have pools).

  17. I've never had an avocado. I know they don't sell real well in the store I work at but they do keep them stocked in the produce dept.
    The pool is a lot of work. I sometimes wonder if it's worth it considering we don't get a whole lot of use out of it. I think Duke spends more time in the pool than we do.

  18. Sympathies about pool woes. Envy over the rain. We need some!!

  19. Wow, that was some wind storm.
    Love avocados. If we are lucky I can buy a small one for $1.25 ea. Yours would make fabulous guacomole and salads. Yum, you make me hungry just thinking about them.
    Sorry your dear Hubby has so much clean up to do. Its rained all day today, almost an inch worth. Weatherman said chance of "showers" ha! Must remember to turn the sprinkler timers off. Double watering isn't smart...

  20. That is the warm climates for ya! I was drooling over your avacados. I never heard of dogs liking their unique flavor. You could sell them. Nice Sandra.

    Your comment about the cat looking like catcus was something I never thought of. Maybe you saw his tooth in front, that makes Santino his unique self.

  21. they look terrific! i love anything avocado, and i'm craving guacamole right now.
