Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Desoto Natl Monument part 2

 Inside the fort walls.
These photos show how they built the huts from Palmetto Fronds, we have these fronds in our back yard, so who knows maybe hubby will build a hut for his plants

 I don't think they had boards way back then, but that was then and this is now. A few months ago, someone went out to the park at night and burned down the village, it is now almost built to what it was.
Leave it open in summer months and then close it up for the winter. And you will needs TONS of bug spray.


  1. What an amazing set of photos...and the details...great!!!
    Yes...plants would like it...for sure!!!

    have a nice day!

  2. Amazing what you can do with fronds. How awful for someone to burn it down.

  3. Neat details of the construction.
    It's a shame that some people still seem not to be much wiser than their ancestors were 500 years ago! (Like burning down those huts, I mean.)

  4. It really is interesting to see the details of the construction. I would imagine the fronds were plentiful and the construction would have been relatively fast when the fort was originally built.

    That is awful that someone burned down the village. I hope they were caught.

  5. Hubby shoud make you a hut! These are pretty. How awful for someone to burn it down. I don't understand some people. What are people thinking when they do something like that?? Definitely hope they were caught!

  6. This is pretty cool Sandra! Definitely have to have bug spray.

  7. So enjoying this history lesson. Photos are beautiful (as always :)

  8. sorry they burned it, but i'm assuming it would be easy to do out of that material.

  9. Great detail! What's wrong with people to burn it down??? Bored kids probably!

  10. Those pictures were awesome - and I believe it about the bug problem. I would love to keep my door open if it wasn't for those darn bugs. Sandie

  11. Great group of photos! Interesting details as to how they put these huts together.


  12. Wow!!!! These two posts are very cool! And your illustrative photos are very good, it looks like even those brackets are made from the fronds along with nails. They are really beautiful, and the shapes are so perfect. Kids would just have a field day here!! Who would burn this place, did they find out? And what would be the motive, if any? Were these people's houses?? It is sad and horrible that much of Christian history is bloody, look at the inquisition, and killing the Indians, and slavery. We say that this is a nation under God, but it is not and never has been!!! We like to think that it is, but all our actions prove otherwise. We can twist the bible around to mean whatever we want it to mean!!

  13. Love the header and photos. What compels a person to destroy something? Glad the fort is being recreated.

  14. As long as hubby doesn't decide to build you a new home out of palm fronds. :)

  15. that's such a horrible thing!
    can't believe those people burn it down.

    terrific shots with great detail.
    great effect of the light as well.

    betty xx

  16. Very interesting post. I've spent a few minutes catching up with all your great photography. I miss having time to do this regularly. And I love your header!!!

  17. How sad that someone would burn something like that down. I think your husband should build one in your back yard. That would be rather cool

  18. Burned it down?? That's too bad..
    Well it looks like a great way to stay cool and be driven crazy with bugs! I like this tour and photos!
    We have a stinging nettle caterpillar, so we're going to have to spray again cause its nasty! Well I will be back, I have to rest) (hugs)

  19. Sandra, looks like this is a tedious and time-intensive process and I think you are right that most likely boards were not used way back when for the original huts. What a shame the previous ones were burned, but can imagine lighting fires near these is not a good thing, so much for open flame cooking for dinner!

  20. Hmmmmm.....I don't think those huts would hold up in a Saskatchewan winter! ;)
    xo Catherine

  21. I enjoyed a look inside the huts, but hated hearing someone was cruel enough to burn them down. Very interesting post, Sandra!

  22. That is sad that someone would burn it down like that! Yes, your husband should built a hut in your backyard! Your pups would love it! But then again if bugs love it not sure if I'd want to bring bugs into the yard.

  23. I wonder why someone would have burned down the former village. Interesting but I bet you are correct the originals were not built with boards.

  24. has your hubby built his yet?lol
