Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Searching for Autumn in Florida

 I found this beautiful autumn orange in our back yard, it is a frond on our banana tree. In Florida we take autumn colors where we find them.
Why are bananas never lonely? Because they hang around in bunches.
They re not going to grow bananas any longer. Really? Why not? Because they re long enough already.
Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.
Jokes from Free Funny Jokes   it's ok, you can GROOOANNNN now!


  1. Oh my, the last one....groan. The jokes may be groaners but I laughed at each one.

    Autumn is everywhere, even in FL. I really, really like the third photo down with the sun coming through the leaf. It really shows the colors and ribs of the leaf.

  2. It is amazing how a dead leaf can be so pretty. The colours and light are splendid. We also find it hard to see autumn colours in Brisbane. (Especially now as it is spring)

  3. OK, I am so happy! Addicted to those groaners!

  4. LOL ... I hear Hurricane Rina may be coming your way ... let's hope it stays far away!

  5. Isn't it amazing what you can see through a camera lens. Fantastic shots, Sandra.. you must be loving your new toys. I know we are, thanks for sharing the beauty.

    No groaning just smiles across the miles,
    Pam i am :D

  6. You're so right Sandra, we have to take our fall color in what ever shape we may find it! We have two seasons here in Florida - hot and cold!

  7. Nice photos Sandra. It's funny I was out this past weekend searching for something that looks like Fall. It's not real easy since we're in Florida!

  8. totally groaning - like laffy taffy wrappers...

  9. Beautiful colour. I really like the sunlight coming through the leaf.

  10. Smiling in Minnesota! Thanks, my friend. Not many leaves left on our trees here and it's suppose to snow tonight. Wish our leaves were still green....

  11. Groooannnn... I like bananas! (Preferably without fruit flies.)

  12. Even that dead leaf is pretty in your photos! Very nice. Suppose to have some light snow tonight! BRRR!

  13. such lovely fall colours! i really love those leaves and the warm sun light hitting on them gives the photo a warm, golden effect.

    gorgeous shots!

    betty xx

  14. I'm glad you found some autumn color in your yard, but I'm not so sure that I'm glad you found these jokes!

  15. I love the sun coming through your beautiful banana leaf!!! And I can't remember anymore what you have told me about them, do you get lots of bananas and eat them?? Because my favorite joke is about not selling bananas any longer, but that is TRUE! Phil heard that bananas are getting some sort of horrible plague disease, and when they do you have to get rid of the whole grove, it is spreading really bad, and can't be stopped so far. So soon there will be almost no bananas and the ones in the store will cost a fortune. Oh, I don't like to bear such bad news on blogs, but I couldn't help it when I saw your fall leaf!!

  16. Our next home is going to have a banana tree!

  17. I'd feel sorry for you that you find it so hard to find autumn in Florida but...I would love to be there right now as my hands feel very cold.

    Funny funny jokes!

  18. too busy giggling to

  19. Why are bananas never lonely? Because they hang around in bunches.

    I am going to ask Andy that right now.


  20. You sure do have a great eye for finding the most interesting things to take pictures of girl! So you actually get to eat fresh bananas that are grown in your yard? Cool!

  21. I hadn't heard that last joke, cute!

  22. Ouch - they were bad! Unlike the photos which were good!

    In response to a comment you made somehwre I have increased the size of my blog font to make it easier to read. I hadn't appreciated how small 'normal' was.

  23. Great shot! Love the illumination behind the leaf. Very super shots.

    I guess in some parts of FL you dont get to see Fall or winter.

  24. tee hee always make me smile Sandra...
