Thursday, October 27, 2011

Still Searching for Autumn in Florida

 Inside my kitchen, a dead leaf on my pothos. I did not change the color, just used macro lens
 I found autumn colors next door to my almost ready to put out their legs tadpoles in the rain barrel
Q. What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween? A. Ghoul-aid!!!
Found these little cuties on the front desk at my favorite Rehab Facility.


  1. I really like the lighting in your second photo, it really brings out the orange in the leaf. I can see some legs on these little guys, they will be hopping before you know it.

    The faces in the last photo are just too cute.

  2. cute little faces in the last photo.

    great orange as well. the effect of the lighting in the second picture is just beautiful.

    betty xx

  3. I think someone needs to fix MsPumpkins glasses, need a bit of adjustment.

    CUTE pictures and love the Tads!!

  4. You do have fall in Florida!
    I love those two pumpkins and the joke - told Andy last night about the bananas and he loved it. Now I have another one.

  5. Searching for fall...I see it everywhere which I complain:( but you found it, cute pumpkins too

  6. I'm glad you're still looking for -- and sharing -- autumn color. Your macros of the tadpoles are amazing. I really like your pumpkins.

  7. Well you did manage to find some nice fall colors and those decorations in the last picture are cute.

  8. Sandra, Happy Halloween to you and Bob too - cute joke :-). Should we package up some of the NE colors we've seen and send them to Florida?

  9. I love Happy...halloween things...
    not into the ghoulish...
