Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pollywog Paparazzi

Click to see how cute they are....

If you follow me each day, you will remember the Tadpole Groaner Post from Sept 26. I have been
watching annoying our rain barrel babies. It all started in August when there were a million little black eggs floating in the pool and in the rain barrel. Now 8 weeks later, Voila! Look what happened!

 I asked Bob, what is the difference between a Tadpole and a Pollywog? he said Ask Google.
The first answer to the question was my favorite.

A tadpole will produce a frog that croaks with an English accent. A polliwog will produce a frog that croaks with an American accent..........

 If you look closely you can see some of these have only front, or only rear legs, and a couple are itty bitty cute little frogs. These frogs will not get any larger than what is comfy on a dime.
 Sorry the lighting is so bad, but if I flood the barrel with light it scares them away, If i get to close it scares them way down deep in the bottom......soooo
 Got this from Wikipedia...
The name "tadpole" is from Middle English taddepol, made up of the elements tadde, "toad", and pol, "head" (modern English "poll"). Similarly, "polliwog" is from Middle English polwygle, made up of the same pol, "head" and wiglen, "to wiggle"

Tadpole or Pollywog, they are darn cute.  I choose Pollywog because it looks good with Paparazzi.

this last photo came out like this, right out of the camera, there are little tadpoles in it, you just cant see them.


  1. they are interesting little creatures. I can never tell if they are frogs or toads. I learn something everyday blogging.I have never heard of Pollywog before but I love the sound of it.

  2. hahahha....he said "Ask Google"??? hahahah...

    Very interesting I say...indeed...It's amazing...


    (Oh...Thank you for visiting my blog. In is very important to me. God bless you.)

  3. Both the tadpoles and little frogs are so cute.

    I like the first answer you got, that is funny. I had never thought much about the names and kind of assumed polliwog was a southern expression. Thanks for the info.

  4. cute little creations!
    glad i learned something new today.

    the photos look so arty!

    very nicely done:)

    betty xx

  5. I thought pollywogs were larger and are used to bait a fish hook.
    I like this post.

  6. You know what you are suppose to do when you see the frog....kiss it.

    They are too cute, I wonder how thye get out of that bucket?

  7. This is a great way to watch this wonder of nature unfold..

  8. Thanks for the English lesson complete with photos - I LOVE learning things like this.

    Now let me ask you - cute?


  9. How things have changed when he said "ask google"...nice to see the cute little frogs (whatever they are called)

  10. Oh how wonderful; I love these little critters! Never met a frog or toad I didn't like!

  11. Great shots of these little guys. When I was a kid, I would find these little bitty frogs and just adored them!

  12. Love all the Pollywog pics. They are cute, but I would not want one of them on me.....eeeuuuuhhhhh!
    The leaves floating in the barrell are pretty too. I was looking at the pics of Jake and Baby on the sidebar. Bet they would know what to do with some of those Pollywogs...Mmmmmmmmmmm good! :-)
    Love ya, Madeline

  13. Great your hubby's answer to the question. Made me giggle. Thanks :)

  14. Well, I was going to ask Google if you didn't tell me what a Pollywog is!! :D

  15. These are great shots Sandie. They are all adorable. When Kyle was little we watched tadpoles turn into frogs in our backyard. I believe it was a small kiddie pool. I guess after having a boy you learn to enjoy some icky stuff. LOL!

  16. You gotta love Google. Glad we came back after a long absence and glad we found out you combined your blogs. Lovely photos and quite informative and funny!! As usual. Love to you and the pups. Woofs and hugs, MB, Josie and Blues

  17. Sandra this takes me back to my childhood when my sister and I use to bring them home and drive my parents crazy.

    Love your spectacular photos and LOL about the description :D

    smiles n hugs,
    Pam i am

  18. Never heard the word pollywog! Cute.

  19. They are SO cute!! And now I know the difference between the words, I have wondered about that. The last picture is beautifully mysterious. Will they stay in there till they die? You said they won't get bigger than a dime, so they must not turn into anything. I thought they turned into frogs. I have been forgetting to tell you how much I loved the parrot header, now that you have taken it off, I remember, go figure! It really knocked my socks off, but whenever I I was going to comment on it, your blog content distracted me. Guess that's a GOOD thing!

  20. Different accents...too funny. When we first moved to this house we had a resident frog in the Jacuzzi. Now the spa is gone and so is the frog. I kind of miss his croak, can't remember if it had a British or American persuasion though!

  21. Oh honey, don't apologize...your pictures are amazin'.

    I always have tons of little froggies livin' in my flower gardens.

    God bless ya and have a remarkable day sweetie!!! :o)

  22. So when Bob said to ask google was he really saying he didn't know the answer?
    I like the answer google gave you and love the shots

  23. Sandra, you know how much we like frogs (and penguins too) so little guys would fit in well at our place. Simply amazing photos and great that you could capture with your new macro lens to show us.

  24. You got some great pictures of the pollywogs, but if you're not careful they are going to get a restraining order against you for invading their privacy.

  25. your husband is so funny...awesome photos Sandra...learned something new today...

  26. They are adorable...we always caught a few when we were kids and watched them grow legs and become a frog....then our kids did it when they were young. And someday I bet Lorelei does it, too.

  27. Love your shots of the, pollywogs. :)
