Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Down At The River -Flowers

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Don't steal. The government hates competition.
Who's General Failure & why is he reading my disk?

Always remember that you are unique; just like everyone else.


  1. Begiginning my day with beauty thanks to you and your new camera, Sandra. I am stll in awe of the detail. And your header and that little purple puff ball bloom are exquisite. Still praying for L.

  2. Those are sure some pretty flowers you have! Mine are all brown and dead. :(
    xo Catherine

  3. Beautiful photos Sandra.
    I like all of them such great detail.

  4. Gosh, I took off a day and missed so much here! Your header is beautiful, I see when the sun set last night, it lit in your yard!! And what is that purple flower that looks like fiber optic strands, with a tiny light at each end? So cool!! Leontien is SO young to have cancer, if this is a current picture of her. I will pray for her. Good jewelry pictures, Tammy told me about that lens, too. And I see you actually got it!!! I guess it would work with my camera, it sure is amazing when she uses it, she must be an expert at it!

  5. Sandra, enjoyed the text and the photos today after falling a little behind in blog reading while on our NH road trip. Yes, I know travelling around is a "tough" life but also lots of fun. really liked the header photo and can see how much you are enjoying your DSLR and lenses!

  6. Pretty photos and a good laugh--a great start to my day.


  7. Wonderful flower shots Sandra! I'm familiar with most of them except that fluffy little purple bloom.

  8. beautiful blooms, and your quotes cracked me up. :)

  9. These photos sure do brighten any day. Marvelous!

  10. You know why I love blogs with photos - because they just make me feel better in my mind - soul - or whatever.

    Loved your pretty flowers.

    I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.

    Love that too! sandie

  11. so pretty....I have some of these on our property...

  12. I LOVE this post. Each flower is just picture perfect,and the quotes are pretty good,too.Thanks for the sunshine that just entered my home,via these flowers.

  13. I love your flowers and the quotes. You are very good with that new camera!

  14. I LOVE these photos Sandra! Your header is beautiful...all these flowers are so pretty! You definitely knew what you were doing with that camera!

  15. Such a refreshing place to land! Really enjoying what you are doing with that new camera.

  16. These are great pictures and wonderful quotes.

  17. pretty flowers and a few laughs to top it off. No wonder I like coming around here :)
    I like what you did with the last one. The shadow behind the flower looks cool

  18. All of them look real to me except the second one. Maybe because I have never seen one before. :)

  19. my hat's off, sandra!

    those are absolutely stunning shots!
    love the colours and the bokeh is really great!
    what lens did you use?

    the header is lovely as well.

    betty xx

  20. My goodness Sandra but these are stunning photos. Very captivating. Thanks for stopping by CITexas Gal Photo Blog...I'm glad to be back, and will come back more often to see your fablous PhotoBlog. Your header is super, too....Sue

  21. Yep on the insanity quote!

    Love all the pretty flowers, ours are fading fast. The Gaillardia is my favorite and the second one, a Sensitive plant?

  22. Tears actually popped in my eyes as I read some of those jokes.... good ones! GORGEOUS header and images... love them!

  23. Oh I really enjoyed your little wild river flowers! So pretty and the quotes are great..now I see this was one of your headers you chose!

  24. Beautiful photos...and my motto is that first one.
