Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Down at the River - Sammie

 Meet Samantha, also know as Sam or Sammie. Sammie belongs to my friend Diane, these are her fun shots from our trip to the river last week.

LEASH: A strap which attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your person where you want him/her to go.

DOG BED: Any soft, clean surface, such as the white bedspread in the guest room or the newly upholstered couch in the living room.

DROOL: A liquid which, when combined with sad eyes, forces humans to give you their food. To do this properly you must sit as close as you can and get the drool on the human.


WASTEBASKET: This is a dog toy filled with paper, envelopes, and old candy wrappers. It is important to evenly distribute its contents throughout the house before your person comes home.
 This is NOT photographer error. Diane was stooped under a big tree limb and to get the shot, I had to aim below the limb, the camera kept focusing on the limb. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
SNIFF: A social custom used to greet other dogs, similar to the human exchange of business cards.


  1. She is a cute, alert looking doggie and I love her definitions. Great shots.

  2. Your header is lovely and your series fantastic..what a great profile! The drool is comical!
    It is almost midnight (yikes) I promise to come back and go through your pictures..I see colorful crayons:)

  3. Ive seen Saammi on your blogs before. beautiful dog. A funny post.

  4. What a cute little girl! I bet she had a great time at the river.

  5. Pretty dog - looked like Disco a tiny bit.

    Now I loved the definition of a trash can - we have been trained not to leave anything valuable in it - like food! teehee


  6. wow! she's a cutie!!

    what adorable shots and the first macro shot is really gorgeous!

  7. Deliriously funny shots and sayings Sandra.
    Sammie has such a sweet little doggy face.


  8. She's a cutie! I had a Jack Russell names Samantha. Nice shots!

  9. she is a beauty and full of character!

  10. what a cutie...I bet you had a fun day...

  11. These ae great portraits of Sammie. I really like your definitions as well.

  12. Sammie is a pretty little thing. Duke knows all those definitions except for the garbage can. He leaves those alone although I suspect if he were able to get to the kitchen one he probably would get in to it

  13. She has such a pretty, alert face. I especially like the top photo.

  14. Loved your definitions...and it made me think. See if your library has Buster's Diary: The True Story of a Dog and his Man.

    There was one or two chapters that I just died laughing at cause they so described one of our dogs.

  15. Back again...I was going back looking at Buster's diary...there is a new one called Buster's Secret Diary....and you can read a few lines of it here:

    I think you would appreciate it...

  16. Oh so lovin' the chuckles! Hi to Sammie!!

  17. Sammie is a beautiful dog! Love your definitions! LOL!
