Friday, October 7, 2011

FMTSO - Thankful

Subject today for Friday My Town Shoot Out, is something in our Town we discovered or that we are thankful for. Click on link to join the fun or see other cities all over the world.
 Historic Old Main Street in Bradenton.  Above is edit in Photo Shop of the photo below.
 I am thankful that our city of Bradenton, chose to keep all the historic buildings in our city limits. All buildings that are remodeled have to be done in the period they were built, all new buildings have strict guidelines to preserve our historic section on Old Main Street

I wish they had made this decision BEFORE they built our Ugly Govt. Buildings downtown. Really Ugly Buildings.


  1. What a lovely historical town area this is, Sandra.
    I like how you showed it in both color and the stunning black and white.

  2. Ugly Govt Buildings Downtown. They did the same thing here in Savannah. The outside of the new federal bldg looks like the inside of a tiled bathroom. It became known as the bath room building.

  3. I love the B&W and original photo, that is a super photo. I love old buildings, they have such charm.

  4. I love the design of old buildings...not so crazy about all the new stuff...great shots the black and white...

  5. Pretty historic part of Main Street! Looks like you are definitely getting the hang of your new toy! Nice photos!

  6. I love anything of historic value. You've got a beautiful town.

  7. Bravo Bradenton and you for sharing!

  8. Wonderful shots Sandra! The old buildings have so much character.

  9. nice to see some quaintness preserved!

  10. I like a town that thinks like yours!

  11. THose old buildings have so much character.

  12. I love your photos too. I love Old Main Street too, but about the only time I drive down it is after a play at Manatee Players, and I can't really take the time to look. Now that it's cooler, I need to take a walking tour and get some photos myself.

  13. I love to see towns preserving their history instead of replacing it with ugly new buildings. The older buildings have so much more character than the ones they build now.

  14. I like your Photoshop edit of the photo of Old Main Street. I think the only type of buildings the government knows how to build is ugly buildings.

  15. govt buildings are like govts and big business and banks, they are all ugly. Today, I keep hearing about the big banks and their charges.

  16. Nice to see a bit of your town! I do like it too when they try to preserve old buildings.

  17. I do not own Photo Shop but you make me think I ought to give it a try. Your pics are great.

  18. Love how you did the two different colors of the same photo.

    And that is a lovely historical town.

    Love, sandie
