Friday, October 21, 2011

In Memory of Daddy

 In Memory of my Dad, Charles F. McCall born Oct 21, 1913 - July 5, 2006
Precious Memories was one of his favorites and the song he chose for his Mothers funeral in 1959.
to read  his story go on Appalachian Mountain Preacher


  1. nice post Sandra....your Dad would be proud...

  2. what a powerful post!
    and a great tribute to your Dad.

  3. What a wonderful post Sandra. I will be back later today to read about him. :)

  4. Beautiful tribute to your dad, Sandra. What a wonderful photo of him; you favor your dad!

  5. Your dad was a handsome man, Sandra. And you look a lot like him. This is a loving tribute to him, I'm sure he loved you very much! Have a great weekend!

  6. I remember that post! You really look like your dad, and I guess you have heard that more than once. I love the way you made that fall arrangement on the bible.

  7. What a wonderful memorial honoring your Dad.

  8. Sandra, you look a lot like your dad. It's good to have positive memories of our loved ones.

    God Bless and have a Wonderful Weekend :-)

    *The Old Geezer Blog

  9. What a beautiful post Sandra!
    Sending you big hugs!
    xo Catherine

  10. I just read the story of your father. This is an amazing story. So many children of that time did the right thing, quit school to take care of the family. Tells a lot about how those people lead their life, and how they relate to others. Very nice post. You look exactly like your dad!

    Curious about the bridge. Were you afraid to go across the wiggly bridge?

  11. I remember reading that other post before (reread it again now). Nice flower arrangement too.

  12. Nice post about your Dad. I love the song, Precious Memories too.

  13. I went over to the other post - amazing story and that was sure nice of Betsy and George to get those pictures for you to have!
    And I think you look like your dad too!


  14. Thanks for sharing this precious memory.

  15. I had no idea your dad was a minister. My heart goes out to you, I know you must miss him.

    I like reading about where you grew up and that vid about mt folks. I have seen several movies like that about the history of mt people and the songs.

  16. a very nice tribute to your dad Sandra. You have his smile.

  17. We're all just grass..I do remember this a little but yet forgot much and it made me cry.. love all the old photos!! You do look like your dad and I too love that song. There are many versions too I guess. Wow, thanks, a very special tribute! My dad's is on the 28th. I get redundant and think I made him older than he was before (lol) husband does that to me!
    I'm going to make dinner (will catch up tonight) (Hugs)

  18. A beautiful post Sandra. I can definitely see a lot of your dad's features in you. The video is lovely.

  19. Howdy! Stopped in from over at Tipper's place. Loved the story. And I love this song AND Patty Loveless,too.

  20. Heartfelt post and song. Bless you.


  21. Dear Sandra, your father was a handsome man. You resemble him much. This is lovely tribute to him. I like the song and the photos from the slide show.

  22. I don't think the sting of a loved one's passing ever gets better. I think it just gets pushed down deeper. Warm thoughts.

  23. So nice! I see a lot of you in him and vice versa!
