Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hubby and the Cable Gal

Above is my favorite Lizard Dude Leonard, he lives with his wife, Lizzie on our fence. His cousin Leon and his children are featured in past posts. If you want to meet them go to labels on the side bar and click on Lizards.
I want to share a story about my favorite human dude, Hubby Bob. 
Thursday AM, Bob is on one computer and Me on the other. Well, not ON but On Line, sitting in a chair, make that 2 chairs, but I digress.
TAP! TAP! TAP! on the front door, which is the signal for all you know what to break loose in Canine Speak.
A knock on the door and the ferocious sound at the front window sounds like the hounds of the Baskervilles are coming out through the window. The window glass shakes with the sound. there are scratching sounds at the door.

Peeking out, to see who dared knock on the door, I saw a small, timid lady, huddled with a bag on her shoulder peering fearfully at the windows, afraid to walk in front of them to get back to her car. I looked at the car and saw Bright-house on the side panel, which means the lady must be a Cable Guy Gal
Since it is easier to contain the dogs, Bob goes out into the garage and pushes the magic button and as it slides up, she can see his feet and he can see hers, she has managed to walk to the front of her car, because I muzzled the noise.
Door goes up, and her eyes get really wide, she gingerly hands Bob her card and a brochure and says if you need any help, call that number and I will come and answer questions or assist. She races to her car and blasts out of the drive way like the hounds are after her.
You may wonder why the sight of a sweet guy like the one above appearing in a dark garage would scare the woman away.... Well! I mean he LOOKS like Santa in the wrong suit.
You see, he had been working in the garage in his Garage Clothes.... he is dressed in shorts full of stains and holes that are hanging almost off his you know what, because he lost 28 pounds and refuses to use good ones that fit. His shirt is a home made "wife beater" which he made himself by cutting the arms out and the neck out of an old white t-shirt. the shirt is full of holes from the propellers of his airplanes getting to close and holes from acid dripping on it. 
Now picture those clothes on above man and put some sweat and dirt in the white hair and stand it all on end... Are you picking up what I am putting down????
Bob comes in laughing his head off, and I said What happened? what did she want? He said I wish you could have seen her face when the door rolled to the top.... she looked so frightened she could hardly speak, like she thought I might drag her inside with the dogs, you have got to blog this one. So I Did

 Above photo was taken with my old Rebel and you can tell it was doing it's white out thing, the clarity with the first two is from the new Rebel. quite a bit of difference. I took all of them with the telephoto lens, since he gets a little skittish if I get 3 feet away, 5 feet is good.
Leonard A.K.A  Surfer Dude, to see more of my sweet guy and his lady, look at my labels for lizards.


  1. Great shots of your friend Leonard.. and what a hilarious story- loved it. Sounds like our men have the same fashion sense! (lol)

  2. Great photos of your lizard friend - and of yourself and Bob of course. You should have included a photo of Bob in his garage clothes too though - but maybe you hesitate to scare us! I guess people who have to go door to door in their job never know what to expect next, poor cable girl ;)

  3. Great shots of Leonard!

    That is a funny story. People who go knocking on door should learn to expect most anything. If she is that easily scared maybe she needs a different job. Poor thing.

  4. Golly, your lizard pics are truly amazing and he sure wanted you to get his best side so he stayed there. Love the one where he looks like he is on his stomach with feet out like he is on a surfboard.

    I sure got a visual, that was a funny story.

  5. Great post. We could hire Bob to scare off salesman. Now if we could figure out a way to scare off telle marketers we'd make a fortune. LOL

  6. Love your lizards and the funny story. Bob doesn't look scary here but I can imagine the picture you painted.

  7. haha ~ that is funny! Hubby does look like Santa ~ too cute! And what a cute couple you two are! And is that your car? Look how shiny and clean it is ~ love the color ~ very sport!

    Your lizard neighbour is very sweet too!

    Happy Saturday Sandra!
    xo Catherine

  8. crazed santa man with rabid dogs at such and such address... eek!

  9. Leonard is still a fine looking specimen! Good pics!
    The Bob story is hilarious! Yes, I can get the picture. Sometimes that is the way I dress. If I don't wet comb my hair when I get up it looks like I have stuck my finger in the light socket. No one ever comes to our door and if they do Snapper can answer it and I run for the bedroom. Our raggedy, worn out clothes are the most comfortable...With the world we are living in today, and the awful things people do to other people,no telling what the lady was thinking. Usually people open the front door, not the garage door. She probably thought he was an ax murderer and he was going to drag her in and do, who knows what?? I would not want to go door to peoples houses in this day at time. Love Ya, Madeline

  10. I bet Bob is still laughing! Thanks for sharing this great story. I always love seeing your favorite lizard friends!

  11. too funny story!

    leonard is such a good looking lizard.
    gotta love him!!

    glad to see your photo!
    you both look gorgeous and happy!

  12. Funny story, indeed. It made me smile. :-)) You and Bog look great.
    Your photos of lizard are great but I have to admit that I am not a fan of them at all. I have a feeling of discomfort, even when I look them on photos or TV.

  13. Those are some neat looking lizards Sandra! I like how you have them all named and know who they are!

    Funny story about that lady and your husband! lol We had those J. Witnesses that came clear out in the country where I live a few weeks ago. I had on my chore clothes and this lady was all dressed up and beautiful looking. Her eyes got big when she seen me and Jazz kept jumping on her. I kept telling Jazz to quit and saying No! lol It was funny! Hopefully she won't come back but there was a car load of them.

  14. I wish I had Leonard and Lizzie on my fence. I love reptiles and amphibia but have to settle for the frogs and newts in our little ponds.

    (I ended up here because we seem to visit a number of mutual sites!)

  15. LOL! He sounds so much like my hubby, without the whiskers and wifebeater. Dave has a "Darth Maul" shirt that is scary, though. Love the lizards too.

  16. I like when people name thier pets and critters in back yard with REAL people names. Gives them a real purpose in life with a regular name, instead of "fluffy", or "Spot", etc. I hope no one reads this that have a fluffy or a spot!
    Since my name is Jane, I grew up with the early readers of Dick & Jane. Then Spot the dog. Got a lot of teasing, and still do. Maybe that is why I listed SPOT?
    Nice post Sandra...

  17. You need to sneak up on Bob and get a photo of him working in his workshop. :)

  18. Loved leonard portraits with new rebel. Funny Bob syory, but determined lady. She did deliver her brochure after all. But . . . would she ever comeback to answer questions!

  19. That gal should get a bonus. She delivered her brochure in spite of the dogs and the Santa from you know where. Thanks for brightening my evening with this story.

  20. I wish you could have gotten a picture of that ladies's face when she saw your Hubby.

  21. LOL! I loved this story, Sandra. Nice shots of the lizard, too. And that's a great photo of the two of you!

  22. I love the shots of Leonard but the story about Bob and the cable gal is just way too funny. I can only imagine what must have been going through her

  23. What a difference a camera makes - your lizard is a cutie, but not as cute as your description of Bob. He and my hubby out to model.


  24. TEARS - LITERALLY streaming down my face as I laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.... oh my goodness -

    My tummy aches so good from this laughter!!! xoxox Way to go hubby - love it.

  25. Haha...I can picture it all. By the way, sounds like your hubby and my hubby could be twins when it comes to dress and working...
