Saturday, October 22, 2011

Worth 1000 Words


  1. This is a great picture, he has all four paws in the air and you can even see the dust shaking up under them!!! Your story below is so funny!!! You never need to worry about intruders or burglars with Jake and Baby, a nice feeling of security. I'm afraid that I would have been more scared than this poor little woman, she was BRAVE to not just walk right on by your house, who would have known any different if she did? What REALLY scares me is when we come across big scary dogs barking and snarling, and they look to be LOOSE, oh no!!! But it turns out to be one of those invisible fences. Those things are not good for old or sick people!!!

  2. Great action shot! I love Baby and Jake. Jake reminds me so much of Rocket. Look at his energy!

  3. Oh my goodness, look at the dirt being tossed up...they are really at it.

  4. They sure do play rough at times, don;t they? This is a terrific shot!

  5. awww that is awesome....they are having a ball..

  6. awww that is awesome....they are having a ball..

  7. Wow, great action shot! Those two sure love to play.

  8. Great timing on that shot to catch all 4 legs in the air! Terrific!!

  9. These are great motion shots of Jake and Baby! It's good they do that outside huh. Sometimes Shamira Moo gets a bit radical in the house with the real harm done (the cats together on the other hand (lol)- mostly the younger though-

  10. I love your "paws in the air" shots of Jake and Baby. That's a really great leap by Jake.

  11. Great action shot. Are they playing or fighting??

  12. No way. You are not going to believe this but I was thinking of doing a post exactly like this. Same post title and one picture. It's true, great minds do think alike :)

  13. You got one in mid air complete with dust in the air - great shot. sandie
