Thursday, October 6, 2011

Macro Manual 2

 I sit at the kitchen table and practice macro using Manual setting. Any and All advice Welcome. Almost but not quite.
 My subject here are seed pods from Dwarf Poinciana Tree.... one of them popped and exploded seeds in my face while intently staring through the view finder. I YELPED and hubby said what was that?

I think I strained my brain playing with manual focus on the camera. 
I put cheese in frying pan on stove to make egg/cheese on toast, forgot to turn on the burner. Toast was ready egg was not.
I handed Bob his pills at breakfast, he said don’t I take these at night? well duhhh
I got up from the sofa and went to get another cup of coffee, got to the pot, my coffee cup was still in the living room.

What’s UP with the brain power? and it is now only 8 AM, so who knows what will happen or not happen


  1. I think you seem rather good at it, the photo focus I mean. Shifting focus from the camera to other things seems to be a bigger problem ;)

  2. That must have been a little startling to have the seed pod explode in your face! I would have yelped too.

    Looks like you're getting there, I really like the results on your last shot.

  3. What fun little twisty leaves!

    I hate 'brain freeze' days! Sometimes I have them lots. :(

    xo Catherine

  4. You are going to enjoy this camera when you quit reading the book,manuel. A trip to beer can beach is what you need. LOL

  5. I agree with Snapper the photos...

  6. I think she's got it by George...

    Its still difficult for me but you seem to be getting it real quick. One thing is to set the camera on single or its "spot" focus. At this second I cant remember but you have to go into Menu and change how and where the lens is to spot focus. I will look in my big book and email you if you dont already know and have done that.

    Bravo!!! You are doing super!!

    your poor hubby, my hubby can relate. I did some real nutty things. But when ones mind has been focused on one thing for hours on end we forget the world is still turning and we have family to tend to. Its hard to get our mind back.

  7. These pictures look great to me.I am smiling about your little mishaps. We get so focused,no pun intended,on some things that we forget the everyday stuff. Keep on having fun.

  8. you need to stay home, stay indoors and stay away from the stove today! :)

  9. i'm smiling about your little mishaps...i also hate brain freeze days, but i tend to be under that state of mind, i think! haha

    love the macros, great results...keep having fun!

  10. I have days like that. I call it Getting Older. ha! I think your shots look great, I'm a long way from getting a good macro. Have a fun day!

  11. None of that sounded strange to me....Beth is like that all the time....

  12. Looks like you are a fast learner. Even without the coffee!

  13. It sounds as if you're suffering from brain exhaustion trying to become a Manual expert. I think these macros are better than anything I've been able to do.

  14. Great photos, Sandra... You may be using lots of brain power, but they are all worth it!!!! I still use auto focus simply because I don't trust my eyes...

    Those 'moments' are ones that we all have. I left a big bedspread in the washing machine for a WEEK... I started smelling something in the laundry room --and had no idea what it was... Talk about DUH!!!!! ha ha


  15. Ah yes, welcome to my world. I hate when my brain takes a vacation and I'm not invited.

  16. I am glad someone else is having one of these days...I did something I am too embarrassed to admit. One of those things where it left me scratching my head in wonderment at my own stupidity. I think it was too little sleep.

    Anyway, I am liking these...a lot.

  17. Sandra, i agree with other comments that we all have days like that when we forget what we wanted to remember. As far as the macro shots, they look good to me, but then i am only using the macro setting on my Canon PowerShot S130 which is nothing fancy but does a heck of a job. I like DSLRS nad had several, but the weight and expense of lenses and accessories makes me hapy not to have one now.

  18. That all sounds like a typical day to me except for the exploding seed pod :) Wish I had advice to give you but I fly by the seat of my pants most of the time and have no clue what I'm doing

  19. The pictures are interesting but that header is something else! It is crystal clear. Just beautiful!!!
    Love, Madeline

  20. I like them all and the last one is pretty. I get that brain strain too easily! Funny, do you ever just stare at them after you upload? lol)

  21. Sounds like you have the ability to concentrate every cell in your body, including braion cells, on a task you are interested in. Right now it's that new camera.

    Go, MadSnapper!

  22. Great macro pictures. And another thing we have in common - our loss of brain power - teehee. sandie♥
