Saturday, October 15, 2011

Red Hibiscus

 We had 3 just like this on one bush, more than 4 inches wide. We have 3 types that are red, 2 orange, 3 pink and they bloom year round, but not as much in the cooler months. There is rarely a day without a bloom.
 Above flower in back yard, taken in full Manual Mode, below a Snap! in Auto. What a difference. It is difficult to pick up details on red.
I have now taken 2110 photos with the new camera. Don't worry, I deleted all but 100. Practice makes perfect and I now understand the camera a lot more.  the way to learn is to play and you know I love to Play


  1. Oh, I know exactly what you mean..
    They are beautiful!

  2. Very pretty. I'm still getting blooms on my hibiscus. I was surprised.
    What a difference between the manual and auto mode shots. Obviously the camera is not always a good judge of conditions

  3. Sandra
    These are perfect, absolutely beautiful , Great detail.

  4. These glorious red ones are my hubby's favorites. And your new camera and your skills with manual mode really captured amazing detail. Sandra thanks for encouraging words and prayer, plus your day brightening posts!

  5. you definitely live in the right climate for these tropical beauties!

  6. I love this big red flower! We use to have a red/deep rose colored hybiscus on 60th St., right by the front porch. It was gorgeous, but did not bloom year round, only in the winter. I believe these are a differnt variation, and there is a word for them, that I can't remember right now. Darn that makes me mad!!! Mine was an old timey one, so to speak, and these are grown differently. Do you know what I am trying to say? Anyway, beautiful pictures! It ain't no fun getting old. I left my mind somewhere this morning and can't find it.....Love ya, Madeline

  7. The hibiscus is a beautiful flower and you got a good shot of it!

  8. Sometime I hope we can "play" together.
    What a difference in the pictures. The hibiscus are beautiful.
    Happy snapping.

  9. O.K., I am REALLY impressed, and for the first time really see a need for one of these honkin' big cameras!! Red is so BAD to snap, and the auto picture just does not do this flower justice, it takes away it's brilliance. Of course once you have the camera, you have to know ow to DO this with it, and you've finally mastered it!!! I cannot do even half the stuff with my camera, and when I learn, I forget if I don't use the feature every day. BRAVO!

  10. WoWzer... you sure captured this flower in all its beauty, LOOK at the detail! You are mastering this this camera, I need to pick your brain now.

  11. I just took pics of my Hibiscus the other day. Red is my favorite color and I have two pretty blooms on it. You're pics are so pretty! I've been using the manual mode more lately and trying to understand it. It usually takes better pics than auto. Over 2000 pics Sandra?? You have been breaking in that new toy! Glad you're enjoying!

  12. °º✿
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
    °º♫ Suas fotos estão lindas. Eu também tenho hibiscos.
    °º✿ BOM FIM DE SEMANA!!!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
    Brasil♥ •˚。
    °° 。♥。

  13. i'm loving those!

    superb shots!

    have a great weekend!

    betty xx

  14. Your practicing is paying off handsomely!

  15. Your last two shots definitely show the advantage of using manual mode, even though it can be a hassle at times. These are all wonderful pictures. You did a great job with the red blossom.

  16. When playing results in pictures as lovely as these,then I say,'play on'.

  17. Every time I see one of these I think of my mom...she had a red one. I keep meaning to get some...they are very photogenic!

  18. The hibiscus are gorgeous, I love love to have blooms like that in my yard are year long. Of course they might get covered by the snow. LOL!

    Big difference in your manual and auto modes. Playing is far better than studying.

  19. Such pretty read flowers!!!

    Isn't it amazing the amount of photos a person can take once they start snapping? Haha! The hard part is keeping up on them and not letting them accumulate.

    Wishing you a wonderful Sunday Sandra!
    xo Catherine

  20. You sure do like to play! 2000 pictures - wow. I guess you do know how to take a picture now.

    Love the hibiscus in your yard!!!

