Sunday, October 16, 2011

Down to the River

O fathers lets go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord show me the way

The video is from the Movie ,O Brother, Where Art Thou? it is the from soundtrack of music from the 2000 American film of the same name,  George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, and John Goodman.


  1. Great photos.
    I saw the movie and remember the song. I also have the music CD by Alison Krauss.

  2. Hummm I have that DVD and have never watched it! Thanks for the idea! That's what I'll do this evening!
    Great photos!

  3. a lovely walk down by the river. I've heard of that movie but I've never seen it.

  4. i love that movie and have the soundtrack CD too. :)

  5. That is one movie I really enjoyed... Loved the music also in that movie... This arrangement is excellent...

    Great photos also to go along with the song.


  6. I love these pictures.You had me singing that song as I looked at them.

  7. what beautiful pictures you paired with that wonderful song!

    that looks like an interesting movie as well.

    thanks for this inspirational post!

    betty xx

  8. Love your photos, have the cd. What is there about that husband and my boss LOVED that movie.

  9. I saw the movie and was not that crazy about it but I loved the music! I am not a big fan of George Clooney for some reason?? Most people love him. I am just weird....Beautiful pictures. That first one is God peeking through the tree at us...

  10. What lovely pictures to depict this song! I believe I have the song,I think it's Alison Krauss & Union Station. I also saw the movie. They say it's symbolic but I forget of what!!!

  11. That first picture is beautiful.

  12. Love your header!
    I've seen that movie...funny.
    These photos are beautiful, especially the first one. Looks like you had a great day at the river. :)

  13. Lovely musiek of this film, greeting from Belgium

  14. These photos are really so beautiful. I don’t know in which one I enjoy more. I like that pathway along the river; what a beautiful place to take a walk! I’ve never seen that movie and the song I’ve heard for the first time. It is beautiful.
    Your hibiscus is lovely and your header photo is absolutely fantastic. I also like the new look of your blog.

  15. Just wonderfull: photos and music. Thak you for sharing.

    Have a Portuguese hug...

  16. Oh sister I loved - just loved this. I know that song and I love it.

    Love your header.


  17. I remember the movie and the song. Your photos are so inviting.

  18. Thanks Sandra! I absolutely love that song; I never get tired of hearing it.

  19. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the video. I enjoyed that movie very much and still enjoy the CD.

  20. I've been a big fan of Allison Kraus for years. Love her voice! Your pictures are just beautiful as always!

  21. Hi Sandra, the hibiscus in your header is just stunning against the black background! Love your lake photos, too. I haven't seen that movie, I'll have to watch it sometime. The song is beautiful.

  22. Hi! you've nailed the composition in both of those images... they are soooo pretty! How's things? Miss you!

  23. I just LOVE that hymn. And I've never seen that movie. I should get it from Netflix and see it. This video just may make me do it. :)

  24. Your river views are beautiful. It looks like a great place for a quiet walk.

    One of these days maybe I'll get around to watching this movie. The music is certainly beautiful.

  25. Beautiful photos. I have seen that movie, now I'm thinking that's one I should watch again some time.
