Monday, November 14, 2011

Chickens from West Virginia

I am so excited I can hardly type this post. Thursday  the mail man brought a package addressed to me, The MadSnapper from Angela of West Virginia Treasures.  WOOO HOOO! I yelled when hubby handed it to me, their HERE.

I opened the box, pulled out the bag you see above and it was about 50 little Hens And Chicks. I LOVE THEM. Thank you Angela. I had commented on her post it was the one plant we don't have in our jungle, and now we do. They easily survived the flight.
 Isn't this HEN adorable? like a green rose.  I planted them in 4 small pots and one very large pot
I got this info from Wikipedia 
Hen and chicks (also known as Hen-and-chickens) is a common name for a group of small succulents belonging to the flowering plant family Crassulaceae, native to Europe and northern Africa.
 They grow close to the ground with leaves formed around each other in a rosette, and propagating by offsets.
 The "hen" is the main plant, and the "chicks" are the offspring, for those of you who can say long words,
they are Sempervivum tectorum, which is much harder to say/think than Hens and Chicks.
 Sorry folks, it's time for a Chicken Joke
Q: What happened to the chicken whose feathers were all pointing the wrong way?
A: She was tickled to death!    



  1. That's quite a flock of chickens you received. That was so sweet of Angela to send them your way. I love Semps of all kinds but Hens & Chicks are the cutest. In your climate they should multiply in no time. Mine go into a sort of hibernation in the winter months.

  2. I love my hens and chicks ~ they are so hardy and can make it through the dry summers and the cold winters. Very fun!
    xo Catherine

  3. My mother will be watching them grow, I'm sure. She loved these. I've never grown any and probably they would not grow here. I'll be watching yours.

  4. My Virginia family always had these growing. I hadn't thought of them in years. Love the look.


  5. how cool!!! i love this lovely blogland we live in!!! such great 'neighbors'! :)

  6. Wahoo gal, that is one mother load of plants and glad they got there safe. If you hear crowing you will know there is a rooster in the bunch.... :)

    I know they have a good home there and will enjoy your weather.

  7. OH!! AND WOW WHAT A HEADER SHOT!! Love the green and the sun behind it.

  8. AH! I bet they will love living with you. :) That was extremely kind of Angela.

  9. That's so great! I'm looking forward to seeing them grow. :) Blogland is so cool!

  10. I see in your future more pictures of Hen and Chicks. I have a few of these plants,only hope they survive the winter.

  11. Love hens and chicks! Look forward to seeing them as they grow!

  12. How sweet is that. Blogger sure are a friendly bunch.
    I love your little chicks, Sandra, and can't wait to see their eggs'(sorry i just couldn't help myself:)

    inner child

  13. Love your header.. 'Header Queen'

  14. What a delightful gift you received. The Hen and chicks looks like something I could grow and it would survive....
    I look forward to seeing their progress.

  15. What fun you have had with your hens and chickens. They are a great plant and easy to grow. We have a similar succulent but I'm not sure if it is the same plant. You are lucky to be able to send plant material interstate. we are not allowed to do that as there is a danger of passing on unwanted plant diseases. I would love to send my daughter in Sydney some succulents a she has just started to enjoy balcony gardening.

  16. What a fun package to receive in the mail!

  17. We have quite a few hens and chicks (sempervivum) in our yard. They are fascinating plants and (my favorite part) they take almost no work.

  18. I'm so glad that you like them! They look egg-cellent to me! lol I love how they greened up before they got to your house. They really are so easy to care for that you'll have many more before you know it! I loved reading the funny comments you got about them. The rooster a crowing is too funny and selling eggs is funny too!

    I can't wait to see how they do there in the next couple of months!


  19. I like hens and chicks, too! I have a couple posts of them.

  20. can you hear me cackling...I'm so excited for Nana always had hen and chicks....I'm envious of you...

  21. Great joke - love the hens and chicks. Mom has lots and they are such fun to take pics of!!

  22. what a fun package to get in the mail. I remember having these in our yard when I was growing up. I always liked them but I don't have any now. If I remember correctly they spread quite quickly

  23. I like the hens and chicks...reminds me of home. Mom always had them in the house...

  24. i love how hardy can be in any season.
    i love hens and chicks.

    those look so lovely.
    gorgeous macro!

  25. Angela is a sweetheart of a gal. And that was so nice to send you those chickens and hens- I was thinking of something bigger. lol

  26. What a great gift from someone. Did you know it was coming? That you feel tickled makes me smile :)
