Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Village of The Arts-Bradenton

 The Village of the Arts is a  community of artists living and working together in Bradenton, Florida. The Village is Florida’s largest art community and over 30 businesses call the Village home.

 Galleries, studios, cafes, healing arts, jewelry, fashion and books can all be found as you wander the streets of this charming area of restored 1920's and 30's cottages. Located just south of downtown
The Village ArtWalks are the first weekend of every month:  Fri. 6 - 9:30pm & Sat. 11am - 4pm
 On Dec 2 and 3, they will have Old Fashioned Christmas Village with all the cottages decorated and strolling carolers.

YES, Virginia! there are MORE photos ON the Way..... Only the MadSnapper Knows what is NEXT and I love these old houses.


  1. Gotta love a house, or two, with a purple picket fence. In fact purple looks like a popular color in the community. I love places like this so I'm looking forward to more photos.

  2. Looks like you and Ginny coordinated your post today. Very colorful and fun. I love that art community, they always have fun places where they live and work. I guess if you can funky up old furniture, then why not houses.

    Great fun post.

  3. Oh, what fun! I love all these cute little cottages. But it will be something to see all decorated for Christmas!

  4. what an awesome place to visit...very colorful...love the Rooster...need that for my backyard...you think Rooster would be jealous???lol...can't wait to see more..

  5. Our downtown is a mini-version and not quite as concentrated, but I love the fanciful and colorful choices in paint and accessories in your village and our town.

    Looking forward to the Christmas pix, sans snow I presume!

  6. ah, yes. the florida colors come out to play. :)

  7. Man I love those houses. I've always liked color and could totally live in a house painted like any of these.

  8. So much color and so much fun! I bet it's so pretty at Christmas time. Looking forward to more. :)

  9. Charming is the word..colorful...I love the old houses too

  10. That is one colorful community! I love those neat older houses. Looking forward to more photos!

  11. Hi Sandra, Yours and Ginny's blog posts today are so similar... It's all about what can be done with some paint... The old houses are adorable with all of their colors...

    Hope you get back in Dec. for the Christmas Village...

  12. What a great use of color! Must be wonderful to visit. Looking forward to more from this area.
    Have a great day, Sandra!

  13. YIKES, WHY, WHY, WHY have you not posted this before??? This is one of my favorite posts of yours ever, I LOVE the houses!! And again we have posted the same things today!!!! All we need is to get MY furniture in YOUR houses! It is the same colors and everything!! We rock!! Your header is amazing. If I didn't have a bad knee, how I would love to buy and live in that big house!!! I love the big rooster! Do the artists live in these houses, or are they the studios? How many houses? I want to see ALL of them, and ALL of the art that's outside. Do you go at Christmas? So glad your hen and chicks arrived so good in the mail, that is a surprise. They are so CUTE!

  14. Our house really needs painting!!! Ya think??? And I want that purple fence as well... Just while they are at it, a little extra to throw in.

  15. Just looking at those house makes me smile. They have a whimsical look.

  16. what a charming village. That looks like my kind of place. Are these just businesses or do the artists live in the cottages as well?

  17. Love those beautiful colorful buildings! Looking forward to your lizard snaps!

  18. Sandra, I so love these...I always love colorful cottages. it was fun seeing them all in one post...

  19. Woohoo....more photos! I was afraid you were gonna leave us hangin'

    Sounds like a wonderful place...I wanna come!

    God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie! :o)

  20. i, too love those old houses. i love their beautiful colours!
    can't wait to see more!

    betty xx

  21. Okay - I would love to live in a community with homes like that - i know they are businesses but wouldn't it be kind of fun?

    Now I have to tell you something and I mean this will all my heart- your header is one if not the most beautiful I have even seen.

    You are getting great with your camera and photo shop.


  22. Those are so colorful and cozy looking! How neat is that!


  23. Fascinating homes and so colorful. What a fun place to browse. Photographers paradise...

  24. So much fun! I visited a place in southern Ontario that was painted like this but the weather wasn't that great that day. Now I want to go back on a sunny day. :)

  25. Love this post. Also learned that I should read yours in order they were posted when I've missed a few. All makes better sense that way. Silly me :)

  26. I love all these houses. Great photography.

  27. Oh this is awesome. I enjoyed all of them. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoyed all the fences. I can
    not even find any more different fences but you have supplied enough for 12 weeks of entries. Lucky you.
