Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Fence- Bed & Breakfast

 I left the library and passed the The Londoner Bed and Breakfast for the hundredth time, this time I STOPPED. Parked illegally in an Attorney's parking lot right in front of the sign that reads Clients Only
Above photo is the why of the stop and snap.
UPDATE: Bengal Skyflower of the Clock Vine family

Look, I says to myself. a FENCE for Friday Fence Post....Drat, I says to myself, I only have the pocket sized Coopix with me.
 Oh Wow... not just a FENCE.... Morning Glories.... a whole fence full.   Flowers on a FENCE.
And just as I Snapped! up close and personal on this flower, out crawled a bee, he was so far up in that gorgeous yellow center, I did not see him.  I jumped backwards and  I Snapped the Coolpix and Accidentally got the Bee Shot.
He is the best Bee I have ever taken, because they scare me silly and I use long lens, so this was Meant to Be, Ginny


  1. I was going to tell you how much I liked the little honey bee in your header photo. That B&B with it's white picket fence if really pretty.

    The flowers are gorgeous but I have never seen a morning glory like that before.

  2. Wow.. your header shot is gorgeous, Sandra.

    I have been searching for a good small camera. I would love to know which coolpix it is.


  3. Ditto squirrel queen. These gorgeous blooms are a first for me and the bee is a delightful plus.

  4. What a great serendipity shot. I can never get the bee all in focus as they buzz around. Pretty flowers too.

  5. I love that you parked illegally in an attorneys parking lot....that is those unexpected surprises...nice bee...

  6. I'd forgotten all about morning glories. I just love them and they don't grow here.

  7. I am so jealous of all the pretty purple and green you have Sandra. It looks so nice and warm there. It is getting cold here with threats of snow. It makes me sad. :(

    xo Catherine

  8. The first thing that took my breath away was your header photo. It is absolutely stunning. Of course, it is completely understandable why you stopped there. Those gorgeous flowers on the fence is really a lovely sight.

  9. Your header is gorgeous! Such a great shot of the bee and it was by accident?? That's great!
    The white picket fence is so pretty, especially with those morning glories. I've never seen any that color before either.
    Happy Friday!!

  10. It must have been meant to be- because it was a beautiful shot. Amazing shot. I like the fence too. I think there is nothing wrong parking in a forbidden place for a gorgeous picture like that!

    Love, sandie

  11. sorry, but i'm laughing at you getting your best bee shot ever because you jumped back! :)

    a great fence photo - especially with the deck mirroring it. :)

  12. Awesome shot, my friend! All of our bees have parka's on....

  13. I would like to visit that looks so inviting.

    I too thought what a great header shot!

  14. How funny!!! You are a well practiced snapper, because as you jumped backwards, you STILL managed to hold the camera steady! That takes some doing!!! The picture looks taken on purpose!

  15. These are great photos. I'm glad you stopped to get them, but I hope you didn't get into trouble with the attorney. Your shot of the bee is marvelous. I couldn't get a picture that good if I tried.

  16. Sure 'shootin' girl, it was truly meant to bee!!!

    That is a most amazin' picture there.

    I'm allergic to the little singers but can't truly avoid 'em 'round here. Especially in my acre of flower gardens.

    Well, they're toast now anyway.

    God bless and have a wonderful weekend!!! :o)

  17. For an unplanned photo, this is really great! I love that you put it on your header, the colors are perfect. Maybe you are allergic to bees, or do they just scare you?

  18. Now there's a happy accident! And so good of you to admit it. Glad you were in the right place at the right time and shared it with all of us. Beautiful!

  19. Love the flowers against the white pickets. Cool header shot, too!

  20. I just love B&B's always dreamed of owning one. The fence with the morning glories is awesome! Your little coolpix takes a great shot. Thanks for playing FF

  21. Fantastic pictures,even if you were stopped at the wrong place. We won't tell anyone.

  22. in my opinion there is no such thing as illegally parking when there are pictures that need to be taken.
    Happy accident with the bee, and I love the look of that bed and breakfast

  23. I love the fence but the morning glory is captivating!!!!I have never seen morning glories that look like that. Oh..How Beautiful. Great photos. Great shot of the bee.


  24. Love the header.... Color is awesome... AND you did get a great bee shot.... Nice B&B....My friend, Judy, loves B&B's... They go to ones when they travel. We prefer Hol. Inn Express... ha ha


  25. may be you treat yourself an overnight stay and see how good the services are.

    And have breakfast among the morning glories

  26. Beautiful morning glories on that fence. What an awesome photo for your header. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

  27. ♡°
    º° ✿✿♡°
    Olá, amiga!
    Muito interessante cartões de natal personalizados com fotos.
    Amei as fotografias anteriores e principalmente essas com as flores azuis... um show.
    Bom fim de semana.
    º° ✿✿♡°

  28. This fence was meant to hold up these glorious morning glories--what a wonderful shade of blue and the bee cooperated to help you get such a great shot. Moral of story--good photographers must be willing to "bend" the law a bit for art's sake? :-)

  29. Wow!!!
    Great shots Sandra. i love the last one of the bee on the flower.
    I'm still seeing bee's around here when the sun is warmest.

  30. These are great pics using a coolpix! I like the bed and breakfast theme

  31. Wow this is the bonus in shooting flowers. And you did this 'illegally' 'cause you parked in a private zone. lol

  32. An ordinary fence made extraordinary. A little touch of flowers always dresses up a subject.

  33. Very thoughtful of the bee to come out for a photo op! Your Coolpix takes very nice photos.

  34. Comment 36....AWESOME CAPTURES. This is a wonderful series....all t=of your pictures put a big smile on my face. You did such a wonderful job photographing the B and B as well as the fence and the flowers. Great contributions to the fence meme. genie

  35. I can never get such a good shot of a bee on my cool pix, must come over for lessons lol
    Bridget #12
