Thursday, November 3, 2011

They both said NO

 Baby, look at Mommy, please?
 This is sooooo boring....
 Jake, look at mommy, smile at the camera.
 They both said no!  Can you see they have the same look? the tight jaw, the ears back, it all spells NO
This is what they do when I aim the camera at them. Do ya think they might be tired of the MadSnapper?


  1. Great Sandra, I feel that celebrity can take it's toll and these dogs seem tired of the paparazzi.

  2. The constant attention of the pawparazzi has become too much for Jake and Baby. Next thing you know they will be wearing disguises so they won't be recognized in public. I am trying to imagine Jake in dark sunglasses. LOL!

  3. They seem to be uninterested.
    Maybe They would rather play ball.

  4. Just think; you could start charging admission for the photog challenge and paparazzi training. Your clients would attempt to capture images of pups and Leonard's clan, and other backyard fauna, all in dark glasses,wigs, hats and various other disguises. Of course you would also be due royalties on all they sell. Keep snapping!

  5. They're like kids, they always seem to be doing something cute when you don't have the camera on them!

  6. I'd say that's a safe bet ;^) Next time try balancing a milky bone on your lens and see what you get.

  7. I kinda get that impression that they are. Don't know what makes me think that...LOL!
    Have a great day!

  8. What lovely photos! I found you through Guest Heart Thursday--I LOVE your croc nostril heart. lol It's PERFECT!

  9. Ooooooohhhhh, Ahhhhhhhh!! The header is beautiful!!!! I bet you took it with an extreme zoom! And the bee has a wasp waist, I have never seen one like this. I bet he had a bee mommy and a wasp daddy!

  10. You understand them so well, Sandra. You could get a job as a dog whisperer.


  11. Maybe they want to be dressed up....I have plenty of outfits they can use!

  12. And they say cats have minds of their own.

  13. I'm laughing so hard at SquirrelQueen's comment! Superstars like Baby and Jake deserve a day off here and there. :)

  14. Well, maybe just a little - it's hard to be beautiful and wanted all the time - trust me honey - I know.

    love, sandie

  15. and if they are anything like Duke is, once they say no there is no changing their mind

  16. I can't imagine anyone getting bored with the MadSnapper.

  17. nice post thanks for sharing... loves soraya

  18. so glad you don't give up...they are precious..

  19. Naughty pups. Can't you just humour the mom and let her snappity snap snap snap your cute little faces?


    xo Catherine

  20. None of my cats will pose at all! I can get Bubbie when he is laying on his back all stretched out, but to get a good photo--no, that is too much to ask.
