Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trust Me Tuesday Tip

Have you ever struggled to open one of these child proof lids?

I have, and was getting to the point I would have to ask Hubby to open it for me.

I also drop things a lot.

A therapist (not the MENTAL kind, even though our are thinking I must need one), said get a squeeze ball and squeeze it, start now, do it every day.

I got the ball a year ago but kept forgetting to DO IT. (senior memory GONE)
One week ago, I placed the ball in a green lid (off my memory pills bottle, I did you not) and sat it on the breakfast bar at the place I eat all my meals.
(note: I never FORGET to EAT so this is the best place)
 Three times a day... Pick up the ball and squeeze

 Three times  a day, TEN times each hand.... I think that comes to 30 squeezes per hand per day, right?
THIS WORKS.... Trust me! 
 yet another OLD AGE thing is a Thyroid pill that I take at 4 AM because I can't have coffee for HALF HOUR later. At 4 AM without coffee I am supposed to open this lid. Bob is in the pool when I need his assistance.
In ONE day, I could remove the lid and by the 2nd day, I opened it with no problem and I have only dropped one thing since I started this.
 If you try this, don't forget to do the TIPS of your fingers 10 times also. If you don't have the problem now, start before you get OLD like me. 

TRUST ME! you will get OLD! and quicker than you think, quicker than a blink
The good news is, the excerise allows me to open the bottle
The bad news is, it did NOT make my hands look younger or remove the WRINKLES
Heaven forbid I get to the place where I could NOT Snap Photos


  1. Hi dear...I have the same problem: my husband opens the bottles for me. But I have no ball...
    And I do not Forget to eat either lolol...

    Your main picture, up on the top of your blog is "calling for Christmas..." ADORABLE!

    Tnak you for visiting.
    I feel very Happy because somentimes i comment in several blogs, more than once...and people do not have a word to me...as if they were afraid from me...a strange creture from a strange country. Sometimes I think that happens because of my "poor English":I end up spelling words bad!

    Well, you visit me...so I Thank You ..I enjoy reading your comments. THANK YOU!

  2. I had to laugh, the other day I picked up my husband's prescriptions and for the third month in a row there was a new kind of tamper proof top. It's gotten to the point that it not that it's hard to remove but it's figuring out the latest combination to open the thing.

  3. Do you squeeze or do you push down and turn is the question. Not only is it hard to turn the lid but also hard to read what to do, squeeze or push down.
    Its not fun growing old but better than the alternative.
    The ball sounds a good idea. What are you doing up at 4:00 am?

  4. Great post.
    Good tip, I love the header photo.

  5. When you get your prescription refilled, ask the pharmacist for a regular lid.


  6. I have one in the shape of an orange and it sits right next to my computer where its hard to forget.. but I can't do both at the same time :)
    I love your header, Sandra!

  7. We have to keep those hands strong,not just to open pill bottles,but more so to operate the camera.

  8. This is a great idea. I'm going to start now. Back when I exercised regulary I did use a very light weight for my hands. I would hold it, palm facing up and let the weight roll down my hand to my fingers and roll it back up in my hand. I like your way much better. I could use the stress ball while reading or even in the waiting room at the Dr.'s office.
    Great info Sandra!

  9. good girl! glad to know it is helping!!! yeah, protect those camera hands!

  10. Hmmmm.....I may have to just get one of those. If nothing else, it may lower my stress.

  11. Beth has Mike open stuff for her all the time and she's not old....in fact, she is only 28 (many times over, that is....ha ha!) I have heard that squeezing that ball thing is good for you....keep up the good work!

  12. Well my dear - I think your hand is pretty.

    You are so funny and so honest.

    I don't ever want you to not be able to snap pics so do those exercises girl.

    Is your pill helping?


  13. To answer your question, that Santa is at the Mall of the Millenia in Orlando. He's been there for years and, personally, I think he's the real one!!


  14. Woof! Woof! YES my do have a hard time opening those pill bottles. She also have senior moments (she's not even a senior). YES my mom also borrows my ball for her to use and exercise her hand/fingers. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  15. that is a great tip. i might have to buy that ball, too.
    protect your wonderful hands.

    btw the macro shot is really gorgeous! so neat!

    love the header:)

  16. Thanks for the tip. When my son was about eight years old, he would always open these child-proof tops for his grandmother.

  17. I'll have to try this. My fingers are losing so much of their strength and agility.

  18. Ouch, you made me wonder where I put my squeezy yellow one... Ah, it was in a basket in the living room... I've used it periodically but then whenever one is feeling a little better one tends to forget, doesn't one!

  19. Great tip, Sandra... We OLD people need all of the help we can get, don't we???????

    Thanks for sharing.

  20. I thought this was going to be a funny post (after reading the first sentences) but it turned out to be an educational post! Thank you! haha

    i have so many problems opening up these lids! i need to get a squeeze ball!!!

    Big hugs

  21. This is really, really good advice, I may get one of these balls! But I see you deal with CVS. So do we. All you have to do is request the non-childproof caps on all your meds, and they will do it!! The REAL easy ones to open! I take about a dozen pills a day, so they are real hard to keep up with. At bedtime, I put out all the pills for the next day. I put them on a little shelf. Then during the day, if I can't remember if I have taken one or not, I just look on the shelf, and if it's not there, that means I took it.

  22. I KNOW it works Sandra...I had the same problem until I began doing strengthening as well! Gosh it's good to see you and the Kids again!...:)JP

  23. I can't take the top off of anything anymore. I want one of those balls. Where did you buy it? Is it a sponge rubber ball? I was thinking since we have no little people, we could just sit the top on the meds and not tighten. Then I would probably knock it off the counter and sling the pills from here to yonder.....
    :-) Good blog. I think your hands are beautiful! Love you, Madeline

  24. my dad used to type to keep his fingers in tip top working shape. Although had he lived longer he probably would have ended up with carpal tunnel :)
    That would be dreadful if you couldn't work the camera

  25. Who you calling old? :-)

  26. that is a really smart idea....I'm on thyroid medicine...so is Bliss...

  27. I'm more shocked that you are up at 4 am and Bob is swimming in the pool at that time! I don't want to be up at that time at all. lol You better keep up with those exercises because I don't want you to never be able to snap a camera again! You take some AWESOME pictures and I would miss seeing them!

  28. I should do this...I can tell my hands are weaker than they used to be...now to remember to get the ball.

    The memory thing I really do not understand...I love puzzles of all kinds...cannot just sit and do nothing.

  29. Hi Sandra, thanks for the tip! I have a hard time with the darn lids, too. And, I think Uncle Arthur is visiting my knuckles because this morning it was hard to make a fist without them hurting. Now, if there were just an exercise for the wrinkles! I got 'em worse than you do!

  30. Luckily, you practice a lot taking photos so you are unlikely to lose your ability to snap the shutter. :) I'll have to find a ball like that and start squeezing.

  31. 4 AM??? There's a 4 AM???
    What are you doing up so early...Don't you know that being retired allows you to sleep in a bit?
    The squeeze ball is a great idea. I don't know why its so hard to exercise. Have to do this myself.
    Keep up the great photos, please.

  32. This is so priceless. I must do something like this. Sadly both hands have deformation in several fingers do to arthritis, a pails kind!
