Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's Christmas-Bit by Bit

 Each year I switch between two small trees for the nook and try to put something different on the tree. This year I wanted all silver and crystal, but crystal ornaments are way beyond my pocket book. I went to my Jewelry box that has no Jewels in it, found this  blue bead from a broken watch band and  below, my Santa earrings that I have not worn in YEARS.
Since 1 bead and 2 earrings does not a tree make, I added the 12 pink disco balls from last year. My brain said HEY how about crystal beads, the tree is small.
I hopped in my Sandra Claus Sleigh Vue and landed in the crowded Wal-Mart parking lot. First I checked the garden shop to make sure crystal ornaments did not appear there since the day before when I wandered up and down the aisles, (NOTE: I had Vanna White hold this for me)
I headed to the four corners of the 6 acre store to find the craft aisle with which I am not acquainted because I have not one craft gene in my body.

I never did find the craft aisle because on the end cap of the Drapery Aisle, I found a box of "crystals"

30 in a box for THREE DOLLARS..... 4 sizes 4 shapes Genuine Cut glass Plastic Crystals.

 Drapery Aisle ????

I have no idea what they were meant for, but they now reside on my tree as tree ornaments.
Can you find the MAD MadSnapper in the above photo?


  1. I see you. The tree looks fabulous and what a clever idea. Only 3 dollars for the crystals from the drapery aisle.

  2. Well you seem to have some creative genes anyway ;) It looks lovely. I have a small tree like that but I don't put that up until a week or so before Christmas and don't really vary the decorations much from year to year.

  3. Girl, you are crafty and dont know it yet. Awesome idea to hit the areas of WM and to find these bobbles. Perfect tree decor! the nook is in full holiday bloom.

  4. No Christmas without Christmas trees :)

  5. I think shopping for real plastic crystals at Walmart was a brilliant idea!

  6. Yesterday I said Your NOOK was beautiful!!! I have no words to describe such amazing photos. You got into Christmas spirit, indeed...and that's good for us...because we come here and feel So Merry!! (I do feel merry, and happy)
    And I than you for that!!!

  7. THose crystals look great on the tree. This is such a good idea,I must put that on the sticky side of my mind,for next year. Yes,I see the Madsnapper in the corner.

  8. way to go! brave soul for surviving walmart, too!

  9. Your tree is lovely - I am in awe of you finding the wonderful crystals in the drapery aisle. SMART!!!

    I read your comment on my Random Acts of Kindness post and you made me cry. How amazing that someone's seemingly tiny gesture of kindness can affect someone elses life so deeply. My prayers are with you.

  10. I see you on the left!

    What a great idea I never would have thought of that.

    Beautiful tree Sandra!


  11. I had to put on my Remlock Holmes hat -- but I found you! Love your tree! You certainly have a great talent for decorating -- AND -- taking pictures!

  12. i love your tree and your ornaments.
    look just fabulous!

    your home looks quite ready for christmas. i can almost feel the warmth just pouring from my computer screen.

  13. Simply fabulous with all those crystals! You did a marvelous job Sandra! I love it!

  14. A woman with a theme…
    I love it, I love crystal too.
    Your tree is beautiful.
    I like that you make changes.
    I have basically the same ornaments that I add to each year with no particular theme.
    Maybe I need to learn to change?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I see you Sandra. :)
    You're tree is so sparkly and beautiful! You are so clever and crafty!

  17. Yes, I did find you in the last picture. You were taking a picture of your beautiful tree. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has trouble figuring out where things are in Wal-Mart.

  18. I love your sense of adventure and creativeness.
    Hey, those precious jewels work. You have cute little trees that are completely original and one of a kind.

  19. You are absolutely cracking me up!!!! This is about the funniest post you have ever written!!! Can you get me Vanna's autograph? I would have literaly screamed when I saw those drapery gems, what a FIND!!! And they already had holes in the top! I wonder if they are to put on tie-back tassels? You are creative in life just like on the computer, if you did familarize yourself with the craft section, I can only imagine the cool thigs you would create! I LOVE the tree, and you snapping it!!

  20. Well I don't believe that part about not a single craft gene. I see lots of craftiness in your decor and photos.

  21. I see you! The tree is so pretty with cut glass...plastic crystals:)

  22. Found you are your heartfelt comment over at Clytie's place... kind of like you finding crystals in Walmart. You are a gem - and your tree is wonderful!! blessings- teri

  23. now that's what I call clever. Plus you now have a one of a kind Christmas tree

  24. I love the tree-and all the unusal ornaments too : ) and yes I see you in the mirror!

  25. Sandra, echoing the comments of others who have posted - YES, I do see you in the last photo and what a great idea you had to find that precious "crystal." The tree looks very festive and sparkly.

  26. I see you there!!! Looks like you have an apron on... What a busy Mad-Snapper..

    The tree looks great!!!! You 'done' good at Wallymart!!!!!


  27. Oh, I think there is a bit of craftiness in those bones! Well done ... it looks great and peek-a-boo, I see you!

  28. What a great find at WalMart! I'll be looking for some of these myself. My main tree is up and decorated, but I have some small ones that need a little something. Thanks for the tip, Sandra. Your tree is very pretty!

  29. Gooood morning my friend!
    Yes...I can see you! (The mirror, you know?)...LOL...
    Yesterday I forgot to answer your question...LOL
    Have a nice day!

  30. I do see you and you are a girl after my own heart...

  31. LOL...sounds like things that happen to me at your nook...

  32. They look like they were meant for your tree Sandra! They look PERFECT! I have no idea what they are really supposed to be though...

  33. So beautiful!!! Love it Sandra..there- you are creative! Well, since our Walmart did some remodeling, they did away with quite a bit of craft items (sniff).
    Hey, forgot to say I enjoyed his expressions on the video above too. Thanks~

  34. I see the MadSnapper in the mirror. Those are really pretty crystals. The way they reflect light makes them perfect for the tree.
