Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Dream

I love the Chevy Santa Commercials and this one is my favorite.  Before you watch it, I will share a dream I had last week.

In the dream, I was terrified, we got out of bed and I followed Bob through the dark house to  the sliding glass door .

Bob was dressed in a  black suit, with black turtleneck, he was standing just outside the door shouting at two Santa's that were floating in the pool on their backs with a lot of beer sitting on their bellies. I was standing in the door with arms extended and a pistol in my hand aiming at the Santa s, shouting move move, I can't see them....I can't see them.....

The Santa's in the dream were just like this guy, you see I have watched this commercial and 2 others over and over, by rewind/fast forward. (This explains the Santa.)

The night of the dream we watched a movie in which the Killer wore a black suit with a black turtleneck. the female cop spent most of the movie with her gun extended, sweeping the halls and down dark alleys. (This explains me with pointing the pistol.)

My question is...
why TWO Santas? why were they in the pool? where did the beer come from? Why was I afraid of two Santa's floating in the pool? Would I shoot a Santa if he floated in my pool? Why was Bob in a Suit when we got out of bed?
the video is only 30 seconds, I LOVE his expression....


  1. Don't you wonder what your mind is thinking when you dream those crazy dreams?

    That's a cute commercial. I haven't seen any of them but I will go watch some more!

    xo Catherine

  2. I do not know what to say.
    The bear that lives in my cave has strange dreams like that. And she works out. I know fear!!!!!!!

  3. I've never even seen that ad. My hand hits the mute button on commercials faster than lightning. Once in a very long while there's a cute one. Madison Avenue advertising departments have not yet learned that commercials can be fun to watch and interesting. I still remember the Pepsi commercial of the 70's or 80's with the little boy and all the puppies. Not THAT makes you want to buy the product. I'll check this one out.

  4. I think you need to contact a dream interpreter on this one. Did you get a shot off before you woke up?


  5. -giggles- What a dream!!!

    Mmmm, are you sure you really want to know, what that dream *means*? -more giggles-

    Sorry, I am just in a giggly mood this morning.

    "The holly's up, the house is all bright,
    The tree is ready, the candles alight:
    Rejoice and be glad, all children tonight!"

    ~~P. Cornelius

  6. Yikes! You had better watch what movies you watch before bedtime. LOL

  7. Hum, I wonder what you would dream if you watched THE Wizard Of Oz before going to bed. Would Bob be the wizard?

    That is one crazy dream. The commercial is so funny, go look at the long version... its posted just after yours ends. I screamed with laughter.

    You are too funny!

  8. LOL ... that commercial is very funny! MMMM ... that dream .. well, maybe Santa should stay away from your house!

  9. I like him too! He should go to Santa school with me next year instead of selling cars....

  10. Just one of those things that make you go.. hmm!
    Thanks for the chuckle, Sandra.


  11. Just one of those things that make you go.. hmm!
    Thanks for the chuckle, Sandra.


  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has vivid and strange dreams! I've had 2 dreams now where the pet in the dream was green!

  13. what a funny commercial!
    thanks for sharing it.

    you're not the only one that has strange dreams.

  14. I too have laughed at this commercial and even pointed it out to my wife. Aren't dreams the weirdest things???

  15. Poor out for Sandra if you are floating in her pool.

    This is hilarious...your dream, I mean. Sounds almost as good as some of my husband's or my former boss's

  16. These are all really good questions. You may have seen something about beer or heard something about it, a small thing, but it stuck in your subconscious. Could have even been a beer commercial. And of course Santas are floating because they are so fat! This would make a great crime show, The Case Of The Floating Santas. But I bet in your dream you were terrified, I have horrible nightmares all the time. I took hormones for about ten years, and they stopped the bad dreams, though that was not why I took them. Then when I stopped, the dreams came right back.

  17. I definitely get a chuckle out of those commercials. Who knows about dreams though? I have some really strange ones now and then, too.

  18. Now that's one crazy dream Sandra. So glad it was a dream though. Its strange how the things we watch and do during the day get tangled in our minds and come out in bizarre ways.
    Thanks for entertaining us. Love that commercial too.

  19. I know there are people who analyze dreams. Me, I just figure it's our way of processing everything we see and hear through the day/week.

  20. If Santa's smart he won't be lying around in your pool any day soon!

  21. What a wild dream Sandra! I don't have too many strange dreams...knock on wood. LOL
    This commercial is funny! I watched a couple of the others as well. In one them the lady pulls his beard and pokes at his funny! Thanks for the giggles, very much needed! :)

  22. Crazy dream, Sandra... I do that sometimes ---and wonder why in the world I dreamed that!!!! I have a friend who studies dreams ---and believes that there is a message in our dreams for us... I have no idea what the message to you could be!!!!!!

    BUT---you do have your own Santa who lives with you, don't you? Does he ever get asked to be a Santa?????


  23. I love your header...aren't dreams crazy..great commercial...

  24. that's some crazy dream. what the heck did you have to eat before you went to

  25. Okay my question is this - Sandra why after seeing that commercial did you dream about two fat guys when you had that handsome dude to chose?


  26. why chevy? I live in Pt Chevalier, and somehow, I had to change my password for one of my accounts, and I choice, chevy. LOL

  27. Oh my! I have crazy strange vivid dreams like that too! lol I don't know why except that I've read that taking Zertec can do that to you and that is what I'm taking for my sinuses right now. I am scared when I get up sometimes my dreams are just that weird! lol

  28. I've seen this commercial several times, and while I like it, I hope I don't have any dreams about Santa (or Santas) in a pool. Oh, since we don't have a pool I might be safe.

  29. I'm glad I didn't miss this. Seems you must of felt they didn't belong? Dreams are strange but these pieces seem to fit together with what you were viewing, so that's understandable.
    Well, hope nobody breaks into your house drunk wearing a Santa suit then decides to go for a swim..or you might shoot them!

  30. Those are cute commercials, I haven't seen any of these before but I watched a couple just now. Now the dream, that is sort of weird. Maybe it was the day after Christmas and Santa (not sure why there were two) was taking a vacation after the rush.

  31. LOL...this is too funny. still yet.
