Friday, December 9, 2011

Good News for Pets

 Hey, You, all you Pets out there, Santa Does Love you.... here is PROOF Santa Bob and Jake
 Here Comes Santa Claus WOOF WOOF
 He's gonna get Uuuuuu

 P.S. Santa needs no red coat, boots or gloves in Florida, but he will Suit Up to visit all you good Pets in the colder parts of the country

NOTE to Remington who Steals My Heart.... Jake would not let me dress him up so I dressed up Daddy so maybe you need to pop down here and give him a few lessons.

More Good news, this is for OLD dogs... the kind who are having trouble "going"

Baby is 10 plus a few months and is not very active which causes the "going potty" problems. I bought these Granola Biscuits and she gets 3 at breakfast and 3 at lunch and VOILA with in TWO days she is "going"


  1. Hope Santa brings the doggies some goodies other than granola.

  2. It looks like Jake is telling Santa what he would like to find under the tree on Christmas morning. I'm thinking there might be a really big stick on Jake's list.

  3. Great post LOL
    You could not have made me believe Bob would stand still for this. Tell him he makes a great Santa. he could play the part at the home.

  4. lol!
    too cute!

    what cheerful photos!

    sandra, you've made my day!


  5. love your Santa Bob...what will they come up with next...granola bones for dogs...that is awesome...

  6. I'm still giggling this morning! Bob makes a real cute Santa!

  7. Santa Bob is full of the warm weathered Florida Christmas spirit and a good sport.
    Granola for dog, wish I had thought of that!

  8. What a fun post Sandra! You've got me laughing and smiling. :)
    Looks like Jake is telling Santa Bob what he wants for Christmas. My puppy dogs are making a list right now. Baby looks very pretty with that wreath. :)

  9. Your doggie is cute.

    But that Santa Bob is mighty cute toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

    "Auntie" sezzzzzz... ,-)

    "Christmas is here,
    Merry old Christmas.
    Joy-bringing Christmas,
    Day of grand memories,
    King of the year!"

    ~~Washington Irving

  10. You always make me laugh! There are days I could use those biscuits!

  11. HA HA HA or it is HO HO HO! You live with Santa - I didn't know that!

    I know a few people who need to go too - I should get them a box of it.

    Baby and Jake are cute.


  12. I would certainly help Jake learn to dress up! It is SO much fun! Say, when did Santa Bob get his Santa degree from Santa school? Maybe he can help me next year when I go....I am sure the tests are difficult!

  13. This is the first time I've seen Santa in a pool. I'm surprised he hasn't moved his operation from the North Pole to Florida.

  14. Never thought about the aging process on dogs. Happy there was a good outcome!
    Cute photo with the wreath around Baby.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That is a very cool wreath around Baby's neck, and I know you did not put it there, it is computer magic. Bob looks gorgeous as Santa, I don't know how in the world you talked him into it, he is even smiling! I love your little train at the top, I forgot to mention it before. That was me that deleted the comment above.

  17. Hi there, Oh --that pool looks so inviting (maybe because it is COLD up here today).... Santa looks like he is enjoying himself --along with Jake...

    Glad you found some special biscuits for Baby... We ALL have trouble 'going' as we age... Maybe we need those biscuits also... ha ha


  18. Santa!!! You best be in the toy factory getting ready for the kids instead of lounging in the pool. You hve a lot of kids counting on you. You can loaf around after you get back from your long ride......

  19. hohoho,
    a Florida Santa with no shirt. Even sexier than my New Zealand Santa.

    He forgot to take off his hat.

  20. I think Bob makes a perfect Santa and I'm betting that he's very happy that he's a Florida Santa and not a north pole one :)

  21. Hey a little extra fiber is good for all of us, Sandra! Santa would probably need long johns under his Santa suit up here!...:)JP

  22. Wow this is neat to see Santa swimming with the doggie...Yes Baby is aging but happy

  23. Oh my Sandra! Bob is the perfect Santa! Do you dress up as the Mrs? That would be cute if you two did that and went around town!

    I did not know those biscuits were to help like that! I've bought them for my dogs because I had coupons and they loved them.

  24. Too funny! I go from snow to show in a few clicks. Love it Sandra!

  25. I need to remember this hint and the one about the pumpkin in case Lorelei's dog every has problems...OH< have you ever seen the videos of Lorelei and Otto...her dog? is one of them...he is so good to her.

  26. Teehee Fun Love it.

  27. What a cute post! Merry Christmas to you Bob and Jake. xoxo

  28. You manage to top yourself time and time again! This post alone probably brought more smiles than any other!
    Good job, Bob!!! He is one good looking Santa!
