Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Other Tree

 I have two small trees, one for the nook and one to sit in front of the window by my rocker.
 This is my fun tree and all the decorations are dollar store finds, packages on garland
 Fun miniature angels, elves and snowmen.
 All decorations on this tree are unbreakable since it sits in the "danger zone" where Jake and Baby RUN to WARN us someone dared to drive in the yard OR Heaven Forbid walk up on the porch.

And Yes, we do still have OUTDATED verticals at that window for the same reason the tree is unbreakable.
think shredded curtains or bent mini blinds....
 The most fun part of this tree for ME is the fact, when Christmas is past, I put the whole thing, decorations and all in a bag and tie the top and sit it up on a shelf until next time.
 And on Top is my Santa climbing up to put the angel on top....
Coming Soon to a blog near YOU.... The rest of my Santa's

PS if you have DOGS read this comment from my friend Peggy....

 Do you know about pumpkin for dogs? The regular kind (not pie filling, just pure pumpkin--orange can) provides fantastic fiber that makes them go if they are stopped up and gets rid of diarrhea if they have that. It works both ways. Also helps with dogs that drag their butts because those glands are not being emptied right. And dogs LOVE it! We give it to both of ours once a day. Rufus, our 50-pounder, gets about a serving spoon's worth on his food every night, Sawyer gets about a teaspoon or so. It's really good for them--if you aren't using it, you might want to get a can to try it. Be sure it isn't the pie filling kind. I bet they really like it, and it will regulate everything.


  1. This is BEYOND cute and now I want to do the same thing, it wouldn't cost much!!! I love what you did, putting the angel over Santa's back!!!!

  2. I love your tree, it puts you in the Christmas mood. I didn't know about pumpkin, so will know for my dogs from now on. I eat it with the skins, as with all vegetables, because its the best part for cleaning out our insides...And it tastes wonderful. Blessings to you.

  3. That is a really pretty tree. I love all the different decorations, you find good stuff at the dollar store.

    I have similar verticals too, no curtains with the cats about.

    The pumpkin is also a good source of fiber for cats. I fed it to my older cat when she had digestive problems.

  4. Vertical blinds are outdated? Drats, that's what I have hanging in my sliding glass door.
    I love the Santa climbing to the top with the angel hanging around his neck. That is so cute. I also like your idea for packing this up after Christmas.

  5. I adore your tree, all the ornaments remind me of antique handmade ones, love that!

    We too had blinds when we had cats. It was easy to wipe the blinds down, and get the fur off.

  6. This tree is a lovely as the other one. I have a small one that also goes into a bag at the end of the season.It's a simple way to decorate,and for me simple is good.

  7. love your trees Sandra....great hint for the doggies...

  8. Very cute and I love how you store the tree from year to year.

  9. the santa with the angel slung around him is very clever and very cute!

  10. Some of the wooden things look like German Erzgebirge items but maybe they're just copied in the same style. I enjoyed how you hung the angel on the Santa, funny. My Christmas tree is still in the storage room, my tradition is not to put those decorations up until closer to Christmas. Probably next weekend.

  11. No need to explain about the blinds. :-) We all HAVE TO do certain things, around our homes, and that's fine. Our home is not a display event. We live in it! :-)

    Love your little trees. And especially the fact that they go in a bag and on a shelf, when the Season is over! We are sooooooooooooo going to do the same, with our little 3' tree toooooooooooo! Up into an unused bedroom, it will go.

    And of course, your photography skills do soooooooo much, with your little trees. The "effect" is HUGE. That's an art, and one you have down-pat. :-)

    "Heap the holly! /
    Wreath the pine. /
    Train the dainty Christmas vine---
    Let the breadth of fir and bay /
    Mingle on the festal day."

    ~~Helen Chase

  12. That's the spirit. And Merry Christmas to you and yourrs. We're heading off to the desert to see the Grands

  13. i love your other tree!

    and those ornaments are so cute!

    love the photos of your tree. gorgeous!
    your header is amazing, too.

  14. Cute little trees, Sandra, both of them... I love the Santa climbing up to put the angel on...

    We had vertical blinds one year (somewhere where I lived) and I hated them.. They kept coming apart at the top... Guess yours are better than the ones we had...


  15. Love the pictures, and the little note about the pumpkin for the dogs...That is interesting.

  16. Your tree is perfect! The Angel hanging with Santa is adorable! I love the fact that you just cover it and put it away.
    I have verticals on my sliding glass door that lead to the porch which leads to the backyard. I haven't even attempted to hang drapes there with the dogs going in and out.
    I love that info for the dogs. I will be keeping pumpkin on hand from here on.
    Have a great Saturday Sandra!

  17. Great little tree! And I will second what your friend Peggy says about pumpkin. Our vet recommended it for our pug to help with the butt dragging and to help her lose weight. It has helped with both. Not only that, she loves it so much that we have to spell "pumpkin" if we're just talking about it for some reason or she will start begging. I give her about a tablespoon a day and freeze most of the can in an old ice cube tray. She likes it frozen (just thawed for 10-20 seconds in the microwave) and it lasts indefinitely that way.

  18. I have a little tree that I enjoy decorating each year. Most of the ornaments are small Scandinavian ones.

  19. I love your other little tree! All kinds of cute little ornaments. I have a small tree too; it goes in a bag and stored til next year too!

  20. Great Post.
    I'll not tell you the saga of me decorating our tree. Mad has already told you about that Senior Moment. All I can say is "at least I did not get the ornaments on the tree" LOL

  21. I really like your fun tree. I especially like the way it can be put up after the holidays.

  22. I love your trees. And your new blog header.

    Pumpkin - huh?


  23. Cute! My mom has down sized her tree to a smaller one too. I would love to be able to just put my tree on a shelf and bring it out every year without having to do all the work involved in setting it up and decorating it. We've been decorating for over a week now and I'm still not finished! lol I can't help it though. I love Christmas and have lots of neat things I've collected over the years.

  24. We finally got a prelit tree last year, or the one before...but we still have to drag all the other decorations out.

    I like the idea of just putting one in a bag and storing it till next time around.

  25. I love your pretty vintage ornaments. I have a few of those, too! Happy holidays from another FL blogger! ♥

  26. How beautiful your tree and charming!!
    Love the tip on girlz get it all the time,they love it.
