Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Most Favorite Treasure of ALL

The Escape to Egypt
 13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”  14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,

Another gift from my daughter-in-law, she, gave me this statue 15 years ago. It is not packed away and has a place of honor in my living room 365 days a year. I love the detail and just looking at it.


  1. Something like this should not be only put out one month a year, we need all the art and beauty we can get, especially at our age! Where does it live? It is beautiful!!!

  2. It is a really beautiful piece. I would not pack it away either, it deserves a place of honor in your home.

    Before I forget again, I really like your new header.

  3. That's a lovely sculpture. What's it made of? From the first picture my guess was wood but then in the other photos it looked more white and like it's reflecting light.

  4. Such a lovely sculpture, Sandra. I, too, noticed that it seems to reflect the light.

  5. Beautiful and yes,it should be out all year.This one tells a lovely story.It has so much detail in it.

  6. This certainly is a beautiful piece, Sandra. I love how you did the verse and series of shots.

  7. A beautiful piece indeed. Lovely shots. (o:

  8. I love that statue! I don't have anything up. I do have a whatever it would be called with the nativity in a big ball and around the edge of it are scenes of Bethleham (that spelling doesn't look right) em? am? ...anyway scenes and it's a music box. I bought it in an antique shop in northern California once and five months later I dropped it while moving and well...there ya' are. Doesn't work so well anymore. I never bring it out anymore.

  9. Some traditions are meant for year around. this is a beautiful figurine. I don't blame you for having it out all the time. Its not your usual artwork about Jesus as a baby. Maybe that's why I like it too. Its unusual.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.

  10. This is really beautiful Sandra. What wonderful detail. I wouldn't pack it away either. I would have it where I could see it everyday. It really is beautiful...thanks for sharing.

  11. Gorgeous statue, Sandra --and I can understand why it stays out all year... We do not EVER need to forget that Christmas is all about Jesus' birth....

    Loved your Sandra Claus photos too-in the other post...

    Have a blessed Sunday.

  12. Hi,
    I love mangers too! Your's is beautiful.
    Bella and Brink are the two survivors of the fire. This is just so sad. I can't stop thinking of them.
    PS Your Christmas Catcus is beautiful!

  13. It's beautiful and I would leave it out all year long too

  14. I can see why this is your favorite and why you keep it out all year. It's beautiful and the detail is amazing.

  15. It is just beautiful..and of course you should leave it out all year round. It is fitting decor for all is a constant reminder of the link we all share.
    Merry Christmas!

  16. Very pretty Sandra! And your Christmas cactus below looks lovely!
    xo Catherine

  17. Beautiful detail in this art, Sandra.

  18. You have a nice daughter-in-law!!! That is a Gorgeous piece, I say! Very, very nice, indeed.
    I like the Holly words that you posted. Thank you: you are a good person, Sandra!

    have a nice day!

    I HUG you!
    BShell (Isabel)

  19. that is a really gorgeous piece.
    beautiful detail in it.

  20. Your DIL has exquisite taste. (She picked your son too.)

    I would be leaving that out all year too Sandra.

    Beautiful. Makes you think all year long.


  21. Breathtaking photos, Loved your words.
    Loved this blog.
    Lisa xo

  22. What a wonderful piece that speaks volumes.

  23. WOW,I did not see this post, This is truly a lovely gift and should have that special place. Awesome~!
