Saturday, December 17, 2011


 Schlumbergera say that three times really fast. OR you can say Christmas Cactus. This is the plant hubby dragged out of the garbage 7 years ago, with only one piece alive. Now it lives on the front porch. My blog friend Tammy wanted to see it. I said it is to low to the ground. Hubby brought it in and sat it on the kitchen table. Need I say more?

OOOOPSIE DAISY..... MadSnapper Madly Snapped with out LOOKING


  1. Your going to get dizzy standing on your head like that. :)
    That is one very gorgeous Christmas cactus (easier to spell too), the size is amazing. I think Bobby Tomatoseed could grow anything!

  2. I like that cactus too, I do not have one right now. Yours is beautiful.
    Thank you for telling me that my video does not show in my blog, now I have tried to fix it.

  3. Good Morning Sandra. This is the biggest Christmas cactus I've ever seen. The blooms are so sweet. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

  4. Oooooh, this is gourgeous. Love the subtle colour in this one. And btw your header is absolotely stunning!

  5. I don't know what color my Christmas cactus is--it has never bloomed! You are a real tease letting us know your cactus is blooming OUTSIDE in December!!


  6. Double Wow! What an amazing beauty and size your Christmas cactus is, Sandra. The white blossoms are gorgeous.
    Hugs, Pam

  7. Pretty new Blog Header Look. :-)

    I've never tried my hand, at a Christmas Cactus. I have a rather "Black Thumb", so it's just as well. But your husband has a "Greeen Thumb"!


    "Close by the jolly fire I sit
    To warm my frozen bones a bit.

    ~~Robt. Louis Stevenson

  8. really lovely and flourishing. i like your new header shot, too!

  9. Hi Sandra lovely images especially the one of you Ha.
    Have not visited much recently and I should be ashamed but wanted to drop in say hi and hope you have a fabulous Xmas and a great New Year
    All the every best to you you family and the dogs.
    Kev x

  10. so pretty...I agree with the new header....

  11. You got a new tablecloth! And one that's alive! It is beautiful!! Everyone is posting the Christmas Cactus, so I am totally out of it on this one. But I did just learn that they come in colors other than red. I thought they were all red. Your story about this one is for sure about second chances. But to me, the most fascinating thing about Your post today is your header. It is so unlike you!!!! It is very different from anything you have ever done as a header!! But going out of your comfort zone is a good thing! It is a work of art, and totally unlike anything else on blogs. It almost looks like like a child's painting because it is simple, yet there is so much sophistication, so that makes it almost abstract. So it is simple, yet deep, an oxymoron!

  12. That is so gorgeous. I have often seen the rose coloured ones but this has such a delicate beauty.

  13. Oh my goodness, it is absolutely gorgeous!

  14. Hi,
    You call it a Christmas Cactus? We have those here , too, but I do not know the name. That one is big, and the flowers are beautiful!!! Are you in the photo????
    Kiss, BShell

  15. Oh...I agree....Here is COLD!!!! And is December...LOL....
    So cold that we sit by the fireplace eating...LOL (I'm fat...I have to do something about it... - But I'm 50 years old...I can be a litle bit fat, no???) I no teenager no more...

    have a nice good night sleep, my dear!

  16. OH---wish my Christmas Cactus would bloom.. Dang--it looks healthy, but no buds at all..Like I said before, I just need to re-pot it in the spring, and break it up into several pots... I've had it since 2000--and never had to touch it at all until this year. Poor little neglected plant!!!!!!

    Yours is gorgeous..

  17. I really like your new header, It reminds me of water colors. One day I'll learn how to do this stuff. :)
    Your Christmas cactus is amazing! It's huge and the colors are so soft and pretty. I love the story behind it. Whoever threw it the dumpster wouldn't believe what it looks like now. Isn't it wonderful what Love and Patience can do. :)

  18. It's gorgeous. I had one for years and killed it. We just got some in at the store the other day and I was thinking of giving it a try again. Of course Wade will think I'm crazy since I kill all plants eventually

  19. Great looking plant, you must have a green thumb. (o:

  20. Beautiful Christmas Cactus...I usually see red ones, this white one is fabulous. Love your new header too!

  21. What an exquisite blossom. You husband is quite the nurturer.

  22. It apparently loves it wherever it is, Snadra!!...:)JP

  23. This is absolutely gorgeous. I think it is the prettiest Christmas cactus I have seen.

  24. I think this is the first time I've seen a close up of the cactus flower. It is more beautiful than I thought. These are great pics, and your header is fantastic.

  25. I guess the cactus likes Florida weather better than ours.
    Mine isn't doing a whole lot. I just saw a bud on it so we may actually have a Christmas Cactus flower as its namesake this year.

  26. Your Christmas Cactus is beautiful. I have two that are usually a month late in blooming. Both are showing signs of little buds. I don't think they will bloom for next weekend, but soon.

    Thanks for stopping by our blog.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  27. Wow! So many blooms you have! Lovin' that reflection of you!

  28. wow! great winter blooms!

    lovely shots! that cactus is really beautiful.

  29. Blow me over, this is one beautiful plant and in full bloom! I have never seen such beautiful white flowers, the center looks like a candy cane. OUTSTANDING! I have got to get me a white one.

    Bob sure has a green thumb. Thank him for bringing it into the house so you can take pics! Awesome!!

  30. Schlumbergera - what an odd name for such a gorgeous plant. Christmas cactus. I loved it. sandie
