Monday, May 27, 2013

Hobby Lobby and Bobbys Hobby

Hobby Lobby and Bobby's Hobby (see Two Addictions, One Home) Most of you already know Bob's addiction is radio control planes... he designs and builds his own, BUT he also orders them online and one of the shopping places is

I read in the paper Hobby Lobby was OPEN, the new store is .6 of a mile from home. Bob said he wanted to go see what they had. I said I TOLD YOU they are a CRAFT store....We Went. NO AIRPLANES..

I was standing in the glassware aisle when I heard him say LOOK what I found, you will love it, and he opened his hand and THERE IT WAS....

the Cutest Little Bottle on the face of the earth... the lid screws off and it has a hole in it, and it is LITTLE. some of you might remember the tiny catsup bottle I fell in love with. Now I have a new love... I LOVE IT!

AND THEN I was poking around and found this on someone site, CLICK HERE to see her photos

This is a quote on the above

Picka a theme and work it to exhaustion... the subject must be something you truly love or truly hate.


If you still have time pop over to Madi and Mom, ... I am Mayor Madi's OFFICIAL Photographer in residence, and  Madi interviewed me.


  1. wow, 2 days in a row I've been first to comment:)
    With all the stuff that Hobby Lobby carries I can't believe they don't have anything for airplanes.
    The light bulb bottle is really cute. I thought it was a real bulb when I saw it in the plant yesterday

  2. Morning Snappy how are you doing today? Well you know you had me at a cute glass bottle. Thank you for the great interview today. Leaping Jake still amazes me...he is jumping for joy at the wonderful life he has.
    Hugs cecilia

  3. I love it Sandra!! Went to see your guest post!!! Awesome job!!!!

  4. Love the bottle. We don't have a Hobby Lobby here and I sure miss it. Hope you have a good day.

  5. p.s. I enjoyed your guest post very much!!!

  6. Loved your interview over at Mayor Madi's.

  7. Absolutely loved the interview! :-))) You always make me smile. or laugh. or both.

  8. the light bulb bottle is pretty cute. :) off to madi and mom...

  9. The guest post was a fun read, Sandra. No Hobby Lobby in these parts, but will be waiting to see that glass bottle gets its due...soon.

  10. What a wonderfully unique bottle.

    How sweet that Hubby was thinking of you when he only wanted plane parts.

  11. I loved your interview! Hobby Lobby is a fun place to shop...but I can get into sooo much trouble there. My cash just wants to fly out of my purse!

  12. I love people who get thrilled by small things. I will go read the interview now.

  13. I love your little Light Bulb Bottle. I think I saw it sitting in one of your plants in a photo last week. I thought it was a light bulb --but forgot to ask you about it... SO CUTE.

    Glad you have a Hobby Lobby near you now.

    Happy Memorial Day.

  14. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let me think....
    A Bottle

  15. Too bad about no airplanes. I know they have models to put together - but not what he was looking for. Yea for Hobby Lobby anyhow. Off to check out your links : )

  16. Our closet Hobby Lobby is 25 miles away but I will be close to it tomorrow and I have to look for that little glass bottle....I love it!
    Hope your having a lovely Memorial Day.

  17. I saw that lightbulb in oneof your plants a while ago. Forgot to ask you about it...Waiting until tomorrow to find out more.

    Great answers over at Madi and Mom's .post today

  18. Interesting blog.

    Going to read interview. I am sure it is a good one.

  19. My father used to build and fly remote controlled planes. Seems to me he wrecked them a lot, but I was pretty young when he was into that. Love that little bottle and the link to those gorgeous pictures. Thanks!

  20. That bottle is so adorable!
    I love squirrels and I do take a lot of photos of them. :)
    Happy Memorial Day to you!

  21. We just did the exact SAME THING!!! We went in and asked for airplane parts, wrong Hobby Lobby. BUT you and I both left with something we love. I could look around there all day, they have so many treasures. And CHEAP. I adore the bottle and can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow! I have a row of bottles on my kitchen window sill, but I know your bottle post will be better.

  22. Cool pictures, nice little bottle there. I like the name Hobby Lobby :) hope you're having a good day.

  23. Ah so that's the 'lightbulb' from the mossrose picture...?

  24. Oh,this should be good. Can't wait to see tomorrow's pictures.

  25. I am with you! I LOVE Hobby Lobby. I could spend some money there - and some time. But no airplanes. Hope you are having a good day my friend. sandie

  26. Aren't you glad Bob wanted to go to Hobby Lobby? That is a pretty neat little bottle.

  27. Sorry that Bob had no airplanes to look at but what a cute little bottle. No Hobby Lobby on this coast that I know of.

    That is a pretty photo collage. It looks like she used a white box for the shots.

  28. Now I know where you got that bottle from ~ fun!
    xo Catherine

  29. Glad I read this post before asking a question. I wondered if that "light bulb was another of your unique mini- bottle finds!

  30. L♥ve the bottle...and your interview. I am looking forward to seeing your tomorrows post.

  31. loved your interview.
    such a pretty little bottle!

    lovely shots, my wonderful friend~
