Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Flea Market FUN

Can you guess where Bob and I went from above photo... top right is Bob drumming his fingers while waiting....

When we arrived at the flea market we went straight to Karen's Gold by the Inch and at 8:40 the booth that is supposed to open at 8 was locked with chain link on it. We wandered until 9 and came back and took a seat at the tables across the aisle. By the time she opened at 9:20, Bob had drummed a hole in the table with frustration..

We went to  replace Bob's necklace that he lost for the THIRD time....and FINAL time, it was solid gold and worth around a thousand dollars..

NOTE: I TOLD him a dozen times to sell it for the gold and replace it  before it was lost for good.

2nd Note... I gave it to him for Christmas our first year together, 1985.

3rd Note... the gold guy wanted 1885.00 for his... YIKES...

 The short story is he got a 75.00 stainless steel dipped in gold replacement...life time guarantee. woo hoo
 I should have bought him a tractor.


  1. What to hang around his neck!! (the tractor). That must have been disappointing to lose such a sentimental expensive gift.

  2. Estupendas imagenes...un abrazo dese Murcia.

  3. oh, dear on the loss... wise choice on the replacement.

  4. that was a loss for sure. Thank goodness you found a suitable replacement.

    I think I'd like to have the tractor too. I love red and your collages of it are very creative.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  5. Sorry about such a loss.
    These pics are great. Love that tractor and the fence.
    Hip.leg better; now I have a chalazion on my eyelid. I'm wearing out!

  6. Loving your header with saying! Wow, gold is crazy expensive these days. I need to replace a chain myself but each year put it off...great post. Enjoy your day!

  7. Hi Sandra.....Love the Farmall tractors...the M, and the H. Such memories for me growing up on our farm. Is the cart a cart used for luggage at a train station?

    Poor Bob. He must have felt very bad. I hope that lifetime guarantee holds true.


  8. EW! How terrible that Bob lost it! I'm sure he learned his lesson, though. :)

  9. Oh no, not nice to loose a thing like that.
    Great pics of the old tractors, reminds me of grandpa.

  10. Odds are he wouldn't loose a tractor, but, one never knows!!!

  11. I love the corn growing fence!!! So did you or Bob say anything to her about being so late? While I DO love the fence, just for photo beauty I adore the retro red and black table and floor, it is a divine shot and would be perfect hanging in a fancy diner. Glad you got such a good deal on the necklace, LOVE the drumming!!!!

  12. Yea, a tractor would be hard to lose!!

  13. Sorry to hear about the necklace, but maybe the tractor would have been a good idea. I wish I had a dime for all the things I have lost...I could buy two or three necklaces. Best to keep it big these days. lol.

  14. that hurts when you lose something like that. Bob is better at waiting that Wade is. He wouldn't have sat there drumming he would have been out of there.

  15. Sorry about the necklace. At least the replacement has a guarantee. Like Ginny I love that fence, that is just too cool. And speaking of cool I want that tractor. I don't want a riding mower but I would go for a Farmall!

  16. Oh no not good... Love the tractors!!! Glad you find a better replacement

  17. OH My Goodness... Where is he losing the necklaces??? At least, if you get him a tractor, he may not lose it... ha ha


  18. Where does he lose his necklaces??? It's awful to lose something so sentimental. I think you made a good call on the replacement.:)
    Love the red tractor!!! So cool!

  19. If Bob's luck is anything like mine, he'll find the necklace tomorrow.

  20. Ya'll are TOO FUNNY!!! Don't you guys get up at some outlandish hour in the mornings and go to the gym?
    Love that painted fence! There is one painted with Longhorns and bluebonnets a ways over past Fort Worth. They just look so neat!!

    PS....your hubby might not lose a tractor as easily as a necklace!!

  21. I think it would be hard to lose that tractor - but how sweet you are to keep your man in jewels. sandie

  22. Oh...he lost it...period! better not to think about it: If it happened to me I would be sick!!!
    A tractor...hahahah...YES!
    (I had to quit Blogger because I was having a bunch of anonymous offensive comments)

  23. I'm sure you were upset about the loss since it was your special gift to Bob (as well as the monetary value). The replacement one sounds like a wise move!

  24. Maybe it will turn up someday! Flea markets can be fun.

  25. I hardly ever wear expensive jewelry because of fear of losing it... On the other hand what good does it do to have it in a drawer! The pieces I have that I like best are not gold but I'd still hate to lose them because they are (more or less) unique as they were gifts or inherited etc.

  26. Ouch! I am terrible with jewelry. Sympathies and best wishes with the recent purchase.

    The corn fence makes me want to know the rest of the story.

  27. Some years ago I lost an expensive watch with lots of diamonds on it. A gift from Frank. He bought me a replacement, not as expensive but as nice. I still miss the original and wonder where I lost it. I love the last photo of the old wagon bed. :)

  28. sorry about such a loss...i think tractor sounds like a wise choice on the replacement.

    love tractors.
