Sunday, June 23, 2013

Look before you Lock

Above is from Article in Orlando Sentinel.

Yesterday here in our town,  3 year old girl died locked in her parents car while they went to a funeral. This is the 4 child to die this year in Florida from heat in a car.

37 children die of heat stroke every year from being left in cars

2000 dogs die of heatstroke every year... Heat Kills... Children and Pets. Sadly this comes 3 days after I had to call 911 to rescue a large dog in a small crate left in the sun in the back yard of a neighbor. He was in distress and so was I waiting for the officers to come.... 

If you see a child or dog in distress in the heat. Call 911, don't even hesitate... 

a pet can die within just a few minutes locked in a car....Please spread the word...Visit Ro today, CLICK HERE for a more positive side to humanity....


  1. This just drives me crazy. People are so stupid. We had a Phoenix cop here a few years ago that locked his police dog in the vehicle for 13 hours. In the middle of summer. He was arrested for animal abuse but finally the state dropped all charges and now he's free and has another dog assigned to him so he can kill that one. I'm still not over that. His last name was Lovejoy. And don't even ask me to count how many people leave babies here in the 115 heat. I think that their justice should be that they are locked in the car in this heat to see how they like it.

  2. I don't understand why pr how people don't know that this is so dangerous and deadly.

  3. These things, make my stomach curdle. Grrrrr... How can people do such things? Bahhh-humbug...

  4. I cannot for the life of me understand what people are thinking. I mean children.

    Is shopping that important that you lock your dog and children in heat and go shop.

    I think and I know especially children. Take them with you.

    A dog then leave it at home when that is hot. How bad is that to come back and see your dog dead. That is so cruel.

    I am agreeing with Auntie zzzzzz

    My stomach curdles also to read of all this every day almost.


  5. WHY? many irresponsible parents and many dog owners too. So sad to read this ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. we always lose children in texas, too. and i just hate to hear when a police dog dies in a vehicle.

  7. How can you forget a child in the car???? We here it here all the time...

  8. Sad but so true...seconds matter in cases like this.

  9. Great post, Sandra! Happy Sunday to you!

  10. How can you forget your child in the car in the heat? Are there some people who still don't know that you can't leave them? I'm glad you found your neighbor's dog before it was too late. And that police dog story above, just kills me. Those dogs do such great work and the cop went without punishment and now has another dog assigned. Unbelievable.

  11. Good post and a great reminder, sad to hear that it even happens.

  12. I don't know WHY WHY WHY people are STILL doing this! It just infuriates me! And to leave a small child in a car while you go to a funeral, now it is the poor little girl's funeral. We often talk about how you have to pass tests or get cards to o so many things in this drive, a passport, yet there is no test for the most important position in the WORLD, being in charge on a person's life. End of rant.

  13. I will never understand how a parent cannot know their child is in their car. If you love your pet LEAVE them home when it is hot...not in a car. Geeeezzzz.
    Any more news on the neighbor's dog?
    hugs Madi and Mom

  14. I just don't get how people can be so stupid and irresponsible. It's not like there have never been any warning about how dangerous this is. You would think it would just be common sense you don't leave your children in the car alone EVER and pets should be left at home unless you are traveling to a pet friendly destination.

  15. That's so sad... But your header is whohoo stunning!

  16. A precious little girl died that way in our neighborhood many years ago. Her parents had just gotten a new car with childproof locks. They had left her outside plaing with her siblings and had checked on her periodically. During one such check, they didn't see her. An increasingly frantic search revealed her in the back seat of the car.

    Evidently she had gotten into the front seat and then the back seat.

  17. I can't stand this! I don't understand how people can be so STUPID!!!

  18. So sad. A good reminder for us all to look out for others.

  19. There are a lot of people who don't have enough common sense to be pet owners or parents. If they have something to do why not leave the pet at home and/or find a babysitter. Another thing people don't realize is that even when the temps are in the sixties the inside of a car can become an oven when the car is in the sun. Temperatures of say 75 can climb to 150 degrees inside a car parked in the sun.

  20. Oh my goodness! Such a senseless avoidable death of a wee girl. It breaks the heart.
    xo Catherine

  21. Such a senseless death! I hope the parents pay the consequences. That is ridiculous! sandie

  22. It makes me so angry every time I hear of a child or animal being left in a hot car. I will never understand how anyone can do that. There should be a high price to pay for everyone who chooses to do that to a child or pet. Hugs

  23. how horrible!, can't believe that! can't stand that! how people can do such things. it makes so angry!

  24. How awful. Poor little girl. people do not stop to think :(
