Saturday, June 22, 2013

Night Blooms are BACK

 For 5 days we stared three stories up into our pine tree, watching a night blooming cactus bud, waiting for it to burst. Thursday AM I almost missed the 3  blooms.... The sun was to high, but I did manage these.

I have posted 8 different times on this flower, so will Spare you the story. If you missed it and want to see more click on NIGHT BLOOMING CACTUS 

I go to Wal-Mart so much that one morning we were out for breakfast at Golden Corral, and as I walked up to the buffet, a 6 foot tall Older Santa man gave me a big hug... Bob said who was that?
I said the Wal-Mart greeter.... he just shook his head. My answer to the head shake was, I feel like I know him, we talk every Saturday early AM...for many years...


  1. Such a pretty bloom. Glad you didn't miss it.
    Too funny on the walmart greeter

  2. those plants are so cool!

  3. Ha! Going into Walmart for you must be like me going anywhere in my small town. People know you there. :))

  4. love the the Walmart guy.....I can just see Bob shaking his head...

  5. Pretty bloom. And that's cool you are so well known. The greeter takes his job seriously if he greets at other places. heheh

  6. Lovely....

    -chuckle- Sure, the Santa-type Greeter, knows you!!!!! -gigggles-

    Tell us, if Bob starts going to walMart with you,on Sat.!!!! -gigggles-

    Happy June Strawberry Full Moon!!!

  7. They are magical bloomers.
    So pretty.

    Like a butterfly ready to burst out beauty.

  8. The Walmart story made me smile. I think the whole story may also have something to do with your friendliness.

  9. Gorgeous bloom. Never tire of seeing it! Miraculous. Those greeters at Walmart are very nice. There is always a new one when I go in. It's nice you became friends with him.

  10. The last picture with the bloom and the bright blue sky, it is AWESOME!! I like your Wal-Mart story, a good ending that Bob need not be jealous. We also had an incident at Wal-Mart on Monday I was taking change out of my wallet so Ella could get stuff out of the gum machines. And the greeter was a middle aged lady, she took her own money, at least a dollar of it, and helped Ella get things from the jewelry machine!!! I so WISH I had taken pictures, but she might not have liked that. Well, Ella left the necklace HERE, so I can still snap it and tell mt story. For my new WM folder.

  11. Next to your furbabies the night blooming cactus is my favorite to see on your blog. :) They're beautiful!
    I can understand Bob shaking his head when he sees another Santa looking man hugging you. LOL
    My Wal-mart guy hugs me and kisses my cheek every time I see him! His wife works there too. They are the nicest people, my hubby is use to it.:)

  12. Perfect blooms Sandra. I'm glad you were able to capture the beautiful flowers.
    Love the story about the WalMart greeter.
    I think he needs to give a few lessons to our greeter. they aren't too friendly.

  13. How very pretty your night blooming cactus.

    LOL Bob might need to start going with you on your early morning Wally world trips. Too funny
    hugs C

  14. Pretty blooms. Love the WM story.

  15. Love the cactus blooms. Makes me think of my winter home. Super funny Walmart story.

  16. Amazed that you were able to capture these images.

    Evidently you are one of those individuals who bond with folks in most circumstances. My husband accuses me of bonding with telemarketers. Not true. It was only once and the caller and I just happened to get into an extended conversation unrelated to his sales call.

  17. You know that our Walmart did away with the greeters. I would like that job myself. sandie

  18. I just went back and saw all the other posts. It sure is an amazing plant. You have one willing hubby to be holding a flashlight for you at 4:00am.

  19. I understand why your watch the buds on these gorgeous flowers, it's a show when they do bloom. The last photo of the single bloom on blue is perfect.

    That is a great story about the Walmart greeter. All of the greeters at our store are ladies not handsome Santa guys.

  20. That sounds nice to have a greeter at the stores. We don't have it over here, only at the fancy store Brown Thomas, they have these men in costume and a high hat, fancy but extremely expensive. Love the flowers :)

  21. sandra,
    what beautiful blooms! the last photo is gorgeous!

    love the wal-mart's wonderful you became friends with him...but don't tell bob!lol

    hope you have a great sunday!

  22. Gorgeous bloom- and I can totally relate to your Wally World greeter story.

  23. This must be such an unusual, but beautiful, sight.

  24. Night blooming cactus are such fun to catch in bloom!

  25. Do they quit blooming when the sun comes up? Or do they just bloom the one time? What ever it would be fun to keep watch . :) I would consider your W. greeter as a friend. :)

  26. Same question with Dee, does it bloom only for a sew times now or regularly? Is it the same with a saw palmetto plant? I've read that this saw palmetto might be having good rate of survival when it comes on their flower blooms?

  27. I am the same way with some of the walmart people...we talk every time we see each other whether there or somewhere else...though it is mostly there. I love the people that work at our Walmart...all so helpful and friendly.
