Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tree Surgery

Tropical Storm Andrea brought 6 inches of rain and it was to much for our tree, the limb fell above. The tree guys came and the tree needed to come down... 1200.00 dollars later, here is the picture story

Above is before removal, below is after... now we are wide open to the busy street and the neighbors.

Above Before and below After

The removal took almost 8 hours of sawing and chipping and because the gates were off the dogs had no access to the back yard, we had to walk them for potty which we never do.

I spent the whole day peering out the bedroom window and all the below were taken from the bedroom window through the screen.

bucket truck

wood chipper gobbler

Our beloved tree is gone and now the privacy with it. we are heart broken  and the shades that were never down now have to stay down because the sun is blinding in the windows without the tree.

I found dust bunnies who had dust bunnies in  the blinding sunlight that I had never seen before. Who knew that much dust could be on a keyboard???

I SHOULD have pulled the shades all the way down and I would not have SEEN all the work I had to do
Everything in its place and dust free now I WANT MY TREE and MY PRIVACY boo hooo

CLICK HERE FOR Baby and what she thought of the tree down.


  1. That's a lot of trees gone, I bet the dogs are a bit confused,

  2. Awwww, I'm so sorry. You had to loose all that. And pay for it too!


    OK, now what? Plan B? What would be the cheapest? Fast growing hedge? Or some sort of neat, solid fencing?

    I know, neither of those, will give you sun shade or privacy right away, but...........

  3. Oh no! I would feel sad too. AND it brought to light the dust bunnies??? Double sad.

  4. Oh Sandra, I'm so sorry you losted two shade trees and your privacy.
    All that work and money because of stormy Andrea- shame on her!

  5. We too missed the trees we had to remove as a precaution after a similar storm. We figured it was either the house or trees and the house won.

  6. It is sad to see a mature tree come down,but sometimes that is the only option. I can understand where you feel exposed now and it takes so long for a new tree to have the same effects. :(

  7. Sorry you are so exposed and have lost your big trees. Heck of a lot of money to spend but probably less than yours or the neighbors roof repair when the whole thing would come down.
    Your poor doggie's entire routine is forever ruined....

  8. I hate that "open" feeling to the rest of the world, too. I know you are going to miss your trees! I feel bad for you.

  9. I am so about one thing causing a chain reaction and causing so many other things!! The men must have had to stop for lunch at one point? We had the same thing happen to us about five years ago. Our beloved HUGE Maple, it was part of the reason we even bought this house, had to be taken down. Right in the middle of the front yard in front of our big living room picture window. I cried, I loved the tree!!! NOW ten times more light streams in,we can't leave the curtains open if it is close to 90. It was our ONLY tree! We were going to get a pretty bush or small tree and plant it there, but I am so pessimistic, I said that we would both be dead before it grew very high. I see your palm tree with the little border around it, LOVE that!! That you have a palm tree in your yard amazes me. LOVE your shots of Baby Girl, the way you snapped and fooled us, It looks like she is facing a big jungle and cannot ever get through.

  10. Wow- I'm still thinking about 1200 bucks...WOW.

  11. Sorry. We need to take some down at Mom's -- $2,000. :(. But sometimes sunshine is good, right?

  12. I would be lost without our big Oak tree. I feel for you! Just remember it's best to be safe. We've had a lot of large branches fall on roads here in the area due to all the old oaks and rain.

  13. Oh wow, that's a lot of tree to be missing. I would be heart broken too. The cost for them to cut it down would have hurt too. YIKES

  14. Oh wow, that's a lot of tree that had to go. Not only did you lose the tree and your privacy but $1200 dollars too.

    Dust bunnies thrive and grow in darkness but they don't run from the light. I always find hordes of them when the summer sun comes in the house.

  15. That is sad, Sandra... I'm sorry about your tree... We have a couple we 'think' we may lose... Makes me very sad... I can only imagine how much you will miss that privacy and shade... So sorry...


  16. I'm sorry you lost your tree. We lost some trees for the opposite reason...the drought last year. It's hard to see something that's stood for years have to be taken down. Hope you find something fast growing to replace it!

  17. sorry about your tree's hard to loose one...we've lost 4 or 5 since we've been here...

  18. Sorry about your tree! It looks like they did a good job though. And glad the limb didn't damage your house!

  19. That's such a shame about your tree - the loss of screening and the clear-up was upsetting and hard work for you. Hope you've all recovered from the situation and confusion. Take care.

  20. Wow that was a lot of money to swallow! And then to lose shade and privacy - I guess you all are hurting! So sorry. sandie

  21. I'm glad it was just the tree gone and not Bob!! LOL!

    We had to get our big tree in the front of the house taken down this spring. It made me sad. But we knew that one big wind storm and it would fall down on our or our neighbour's house or worse - on someone! So we thought better safe than sorry.

    xo Catherine

  22. The tree being gone does open up you yard a lot. hopefully you will get use to it. Maybe you can put an awning over your front window's. Tree removal is very expensive.WoW!!!

  23. Awww... I'm sorry sweetie! I hate to lose a tree, too... they give so much wonderful shade.

  24. So sorry about the tree. It's hard to lose the privacy and the shade. :(

  25. oh, that's a lot of trees gone...i'd be very sad, too.
    i am so sorry...i love trees, i hate it when i lose a tree, too...
