Monday, June 17, 2013

View from the pool

I sat the Nikon on the lip of the pool to show you my "Toads Eye View" while I do my pool exercises each morning.

4 Things I am doing now to add exercise to my life while commenting/emailing/talking. Part of my GET Moving program!

Stand while using lap top......pace while talking on the phone.....get up and move every 40 minutes...

Stand at breakfast bar instead of bar stool....while eating....

today it was 90 degrees at 11 AM... the pool is cool, but the bugs are NOT cool....gnats and mosquitoes love humid heat and ME.....


  1. What a beautiful view from pool eye level. Pretty greens and flowers. Probably your new routine would help your back, too.

  2. From toad's eye view it is truly a jungle ;-) Hope your moving programme works well for you.

  3. Love your view... The more we move the better!!!

  4. My MOM paces and wonders as she is talking on the phone. Not so sure it is for exercise, she just does it without thinking about it. It can be very tiring for me if it is a long phone call as I follow her every step.

  5. Cool frog's eye view!

    Oh my, you too hu? Flying, biting bugs just love me.

    Last evening we went next door to see the new Tiki Torches lit. And I got a really nasty bite on one finger. It hurt like crazy and had to keep putting cooling med lotion on it. Grrrrrr...

    He was out there, a lot longer than I stayed. Asked if he had any bites, when he came in. Nope.


    We are just toooooo sweet, aren't we? Or we smell delicious to flying bugs anyway. Ugh...

  6. If I were ever turned into a toad, I hope I would be relocated to your pool yard. :-)

  7. just love your ferns. and good for you for moving!

  8. Every little bit helps! I do the same thing, and my sister swears by it. Keep moving- and as they say- we may be slow, but we are sure lapping everyone that's sitting on the couch!

  9. bugs are indeed a nuisance and they love Mom too. Oh my goodness we missed yesterday's tree surgery.
    Over night blogger changed completely...I've been trying to find my way around this morning.
    Hugs C

  10. I love those gorgeous ferns! They look like Boston ferns, but of course they can't be because they are in Florida! Wow, you will for sure be the fittest person in your neighborhood. But Noooooooo, when you walk with your laptop, you can't see where you are going, you are looking at the screen!! Please don't fall on your face (or laptop) like I did! Don't get too adventurous, I worry that you will fall, but of course you have better muscle tone than me and are not as wobbly. How long are the tiny bugs season?

  11. I think the point of view was pretty and that it is a great thing to move all the time - very healthy. sandie

  12. Keep on moving! :) Great views!

  13. Bugs adore me also. Not fun.

    Going to my sons next week the city. We do need a bug break.

    This year is the very worse where I live for all you mentioned.

    Now the deer came out of the bush so you know what that means.

    Over to my place. Made a blog of it.

    Like your pictures. Beautiful!

  14. I love your toads eye view. I need to get up and move more. Even though I work all day I come home and plop down and don't move again until morning.

  15. Pretty views and I'm happy to hear you are feeling better.

  16. I admit 90 degrees is a tad too hot for my liking. I applaud your exercise routine. One step at a time, eh? "))

  17. Yikes, Sandra, that sure is hot for so early in the a.m. We will be getting the hot and humid days by mid-July and already have had a few. No pool in our yard, but the AC is left on a lot more than it used to be. There's a pool at the local "Y" so we don't have to both with the maintenance and expense of a pool...but in FL it's a must in backyards. I also like your new exercise regimen.

  18. I need me a pool!!!!

    I have a wireless headset at work and a 'stand up' keyboard. I can walk and pace in my office when I'm talking on the phone and I can stand up or sit down to type. It helps!! As every bit does. Good for you!

    xo Catherine

  19. I am always moving around but not enough to break a sweat. I wonder if that counts :) I would love to have a pool to use that was private.

  20. The toads have a great view at your place. I really like all the ferns. I only have one and need to plant more.

    Moving is good for the heart and the back. Keep on going.

  21. Summer would be so much more enjoyable without bugs,but I guess we have no choice.

  22. You go girl. There are a log of things we can do to increase our activity. My problem is that I don't do them. :(

  23. I love the toads-eye view! *giggle*
    Sorry about the pests, Sandra... the mosquitoes are awful here too right now... it has been so humid and now they are coming out of hiding! *UGH*

  24. That's a fun view and I'm glad your keeping yourself on the move!

  25. You have a very nice "Toads Eye View" from your pool. Moving is good keeps our joints working. Hugs

  26. love your view. your yard is really beautiful! i wish i had a view/yard like that!
