Saturday, July 13, 2013

For Love of GADGETS

Do you use these Digital Post it notes?

Do you use the Snip It tool?

these are two gadgets I use daily....You will find them on your start menu for Gadgets and in that is Snip It tool and Sticky Notes....

ALL pics below from Amazon using the Snip It tool.... these come with Microsoft Windows 7 or 8... and if you don't have it you can download it HERE
if you have other operating systems, you can download Snag It. just google it for your system.

Remember my Light bulb bottle? CLICK HERE if you don't
Above is MY bottle 1.57 in store, click on  HOBBY LOBBY  you can order it with 2.95 for shipping which is cheaper, Ginny ,than driving 90 minutes to Hobby Lobby

My bottle is a cheap KNOCK OFF...  I love it anyway

Vintage Light Bulb Canadian OFC Whiskey Bottle  click on the link to see What we missed by not living in the early 1900's.

ALSO this proves I am NOT the only person who madly snaps lightbulb bottles


  1. Good Morning. I've never used these gadgets. I smiled when you pointed out that you are not the only one taking light bulb photos!

  2. I don't have anything in my start menu called gadgets! I'm lost!

  3. I don't have gadgets but do know how to find it now.

    I like all the bottles.

  4. Mmmmm... Nope.

    I still use a small pad and pen, to write lists. :-)

    When did your blog name change to "From The Desk Of..."? Or have I just noticed?????

  5. i think you have to have windows 7 to have those options. i use snip-it tool a lot.

  6. MS not only are you a mad snapper you are also GQ, gadget queen.
    You are too clever.
    hugs Cecilia
    Madi here:
    I did not go in that bag because upon completion of my automatic calculations of its size, I determined it was not deep enough nor wide enough for a Uturn.

  7. I think no matter what you like to photograph...some else does too!

  8. What a fun and interesting post! I have a Hobby Lobby about 1 minute drive time from my home, so I'll have to check for the light bulb bottle. Speaking of light bulbs, my daughter in law who really has a knack for decorating, has a living room colored in soft grays and ivory. She has a big glass container filled with ordinary light bulbs sitting on her coffee table and it makes quite a statement and conversation piece.

  9. I haven't used any of these tools. There is so much I should try out. :)
    Your bottle is so cute! I love it in green as well! :)

  10. I use post a notes, but I don't think these particular ones. Love, sandie

  11. O.K. now I know what to get you for Christmas, though it might be broken into a thousand pieces by the time it gets there! I am thanking you again and again for the snipping tool, I use it every day, and had never known about it before you told me. I had thought it was magic the way you would send me all those things. NOW I want the Sticky Notes and will go hunting. I need a big one up here to tell me to remember to put my head on when I get up. AND all our appointments all week. Light bulb bottles and crafts are all the rage now, you should see them n Pinterest.

  12. I just found the notes and had a few up in the corner, but when I took them down, the whole program went away, so I have to go back to menu search every time. I had wanted to experiment with different colors and moving them around... WAIT, I remember now what you told me with snip...I have just pinned them to the task bar! COOL!

  13. I LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE this!!! Seriously, you need to take a day each week or something, and teach us all some cool feature! I bet even my computer guy doesn't know some of this stuff! You ARE Queen Of The Screen! I bet you have just made a lot of people very happy.

  14. I like the light bulb bottle, too. I will have to look for those in our Hobby Lobby.Beautiful butterfly photos! Hubby use to help with laundry until I ask him not to. He wasn't separating right and putting things in dryer that shouldn't be. Just recently, he lapsed and moved clothes from washer to dryer without asking while I was at work. So, now my new white capris that have spandex are too tight. GRRR! He's a pretty good "folder" though and he has learned how I like the towels thirds! :-)

  15. I agree with what Ginny are the Queen of the screen....I don't make the effort to learn things that I should

  16. Sandra, your so in the know when it comes to cool tools.
    I have use the post-it notes, but not the really cool snip-it tool.
    Thanks for tips, their great n so r u ~:)

  17. You are the queen of gadgets. I actually saw something like that pop up on my apple screen yesterday and wondered where it came from. I think it was on my apple dashboard.

  18. I'll have to check these out! I still like to jot notes down on paper, but the online notes would be handy.

  19. I do use the snippet tool, and should use the sticky notes, but I swear, I would probably forget what I wanted to remember, or if I got a note up, would forget to look...or look and not see if you know what I mean. LOL

  20. You could start a Lightbulb Bottle Lovers Club.... Bet you'd have alot of interested folks!!!!

    I don't use post-it notes --but when I forget something (like I did today--forgetting to buy my son a birthday card), maybe I should use a post-it note!!!!! ha


  21. I love those light bulb bottles. The green one is my favorite. I'll have to visit the website.

    I don't have Windows 7 so no sticky notes. I keep appointments on the calendar on my phone and it alerts me before the time. I also have a list app on the phone and tablet, both will send me alerts if I ask. But I have to admit the sticky notes are cuter. Maybe I can find a similar app on Google play.

  22. I have never heard of a snip-it-tool I haven't got windows 7 either. Hubby Ray has the post-it tool. We have such a lot of helps these day, what would happen if we went back to the basic's...

  23. I also have never heard of a "snip it" tool either. I have Windows Vista. I don't do much investigating I guess. Not sure why that is...Easily confused? :)
    Yeah. Probably.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  24. I have both gadgets and never use them. I don't know why I don't use them but I don't.
    So whiskey used to come in a light bulb bottle huh? Well wasn't that a bright idea :)

  25. I sometimes use sticky notes...but favour actual paper. I'd like to switch over so maybe I will. My favourite gadget is a calendar that pops up when I turn my computer on. The only problem is I have to remember to key in all my appointments, meetings.... :))

  26. And you definitely aren't the only one who derives pleasure from those bottleds, even it is only remotely via your images!

  27. I think my answer is no. Where do you find them. I have used sticky notes to do Post It Note Tuesdays. So where do you put your sticky notes?

  28. I always forget about them will have do give them a try again...

  29. I did not even know these gadgets exist. LOL
