Friday, July 12, 2013

Folding Towels and the Art thereof

Does your other half help with laundry?       and does TOH (the other half)  fold towels?
 Yes, Bob does help with laundry and yes he does fold towels.

If TOH does fold towels, do you care if they are not folded the way you fold them? (there is not right or wrong way to fold, just what YOU do)
Yes, it bugs me that I fold towels like above and stack them all together, with colors together, yes it does bug the dickens out of me.

BUT he doesn't know that and never will.....unless he reads this blog which taint gonna happen..... and YES. sometimes  refold them but not often. depends on how sloppy they are.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hate to say I agree with you, but I do... lol... I fold towels the same way you do and prefer like colors together. If towels are folded another way or sloppy by someone else, I will refold them. lol too funny. :)
    (Sorry, I didn't know it would put me as "unknown" when I logged in)

    Sarah W.

  3. Yummm I don't fold towels. So I like the way my MOM does it.

  4. -grin- I understand!!!!! I have my own way of folding towels. Not everyone else does it my way. It does bug me.

    Oh aren't we creatures of habit? Yes, we are.

    And if we are, it must be wired into our DNA. And if it's so wired, it must be there, because it helped our first ancestors, to survive. And pass on that inclination... To be creatures of habit.

    WOW! Early in the day, for Wisdom 101. -giggggles-

  5. I fold my towels the way you do, and keep them in sizes etc..but it looks organised and practical that way, at least I would think so. Not having anyone helping

  6. Ohhhhhhh you hit a raw nerve. I'm glad DH helps with the laundry, but we have different methods of folding towels. I do like you do, except I alternate colors. I alternate because we have so much family visiting all the time, that when they pull a color, the next person gets a different one. No confusion. Yeah Right!! Anyhoo, When DH folds and puts away, I go back and re-fold everything, So the edges are to the back, and everything is neat and orderly.
    Picky, picky!!!

  7. Mine rarely helps. The towels have to be folded a certain way to fit in the shelf I use.

  8. I keep looking for the photo of one of his towel stacks!

  9. Came here from Inger's blog. Love your photography! I'm usually just happy Husband has done laundry...and I only refold if they don't fit.

  10. On rare occasion Kevin does fold towels, but he folds them perfectly. And that's because I've had 4 decades to train him well. LOL
    Actually, how we fold towels has everything to do with fitting them on the shelves on which they belong.

  11. haha! This is so me! I fold my towels neatly and all the same way...stacking according to size. Ole Boy helps a lot, and never seems to notice his slap-hazard way of folding doesn't look a thing like mine. Like you, I will never tell him. I love that man!

  12. I never get help with the laundry! I have seen him pack a suitcase though, and it does drive me nuts the sloppy way he"folds" things!

  13. Roger doesn't fold towels, and mainly doesn't do laundry...I don't want him to. He will put in enough for two loads!

  14. Occasionally my hubby will throw his own clothes in the wash, but that's it. I wouldn't want him to wash anything else because he has a tendency to overload the washer. Also, he always hangs his shirts up with the buttons facing right. Drives me nuts, so I rehang them. I don't think he even notices that I do that. Haha!

  15. yes, mine helps too and I do and I don't care about the folded towels. I care more about they way he puts them in the linen closet, any old where, not by the large towel or the small towel, but under the sheets, over the napkins, etc. But I am so glad he helps, I never say anything.

  16. I am creature of habit with towels.

    My hubby throws in wash and takes care of it. I fold the

    clothes and towels after.

    He vacuums also. He and I are retired so he said he

    needs to do something. I am game.

    He cooks also.

    What do I do.

    When home my art projects and blog an answer


    We are still on holidays. Having a wonderful tie with

    family. Everyone is spoiling us.

    So dropping in to make comments a bit.

  17. Cracking up in Raleigh....
    I fold my towels that way too....however I don't color code them...MS I think you might need a pill to correct your obsession. LOL
    Hugs C

  18. I am thrilled to be once again folding towels. Hubby was doing everything went I first returned home after my stroke.

    Figuring out how to and where I could accomplish this task one-handed was a process. Unless I am overwhelmed by the the mountain of dirty clothes and bed and bath linens from a weeklong camping trip, I have graduated to keeping up with the laundry on my own. Hubby does pitch in occasionally and I appreciate it.

    But is satisfying to keep up with one chore from start to finish cause my guy takes care of me, our meals, and our home.

    And no, he is not available on loan! Have a great weekend!

  19. Hubby does help once in awhile with the folding of the towels. It doesn't bother me if the colors are together, but I do like them folded the same. :)

  20. I do the laundry and folding. Hubby just doesn't seem to get the hang of them fitting in the closet..(towels that is)
    He is so organized and neat about the garage and his closet that I never utter a word.
    Team work at its best.

  21. Since the towels are so small, I fold them myself, but Phil helps with the sheets and throws. I have a way of folding towels that makes them very narrow, so more rows will fit in the linen closet. Yours look really good, I see nothing wrong with them!! BUT I'll tell you what we HATE to fold...the fitted sheets. And YES, there is a good way to do it, but I can never remember. I need to tape it inside the linen closet door. I LOVE getting a big warm load straight from the dryer and dumping it all over me on the couch, heaven!

  22. TOH does know how to fold the towels, but it is when he folds the clothes that we have a differing view. I sill fold t-shirts and such in the way he likes them, but he does not reciprocate and fold to my preference. But it's a minor detail so we each deal with it, mostly me. Just the fact that he knows how to do wash and fold and cook is wonderful.

  23. Wade does most of the laundry. He puts it in the washer, transfers it to the dryer and puts it in a basket when they are dry. That's where his job ends and mine takes over. He does not fold clothes and I am very thankful for that :) On the rare occasion that he has folded some of the laundry I've refolded when he wasn't looking

  24. Since hubby works and I don't I do all the laundry. No color coding but I am picky about the way the towels are folded.

  25. I am with you - any help is appreciated and if they are tooooo bad - I just redo. sandie

  26. I found out long ago that if I wanted hubby's help with something, I had better darn appreciate it and not complain... IF I complain, he'll say "Then you do it." SO--I smile and do NOT complain...

    BUT--I don't give a hoot how towels are folded... BUT--the blinds MUST be opened at the same level --and nice and straight!!!!!! ha ha


  27. Gene folds and hangs all the laundry for me. The only thing I refold are the sheets. I mainly refold them because the way he folds them they won't fit right on the shelf. His folding of everything else pleases me though. Hugs

  28. Don't complain he's helping! TOH helps with the sheets and he is fussy in which way we turn them in. It always has to be his right first and then his left next, never the other way around. That bugs me.

  29. It bothers me too. Things have a certain way according to me and that's how I like it!

  30. I am lucky...Franks folds towels just like me and puts them in the right color stack :)

  31. I fold mine to fit my spot. It must be like your spot because we fold the same. Sadly my significant other hasn't a clue.
