Thursday, July 4, 2013

It All Started at Wal-Mart- Day Two

Determined to Burn Them All, I spent a full half hour in the yard, trying to get 5 sparklers that I taped together to ALL burn at the same time.....  NO, the tape did not catch fire. Neither did I.

Did not happen, as you can see above, it burned one and even with all that fireworks, the others did not catch...

I just kept burning until they were all five burned out. To see just how awesome these were, click on photo for slide show view.

I set the Rebel on TV 1/125 and continuous fire mode and snapped my snapping self crazy.

You may be a redneck if your lifelong goal is to own a fireworks stand... Jeff Foxworthy

The End of my Redneck Fireworks in my own back yard....but I did do something else while doing this... Coming soon to a blog near you.


  1. Sandra, that is a scream, red neck fireworks....

    GAL!!! these are awesome!!! I was going to ask you what you set your camera on but glad you posted it... how cool these turned out. Is that water in that pot? did you put it in there for a reason or is that from the rain?

    OUTstanding photos~~

  2. Only you would think of that to get some great shots! Happy Fourth.

  3. Super superb sparkler shots Sandra.
    Happy 4th to you and Bob!

  4. A fun post and I love Jeff's quote! Enjoy the Fourth!

  5. Persistence pays off--sort of. Happy 4th whatever you light.


  6. Your fireworks show sure is pretty! Happy 4th

  7. And a good time was had by all!

  8. I love the sparkle effect even in these still pictures. Great captures. Happy 4th of July.

  9. Simple things for simple minds, Sandra!!!! LOL!!! I'd return the duds!.....:)JP

  10. Number four and the last two are my FAVE!!! You DID it!! And they are very pretty. One thing I love about these is when the little star shaped sparks fly off and they look like you made stars in mid-air! Looking forward to seeing what else you did, hope you didn't burn your woods down!

  11. You captured some marvelous photos of your fireworks display, even if you couldn't get all five of them to go at once. Have a marvelous Fourth -- we're having a wet one.

  12. Great shots ya!


  13. MOL MOL MOL MS....
    In my professional opinion Wally World should either give you a discount or pay you as a spokeslady.
    Of course we are prejudice.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  14. Thanks for sharing your setting. The pictures are amazing and so sharp! Great post, you captured them perfectly. Happy 4th of July

  15. You and Jeff Foxworthy are a hoot!
    Happy & safe 4th!!!

  16. (:0)


    Life would be dull without you and your humor.

  17. too cute! your very own fireworks show!

  18. Looks like you had fun trying. Hope your Fourth is an enjoyable one.

  19. I think you're a pyromaniac at heart - always trying to get something to burn!

  20. I must be a redneck - I thought that was cool! sandie

  21. I like them. I wish I would have gone out and played with some sparklers and my camera.
    Can't wait to see what else you did

  22. I like them. I wish I would have gone out and played with some sparklers and my camera.
    Can't wait to see what else you did

  23. Fantastic photos.

    I like your ideals of entertainment...right up my alley.

  24. Glad you are a "Sparkle Lady"......Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July... God Bless America.

    We had rain all day --but we still enjoyed our BBQ and watermelon!!!!!


  25. Now I'm wondering if maybe it was the humidity that made them so hard to light?
    Your hard work paid off with lots of pretty sparkles however, I love the sparks.
    Happy Fourth of July!

  26. Grenville was going to get some of these at our local Walmart and wish he had cause it would have been fun setting them off. We have a large back yard and no house nearby and of course we would have invited you to snap away, Sandra. Looks like a fun photo shoot!
