Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It All Started at Wal-Mart

I walked in the door at Wal-Mart and there they sat, ghosts from my past. SPARKLERS! I have not held a sparkler in my hand in about 60 years... ONLY $2.00...

I filled the little pot with dirt and stood 2 sparklers in it.... they would NOT catch with a match, no matter how long I held it there or how many I struck.

I come inside and get the propane fire thrower that I use to light candles... OUT OF PROPANE

Bob says, don't you still have the 12 inch matches? Yes, she answers.... I take the box that has been in the kitchen drawer for more than 10 years outside, and they will NOT light on the side of the box.

Bob Says.... I have a lighter in the garage I use to light my torch... I get the lighter..... I walk outside....

I snap the lighter, the flame hits the Old Match, FLARED, Right on my finger.. OUCH! I scream. and another word I will not repeat here.

I left the un-lit sparklers in the pot and went inside. 2 days later I went to the dollar store and bought a propane flame thrower and when I went out the pot was full of water, it rained 2 inches that night.

I threw the wet nasty sparklers in the trash... and finally got ONE to burn... I still have 30 of these nasty dangerous little sparklers and Bob says I can't throw them in the trash..
All this for ONE post.... OY!
I had a little help from PicMoney

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July...

See you all on Friday


  1. Ah but it is a pretty post. Do it again on July 4. He is a clever monkey that picmonkey.

  2. Oh, I have bad memories of sparklers, nephew blew off a fingertip years ago!!!...:)JP

  3. hi sandra,

    what a delightful and cheerful post!
    most definitely what i needed today.
    love your sparklers.

  4. Well I think the pictures look great. Sparklers are very cool, or is it hot? humm both I guess. You should set all 30 a blaze at once.

  5. It was worth it - I say from my safe spot in front of my computer. The final shot turned out very well!

  6. Sorry you had such a time of it, getting them to lite!

    But glad you did! They make lovely photos!

    Be careful, having fun, with the rest of your *stash*!

    Happy 4th of July!!!!

  7. Nothing good starts at Wal Mart, I say, but love your photo story. I've been thinking about sparklers this year too. I may give them a try.

  8. Mum says it's just like Findus Crispy Pancakes. They were like food of the Gods' when she was a they taste like s***!! Deccy x

  9. Our neighbors kids love this sparkles. Happy Safe 4th. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. MOL MOL MOL MS you and Mom will do about anything for a post. We LOVE LOVE LOVE IT and it was worth every penny and every second of your time for our entertainment
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  11. I remember those well. I don't remember how they were lit because an adult always did that. For a minute, I thought you were going to say you left them in the pot and lightening struck and lit them!!


  12. I do love the pics. Been a long, long time since I held a sparkler!

  13. I love your kind of craziness!!! The sparklers brought back old memories for me too! I don't think we can buy them here though. No fireworks in the city limits. Unless it is a professional job. By the time I got to the end of your post I was not too disappointed I won't have any! Good job trying! Happy 4th to you, my dear!!!

  14. Saw your great sparkler photos. Must get out and get me some!

  15. That's my Snapper! It IS bigger, I now have to scroll sideways to see your whole blog, but I can get your writing and pictures all together to read. I do really like the sparkler pictures with the little spark down at the bottom, and did I forget to tell you yesterday how much I LOVE and ADORE your header?? a PROPANE FLAME THROWER?? YIKES, I have visions of those huge thingies men strap on their backs, and a huge flame blasts houses and everything in it's path to eternity!!! I can see where you love the fourth because you get to set anything on fire and no one cares or notices. Including the police. I LOVE the last picture!!!! you will turn me into a pyromaniac YET!!!

  16. Sitting her laughing...especially at the word you won't repeat here...oh, this is wonderful

  17. You got all those pictures from ONE sparkler? Oy oy :) I remember those from my childhood/youth but I don't think I ever dared hold one.

  18. I want some! You pictures are awesome, you captured them well.

  19. *bwahahaha* Sandra, your luck sounds about like mine!
    I love sparklers, too~ hmmm.... might have to buy just one or two packs... :)

  20. Only one post but what a saga. How did my cousins and I ever emerge from childhood without sparkler mishaps. My cousins all loved fireworks. Sparklers were my favorite! Happy safe one to you, too.

  21. Cool pictures :) I remember those too.

  22. Love these fun photos!
    Tomorrow night our pups will be glued to us. :)
    Happy 4th to you!

  23. that sure was a lot to go through but it was worth it for us :) The last time I was in Wal-Mart I thought about picking up a pack of sparklers.

  24. Too, too funny Sandra.
    If you don't want something to burn, well, it does...
    I guess it's Murphy's law and it certainly makes a great photoblog.
    Have a wonderful 4th yourself.

  25. I refuse to touch sparklers nothing but bad experiences with to watch them from a distance

  26. Hi Sandra, loved this post, frustrating for you but it did make me smile.

    Happy 4th of July!

    An English Girl Rambles

  27. That's funny! I buy them every year for the kids to have at the beach.And this year was no exception. We lit ours with matches. Guess you have to hold your hand just right!! ha! ha!

  28. I remember playing with sparklers. Making big circles and figure eights. I was always Leary with my kids thinking they would go up inflames at any moment or fall and put out an eye or someone else's. LOL I will have to go play on PicMonkey for awhile

  29. They gave you all sorts of trouble but at least you got some photos. I love the last one.

    I bought some a couple of years ago and had the same problems. Sparklers seemed like more fun when I was a kid.

  30. I remember those things....You finally did get some good photos --even though you burned yourself. Oops...

    Funny Story I read on someone's blog. There were a group of OLD ladies who got together for a dinner party. After they ate, they all went outside in the backyard and burned sparklers.... Bet that was funny.... (Wish I had been hiding there with a video camera!!!! ha)


  31. Sparklers were the only fireworks Mom and Dad would let us have. I don't think I've held one since my kids were little.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This fireworks show must have hurt...I know about things being in the drawer for 10 years and not working too good

  34. Sorry you had no luck with your sparklers. Nice 4th of July post and page though. Have a Happy and safe 4th sweet Sandra. Hugs

  35. Well you sure were determined to get that going! lol, sandie

  36. WOW, you were determined to get it lit. OUCH on the burn!! But boy did you get some amazing shots! I have to get me some sparklers, I too have not had on in my hands since I was 8 years of age. I am sure it will take me back to those memories of the past one I get one lit.
