Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Randomosity Two # 2

Did you know if you use a spatula you can get as much as 3 more sandwiches out of a jar of Mayo or Peanut butter?

Did you know grapes are delicious kept in the freezer? eat them right out of the freezer..

Did you know keeping your Saran Wrap in the freezer, makes it easy to work with?

MadSnapper OUTSIDE door, upper right is window inside living room, pool in back yard, fridge inside on left side and kitchen cabinets top...

I am telling you that Squirrel was right there, I aimed, he left, I put him back with PicMonkey

Larry Lizard is our front yard guy... he lives in the yellow flower ground cover. We assume the post is his home because he is always on it.


  1. I've never thought of freezing grapes..I'll bet the grands would like that. Your lizard friend has found a cool home!

  2. Wow! Love that pic #2, a real combo pic, if I ever saw one!!!!!!! Soooooooo coooool!!!!!

  3. Frozen grapes sound delicious! I'll try them. :)

    Ha, love that you put the squirrel back. I have tons of photos where the main subject disappeared before my camera caught it. I like your creative solution.

  4. I never tried freezing grapes... Now I must try it next time I buy some.

  5. we love frozen that Larry...good idea on the are so clever...

  6. Didn't know about the grapes and Saran Wrap in the freezer but I would not want to ever be without my is the best!! You have a fancy one. Terrific pictures of Larry Lizard. What a cool picture of the squirrel you did in PicMonkey. Hugs

  7. Did not know that about saran wrap...makes sense.

    I think Roger used to freeze grapes. He loves his candy bars frozen also.

  8. I forgot about freezing grapes. My Mom used to freeze cherries ...all pitted and sugar added for pies and we , as children will do, used to get in the freezer and suck on them and eat them. Yum ...they were so good.

  9. Sandra, your the happiest snapper i know- and always posting the best ideas and info. thanks for that!

  10. You know I always love seeing the cute little lizard!! I saw one the other day in the pet store and literally swooned, while snapping like crazy through the glass cage. He tried to get out to come home with ME! He scratched and scratched the walls. That's a very nice little home that yours has. I LOVE the cute squirrel, and you on the pool pic. I have a tiny mini spatula, NOW I know what to do with it!!

  11. Thanks for the education as well as the neat photos. We use a spatula for getting mayo out of the jar, but I didn't kow about freezing grapes or Saran Wrap.

  12. I love frozen grapes! Your yellow flowers are so pretty! Larry Lizard has a lovely home. :)

  13. sweet larry! laughing at your 'put back' squirrel! :)

  14. Will have to try the frozen grapes thing :) and there is Larry Lizard again, how cute.

  15. Hey MS
    We are running late...went to see my mom and ran a few errands, On the way into see her a lizard was dashing right in front of me. That rascal can move too.

    Your pool is gorgeous.
    Hugs C

  16. It's amazing how much you can scrape out of a jar that some call empty :)
    I've never had frozen grapes, I'll have to try them.
    There sure is a lot going on in that one picture.

  17. your squirrel. Happy to see he at your home all year round?

  18. I sure could have used that hit about the Saran Wrap a few days ago. I wrestled with the unruly stuff and ended up with a crazy sideways piece...
    Lucky Larry Lizard living luxuriously.

  19. I didn't know about the Saran Wrap, I'll have to try that. I love frozen grapes. I like to drop them in drinks in the summer as they make nice little edible ice cubes.

    The PicMonkey squirrel is adorable. That's a great idea when the subjects moves too fast.

    I'm thinking Larry like that pipe because if Jake shows up all he has to do is jump inside and hide.

  20. Wow Inger sent me and I can see why she loves you your shots are amazing I LOVE the top one. Who knew simple and very very cool:) B

  21. I like your PicMonkey squirrel MUCH better than the real things... At least you can control the PicMonkey ones!!!!!! ha ha

    Great photos of Larry Lizard also....

    I can clean out a jar of Peanut Butter better than a spatula.. I EAT it all out!!!!! ha


  22. I am going to put the grapes in my freezer when I go downstairs. And the Saran Wrap that is interesting. And I knew about the spatula. lol Oh yes and your lizard. sandie

  23. You have SUCH interesting things right in your own yard! hehe about the squirrel.

  24. I didn't know so thank you for sharing the information! Your pool looks awesome, I miss my pool :(
