Monday, August 5, 2013

Passionate Purple - Hibiscus Orange

we were driving to the YMCA, radio blasting the song  "Rock me Mama", the singer said Cumberland Gap is a beautiful place, and I said Cumberland Gap IS a beautiful place.... 

Bob’s reply, "I know, I will fill it up sometime today."


 my gas tank said 1/4 tank, he said he was looking at it thinking he would fill it up for me.
and Gap does sound like Gas... right?


  1. Ha! Sounds like a conversation between me and my husband. lol!

    Love the passionflowers!!

  2. We sometimes have those "conversations". More like a comedy routine I think.


  3. can you HEAR me now? MOL MOL MOL
    The passion flower is gorgeous
    Hugs madi and mom

  4. Bawhahhahha. Hey those are some very pretty flowers. I felt like I could sniff them.

  5. He has the same hearing problems my hubs has. sandie

  6. Oh how funny.

    Love these gorgeous photos.

  7. i love these conversations you relate to us.

  8. Just yesterday my hubby and I had one of those kind of conversations! Haha! Only it was him that said "WHAT"? My hearing is getting worse since I've had the inner ear problem. It can't be getting older. No, it can't. Right?

    Beautiful flowers!

  9. Oh are they not something men what they answer back. Oh my.

    Love your first flower. Love them all but today your purple is so pretty. It makes up for males giving back a different conversation answer.

  10. Long lost relatives of ours?

    I'm certain of it.

  11. TOO funny! Phil and I do this a lot because neither of us can hear that well anymore! When the Saints won the World Series, they were in a parade in New Orleans and I said to Phil "Look, they are throwing beads at the team members!" and Phil said "Why would they let bees loose on them?" Senior life can be more than a little funny! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the sunny Passion flower! But the pale orange, what IS that? Is it yours? It is beautiful!

  12. This is funny! I do love hearing about these conversations. :) My hubby has trouble hearing from being in the Army, so we already have conversations like this. Kyle tells me all the time that I need hearing aids. lol I tell him he best turn down his music or he will need them. :)

    The first flower reminds me of something you would find in the ocean, pretty and unusual. And I love your hibiscus! The color is so pretty!

  13. HA HA ---Gap---GAS ----what's the difference?????

    YES--Cumberland Gap IS a gorgeous place... But--so is a full gas tank.... ha


  14. I think you have been listening to conversations I have with Hubby now and then...(:0)

    Love it!!

    Pretty passionate purple.

  15. OK, I'm taking Bob's side on this one because I'm always hearing something other than what was

    Love the door post below. You found some awesome doors

  16. I can't get enough of that Passion Flower. I just love it. I have to see if they have them here. It is so different. Your Hibiscus is very pretty too.

  17. Beautiful flowers.That conversation sounds all too familiar.Only listening with half an ear,as I call it.

  18. LOL...I am laughing because i can relate....we are both at that having people repeat stuff to us...dives my grandson nuts...but he is nice about it....That purple flower is amazing...I can't stop looking at it.

  19. Oh, sitting here we were driving down this back road...there was a field to Roger's side and he said 'until' or so I thought. I said what...he said 'until'...I said 'until what?' He said 'I was saying that field is un-tilled--it hasn't been plowed.' Wouldn't so funny thing but sitting here with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard...hope you enjoy it half as much as me.

  20. That could have been a conversation between hubby and me. Love all the gorgeous colors on your post especially the passionate purple.

    That is a great song written by Bob Dylan and The Old Crow Medicine Show. It just gets better every time some one records it.

  21. Venus and Mars...yep Venus and Mars...your flowers are so those pretty little ballerinas...well that is what they remind me of ...

  22. Ha Ha Ha! That's too funny ^_^
    Love those passion flowers.

  23. Conversations in English become even more complicated and at cross purposes when you have a husband who has an Italian accent!

  24. Beautiful passion flows and none of those around here, which is too bad as purple is my favorite color. And, Grenville and I seem to have had similar conversations.....what!

  25. Oh Brother!!!! This sounds like home. Of course, you know Jim is very hard of hearing and about the only words he gets are -"Did you hear me"? It may sound funny to other people...but really it isn't!

    Having a good day?

  26. lol, the conversation sounds all too familiar..
    and the flowers are stunning!
    so beautifully photographed!!
