Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Door

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelations 3:20
The Door That Never Closes

A door is a symbol of transition, sometimes a thing of beauty, sometimes not, when we pass through a door, we change.

There are old ones, new ones, modern ones. They might enter into a mall, a restaurant, a friends home, a museum or our own home.

There is always something on the inside that we seek. Eating, sight seeing, buying, coffee or seeking the comfort we feel when we leave our day behind and sigh as we enter our own door , Home At last.


  1. Nice collection of photos today, and I love that verse.

  2. I like the door that leads me into my home best. :)
    Happy Sunday Sandra!
    xo Catherine

  3. These are a great collection of door photos. I love the verse.

  4. That scripture and picture is interesting because there is no doorknob on the outside. We have to open up the door for him. Great post.

  5. love the first red door and several of the homes!

  6. Oh, Sandra...liked these. I always like doors. Been a while since I have taken any door shots though.

  7. Gorgeous doors
    Mom and Dad love love love McAlister's too and are going there for lunch today
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  8. I Love the red door and the storm door with the bird. Pretty photos!

  9. Great array of photos. Never thought how interesting doors can be. Leave it to you to come up with something that is right there...and you catch on camera!

  10. So thankful for that "open door"! Your header picture is amazing!

  11. I like the red door that lead me into my Lords heart. The door was open and I walked in at 21 as my Savior and Lord.

    I am glad he chosed me and I him.

    I have never been sorry.

    Yes the rest of doors are attractive.

    Very meanful soul searching red door to others. What is behind that # 1.

  12. I love the red door, I bet it is a church. And the strange house with the heron on the door and the plants in huge soup plates!!! Looks like they may blow away in a big storm. So you have the beautiful and the strange. And oh YES, the could not pay me to stand on one of those balconies.

  13. P.S. we have a McAllisters here, have you ever eaten there?

  14. Wonderful post, Sandra. Love the verse, photos and your words.

  15. A meaningful verse, Sandra. So thankful for the 'open door'. Lovely words and set of photos of doors and I wonder if the houses were taken in your neighbourhood?

  16. Wonderful way of looking at doors. Nice collection of door pics!

  17. Enjoyed every one of these photos.

  18. I love doors - I have a collection of them on pinterest. I always wonder what they lead too! sandie

  19. a nice collection of doors...I love a red front have a great eye....

  20. I was quite taken with these doors !

  21. What a wonderful collection of doors. I can't decide which one I like best but the red one and the one with the fountain out front are at the top of my list. I also really like the clock in the third photo down.

  22. I like that red door, it looks very inviting

  23. Doors are great subjects for photographs. Your captions are great too.

  24. Wise words and lovely collection of door photos.

  25. Very nice tour of doors, fantastic photos as always. Enjoy all your words too. Who would have ever thought so much could be said about doors. Hugs

  26. Great post and great verse. Your words are true and I love the photos.

  27. Nice post....I heard once that to open a door you have to first reach for the handle.

  28. I love doors and windows with all their possibilities... ;)
