Saturday, September 7, 2013

Beach Bird/Birds

continued from Beach Bum Bob. We headed down the beach to get to the trees in the water and the wooded area.
Bob said:   I can’t go any further, there are two women down there taking naked pictures. WHAT?

I left him watching fish and when I got to the dead tree skeletons, there they were. a woman walking around with nothing on but a flowing black see through skirt. I saw her first from the back view, the skirt  was so low in the back I thought it would fall off, the same way her top did.. NOTE: I assume she had a top, I did not see it.

She turned and the skirt was just below her 8 month pregnant belly.

she leaned on trees, sat in the sand, laid on her back with arms up over her head and the other one snapped away. the photographer even laid on the ground to get the mound....

 I turned back to shooting the feathered birds, and NO I did not take a photo of the human bird...

Just Sayin I am glad there is no photo of my mother out there naked on the beach with me in her tummy...

It is my belief that I am not the only Mad person is this world.

the sun was not up over the dunes, the light was not great and for some reason the lens kept focusing on the water not the bird..... But I like them anyway

these little guys below make me laugh, there were dozens of them running all one way then the other, but they are very scared of people and alas I have not 2000.00 lens to capture them from afar...


  1. Lovely bird shots. This beach really gives you a lot to shoot!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Glad you got these pix instead of a round naked woman who obviously is "full" of herself and someone else!...:)JP

  3. Maybe I'm just getting too old but I don't get why all these young women have to do the pregnancy pictures. The last thing I wanted was pictures of my huge stomach when I was pregnant.
    I do however LOVE all your shots.

  4. Things have sure changed over the years. Glad you focused on the cute birds instead!

  5. I love these bird shots....great capture of the water too.

  6. Great bird shots, Sandra!! And thank you so much for not taking photos of the naked birds to share with us. BTW, the frequency with which baby bulges are photographed these days, you'd think they just now discovered them. I much prefer seeing the baby on the outside.

  7. i admire folks who are at ease with their bodies - pregnant or not. :)

    love the snowy egret. :)

  8. Love your beach photos, and thank you for not taking photos of the prego lady!!!

  9. I love these ocean shots. So far from anything I see here. I also think this goes a little beyond being comfortable in a pregnant body.

  10. Great photos of the shore birds... I have trouble sometimes too getting my lens to focus on what I want...I was so disappointed yesterday when I was trying to take pictures of a bird --and the camera kept focusing on the chain handing down nearby... AND--I hate manual focus since it takes me too long to focus and you don't have that kind of time when taking bird photos.. Oh Well..

    Glad you didn't take the HUMAN BIRDS photos... ha


  11. What wonderful and beautiful bird shots. I think they are perfect. Oh and you know I love love the stick photos.

  12. I do like the belly shots people take but they do not have to be naked!!!
    Love all the birds. Enjoy your weekend.

  13. I enjoyed these photos far more than the ones you DID NOT take. Thank you.

  14. Belly shots seem to be the rage now but I sure didn't want any photos of mine back in the Dark Ages.
    Love your birdies.
    My camera does that a lot and I get so frustrated. I love taking pictures of the inside of flowers and the camera focuses on the ground or leaves...hit delete!

  15. I would rather see the bird shots than the humans anyways....really pretty birds

  16. Whew! I am so relieved to see no baby bump pictures.I know this is what is being done these days,but I am not a fan of that. The bird pictures are great,I especially like the one of the Egret approaching the water.

  17. To each his own, I guess. It does seem to be the rage lately! Me? When I was pregnant years ago...I just wanted to stay covered up. I'm glad my daughter never took pics of herself being pregnant and naked!!!!

    But, Sandra, I love the pics of the shore pretty! The brightness of the water that you said your camera focused on is very nice in some of the pictures...the bubbles and coloring and all.

    Hope you are having a good day.

  18. Oh MY GOSH!!! WHY did you not sneak some shots from behind, you ARE mad, after all! And that would be a valid defense. LOVE the birds! My favorites are the last two of the big white bird, favorite of ALL is marvelous!! It is picture four, with that big, luscious wave coming up by the bird. It looks like a river of diamonds.

  19. MS absolutely gorgeous bird photos....but you know Mom she wants to see the woman with the see through skirt. MOL MOL MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

  20. Oh my! I never even thought about naked pregnancy pictures of myself and I know I wouldn't have ever done that! lol I wouldn't want my kids to see that when they are older! lol I wonder what the woman would have thought if you and Bob both came strolling on down there anyway? lol Your pictures look great to me! Just made me want to go back to the beach again next summer.

  21. Thanks for showing us just your great shots of the birds and driftwood. That belly showing is such a thing these days. I don't enjoy seeing it.

  22. I think it's interesting the way many pregnant women dress nowadays...or in this case don't dress. :) LOVE your bird shots!

  23. Glad you opted for the two-legged creatures with feathers and didn't snap the pg mammal. Loved the bird photos, especiall the two shots of the white one next to the tumbling surf.

  24. Life is never dull around the Mad Snapper, is it? I like the pictures of the (feathered) birds, but your photos of the tree skeletons are outstanding.

  25. I love your shots of the birds, but my fave is the first one. I love the light in it. Thanks for not snapping the big-bellied bird! :)

  26. Interesting people everywhere! I'm glad my mom didn't do it. :)

    The pic of the Egret or is it a Heron, anyway where it is starring into the water is my favorite!!! These photos rank up there with your night blooming cactus. Beautiful photos!!!

  27. Now we know there are at least two mad snappers.

  28. I love it when you two go to Beer Can beach, it is so beautiful. Your shot of Bob turning to see you with the camera is priceless.

    Thanks for not taking photos of the pregnant lady, we'll probably see her on some magazine cover before long.

  29. Your husband is a gentleman :) LOL I can't help but laugh at Chatty Crones remark LOL

  30. Though I loved the birds it's the beauty of the water that captures my attention.

  31. Aha...this is what I came for...never would I have guess that that was the reason for Bob not going on...And Sandra, compare to some, you are a genius. For that matter, I think I might be, too...LOL (NOT!)
