Sunday, September 8, 2013

In The Gutter, The Wild Gutter

Our next door neighbor has flowers, asparagus fern, 2 kinds of weeds and what looks like a baby avocado tree growing in their gutters.


Now I am on the other side of 69 by 3 days, Bob says 
How does it feel to be almost 70.....

getting old, you gotta love it OR leave it.... HA HA HA

I have Good news, Bad news

Bad News: I placed 100.00 worth of groceries on the counter at Walmart Saturday AM and she scanned the first 3 items, I reached for my wallet.... NADA. Nothing, no wallet, not cash, no debit card, all at home on the counter.

Good news: the cashier was the manager filling in for a late cashier, she said go home and get the card, I will ring this up and have the receipt when you get back.
the other good news I live 3 miles from the store.

Bad news: I was back in under 10 minutes and she had the receipt ready.

Of Course  there was a line. the couple that was next in line with all their wares on the counter, was shocked to their core when she scanned the bar code on my receipt and I  reached over and around the tiny lady swiped my card while smiling and telling my story.

Bad News is they did not speak English.... the look on their faces was priceless, not mad, just shocked I would be so rude.
Good News:  I was in and out and back home in another 10 minutes


  1. Good news: You have a rooftop garden to admire!


  2. Good news: You had a valid credit card. Unlike me who brought his valet, and while paying noticed that the card had run out two weeks ago. The walk of shame was much bigger there :D

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. A true act of kindness. That's a busy eaves trough.

  4. They are going to regret those plants in the gutter! Have a great Sunday!

  5. I love the 'Good News, Bad News' tale. :-) And what an interesting way to garden!

  6. We seem to be the only folks on our street who know to clean out the gutters! Glad everything worked out ok at WalMart; love the story.

  7. Funny ... both the story and the gutter planter ! lol

  8. that would be my gardening style - the only place i wouldn't want something to grow is where it would...

    good save on the receipt!

  9. Only MS could find blooming gutters!!
    Someone needs gutter guards

    I'm so glad you did not have to shop again for your groceries and you live close by
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  10. That gutter has better growth in it than some gardens. I enjoyed your shopping story.

  11. I am thinking there must not be much rain water that runs through your neighbours gutters! LOL!
    xo Catherine

  12. Those gutters are going to be a huge problem before long and probably more costly than just cleaning them out.
    Love your understanding Wal-Mart cashier an thankfully your wallet really was at home and not in someone elses pocket!
    Love you Life Stories Sandra.
    Now it's off to church and tolerating the 100F heat today.

  13. Another great Wal-Mart story!!! Bob now has a new project, the Gutter Garden. So now he will have a two story garden, bucket and Gutter. All he needs is some sprouts and a good ladder! Now to planning the order of the flowers...

  14. I can't imagine they would do that...good people.

    And the gutters grow on!

  15. Looks like those gutters need a good cleaning! Glad that worked out for you at the store.

  16. That gutter is going to be a real problem before long. Those are the neighbors that abandoned the house? Or that the kids were playing on the roof? Hubby here is a real stickler about our gutters!

    What a great store manager. Glad you live nearby so you did not take very long to get your wallet and then all was well.


  17. That is awesome customer service. Me thinks neighbor man should hire someone to clean out his gutters!!!

  18. Looks like the gutter on our outbuilding at the House. One or two years ago we had a sunflower growing in it :)

  19. interesting concept in gardening, comes with it's own irrigation
    Maybe those people at Walmart thought you were a VIP. You should have pulled your camera out to capture the look on their faces

  20. Love the photos.Anew and creative way to garden.
    No money no----way----to----pay. Would drive me over the edge. LOL

  21. You had one wild and crazy day - those were some really big things! lol sandie

  22. I had that happen to me at the Dollar Store...the lady did the same for me...I just live 2 minutes that was GOOD...nice little garden in the gutters...

  23. You were lucky that you live so close to the store! I would have been up the creek without a paddle if that happened to me. It would have taken me at least a half hour to get home and a half hour to get back. Groceries would have been bad by the time I'd get them home!

    I so wish I had my charger for my camera battery! I still can't find it! I would take some pictures of what ever it is that is growing in the gutters of our barn in the back yard! lol

  24. That's what you call roof top gardening! lol Cute story!

  25. I hope no one is walking under the eaves when the gutter comes crashing down. The good new/bad news = cute story!

  26. GADS to the gutter growth.... Why have gutters at all???? Nasty!

    Glad the manager at Walmart was so nice... Maybe it was just as well that the people in line couldn't speak English!!!!!!! ha ha


  27. The gutter garden is definitely interesting. I wonder how long those gutters will hold up? I enjoyed your Walmart story.

  28. A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    Sorry I missed the big day.
    Tell Bob that is no nice.

    You found a one in a million cashier, how sweet of her to do that. I love the gutter garden, it even has flowers. But I'm glad those aren't my gutters.

  29. Glad everything turned out well in the end. I dread that sort of situation happening. I'm a double, triple checker of my hand bag before I go out anywhere.

  30. LOL...only you would this happen to..... I forgot to say that i like your new header photo...very creative.

  31. Best news is your wallet was safe. My hubby got a call from a good Samaritan a couple days ago. He had not even realized he had dropped his wallet. All is well!

  32. Glad you had good news to balance out the bad. No way are those gutters working...guess someone should let them know they should keep them cleaned out. That is quite a garden they have growing there. Hugs

  33. Good news is you got saved by a kind manager.
    Interesting news is the variety of plant growth in the gutter! Avocado? That doesn't have a seed that flies so some rodent must have dropped it along its travels.
    Bad news is your neighbour badly needs a gutter cleaning. Here's hoping yours are in way better condition!
