Monday, September 9, 2013

Lyle and Lily Lizard

Many of you have met Leonard and Lizzie, our brown anoles that live on the fence. Today I introduce Lyle and Lily.... You may ask how do I know the difference. the answer is simple, Leonard now has no tale and is very easy to recognize, and Lily is much bigger than Lizzie.  Trust Me!

Lily the Lady Lizard

YES! Lyle is focused on his Lady friend and soon we will have many more lizards and I will have to come up with names that start with least I don't have to name the ones Jake has for lunch.

Lyle the manly lizard
HANG ON TO YOUR TAIL LYLE, else how will the MadSnapper KNOW who is whom....

You can meet Cousin Leon, who lives on the other side of the yard HERE and Leonard and Buddy Boy HERE and Lizzie HERE   
Hugs to you from MadSnapper the Lizard Loving Paparazzi


  1. My cats would have so much fun watching your fence friends!!!

  2. Sandra...too observing the eagles, I noticed one adult has a missing/broken tip on one feather. Now I just have to place the pix side by side to determine male/female

  3. oh no, Jake eats them for lunch...sniff... well he has to keep the population down or you will be crawling with them and run out of names.

    Lily looks darker and looks like she has white polka dots; Lyle looks muted and black dots.

  4. Golden LAUGHS! When we lived in HI we named one of the gecko that visits us every night Liz, the Lizard. Love Lily's darker color. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. The big question is, how do you tell the girls from the boys? Um, you probably can't answer that here.


  6. How did they ever catch your eye, they blend in with the fence so your photos!

  7. We now have several tail less lizards thanks to Hotrod...then Ginger eats the tails

  8. They sure do a good job of hiding!! Your blog made me laugh, naming lizards!! Enjoy them, and I hope they don't show up on your kitchen counter!!!

  9. Lily looks to be enjoying the sun from her perch on the fence.

  10. Lyle and lily sitting on a fence, first comes courting, then comes kissing them comes lots of lovely lizard babes!!

    do they ever get in the house?
    I wonder what Madi would do should se see one of the lizards. LOL
    Hugs C

  11. It's nice to have outside pets. No cleaning up after them. :)
    xo Catherine

  12. The Lizard Loving Paparazzi....I love that! Haha! I could just kick myself because I didn't think to take a photo of the tiniest lizard I've ever seen swimming in a bucket of water. The bucket was white plastic, so I clearly saw him. At first, I didn't even recognize it was a lizard. And I certainly didn't recognize him as a photo op! Duh, me.

  13. Okay how do you know they live on your fence? It would be a tough situation there for them. LOL

  14. Not a kind we have. I love bug eaters.

  15. Hope they can continue to out smart Jake. :) My Rocket and Rambo hunt our lizards every day. Rocket will not let up! I've saved some lizards and buried some others.
    Great photos! I think the lizards are cute!

  16. Those are great shots with them on the fence! Skye likes to chase lizards all day long and many are missing their tails :(

  17. Wow, lizards with their own paparazzi, too funny!! Not only how you can remember which is which, but do you know who is she and who is he? And why has Jake not eaten your favorites? They are SOOOOO cute! When you put up that fence, you must have been thinking how perfect it is for lizard camouflage!

  18. I want to know how you can tell Lyle from Lily. Do females look different from males? Kind of like birds where the male is the colorful one? In the pictures it looks like they are two different colors

  19. I won't even speculate what happened to Lyle's tail.....:-/

  20. Oh, Lily is a real looker, so pretty. And her beau Lyle is very handsome. Hang on to that tail big boy, we don't want you to confuse MS. I love the texture of the fence and all the green. Your lizards have a nice home.

  21. "L" names for you: Landon, Laura, Laverne, Latifah, Lassie, Larry, Lynn, Linda, Leah, Lefty, Leanne, Lazarus, Leopold, Leo, Leslie, Leroy, Louis, Libby, Lilly, Lindsey, Linus, Lois, Lora, Lloyd, Lou, Lucas, Lorraine, Lucille, Lucy, Ludwig, Lucky, Lydia, Lynette, Lulu, Luke, etc. etc.etc. NEED more????? Guess it depends upon how many babies they have!!!!!! haha


  22. Lizards are not my absolute favorite critters, but lizards with alliterative names, now that is a different matter all together.

    Fantastic photos, awesome alliteration!

  23. You have quite the knowledge about your fence loving lizards. Where do tthey have their homes?
