Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ferns Etc Etc...

Some people, in order to discover God, read books.  But there is a great book:
 the very appearance of created things.

Look above you!   Look below you! Read it...

 God, whom you want to discover, never wrote that book with ink.

instead, He set before your eyes the things that He had made.

Can you ask for a louder voice than that?   
 St Augustine quote

Check out the Blow Fly Angel on top of the dwarf poinciana, can you see his red eyes? Or maybe he is a toe dancer fly.........

I wish my mother could have seen these ferns... on the 22nd of Sept she would have been 88 years old, she died at 63... I found the song If I could hear my mother pray again and here it is in my kind of music.


  1. Nice post! And it's so true. You have to get out there and see things.

  2. I enjoyed the video very much. No matter how old I get, there is always something that I would like to share with my mother. I know you miss your mom very much. The ferns are so pretty.

  3. Ferns are beautiful, I like it when they uncurl in the spring. Here they are getting brown and withering now for winter.

  4. love your ferns!
    so beautiful!

    great song, too.

    happy sunday~

  5. Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  6. Ferns are fascinating aren't they. Nature is indeed amazing. Thank you so much for reminding me to give my mom a hug today , and a cyber hug goes out to you too. I am sure your moms love is all around you. My dad has passed and I do miss him a lot. That song was so soulful .

  7. What a wonderful tribute.

    Every thing was perfect.

  8. What a beautiful post for your mom. Those ferns are beautiful as are the details of the insect's eyes. You are so right, we have to look at all of creation to know God.

  9. What a beautiful song...I wasn't familiar with it and I thank you for sharing the fond memories of your Mom
    Hugs madi and Mom

  10. Wonderful post, Sandra! So many times I say to the grandkids and my family - "Look at that....God made that for us!" It is such a miraculous wonder but so heartfelt for me. Love the song and the music.

    Boring day here....must get out my kindle.


  11. I LOVE ALL these fern pictures, they are each different and great! And the red eyed fly, oh my GOSH!!! How on earth could you capture the eyes of a fly??? And it so much fits in with what St. Augustine is saying, which I love so much that I am going to save and put it on our prayer line. Favorite picture, number 3!

  12. I have ferns all about where I live.

    They are very beautiful.

    Amen yes the Lord is forever showing himself with all things.

  13. A lovely tribute to your mom. She died young. Ferns are so intricate. You have caught that with all the different angles. They look great with a dark background.

  14. Beautiful post. And that we say Amen.

  15. Beautiful post. As I do my slideshows,I am always encouraging people to look at nature and see all the beauty there.

  16. I've always liked the look of ferns. They seem 'relaxing' or something.
    xo Catherine

  17. I love ferns and these are so pretty. That's some angel on the top of that dwarf poinciana

  18. I love the ferns. But the spiritual is awesome.

  19. Sandra you took the words right out of my mouth. I totally agree with you and feel the same way. sandie

  20. I know you miss your mom. This is a beautiful post! Beautiful music. :)

  21. A beautiful post and photos with the sun illuminating the ferns.

  22. Awesome photos....I love ferns and that Blow Fly Angel is awesome is definitely makes a cute little angle tree topper!

  23. Those ferns are gorgeous. I love your second photo with the sun hitting them. Lovely capture of the angel on the poinciana.

  24. We are soul sisters...I love all that I see around me...
