Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nickernuts (Caesalpinia)..

See all these pretty little prickly pod Thingy's. I have no idea what they are. the woods are full of these.

UPDATE: I found what they are... Nickernut plant (Caesalpinia)

All I can tell you is, if Brer Rabbit saw these bushes when he was fighting the tar baby he would say

"Oh, Please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me in that Prickly Pod Thingy Patch"

If you have no clue what I am talking about go read

This photo is really neat, click on it to see HOW neat it is


  1. good morning, sandra!

    i have to say that these are some gorgeous close-up shots! great work!:)
    loved seeing those prickly pods opening, getting ready for the wind to do the planting of these seeds . i'm really impressed by how lovely they are.
    i got thinking about how certain things in life can impress us, and tickle our fancy, for awhile.

  2. Love all the details you get when you enlarge the photos!

  3. Whatever they are, they look super for adding to a dried flower arrangement. Very cool.

  4. Very clear and sharp photos. Spooky, maybe they came from another planet on a meteoroid.

  5. I don't know what they are but they are very cool looking. Awesome that you were able to get one with the seeds still in it.

  6. Good shots; I have no idea what they are either. Have a nice day.

  7. WOW, interesting shots, I like the one with the 2 white seeds in the pod, looks like a nest with eggs.

    The plant sure wants to protect the seeds from animals eating the pods, with all those spikes on the pod.

  8. Looks good, the white seeds looks like pearls in the shell :)

  9. What an interesting plant! Love the photo of the two seeds in the pod. What beauty God gave us in nature! BTW, every single time I go to your blog with the new header, it reminds me of when I was a kid and we would go to the A&W drive in (root beer stand).

  10. Nature always provides the best photo ops, Sandra, and you know that so well. Not sure whether of not we have any of these seed pods in VA, but know now to avoid.

  11. Beautiful are your photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  12. Maybe not.....but seems like I have seen these before. Doesn't really matter but aren't they interesting? I love how they are even more interesting when I enlarged them. Thanks, Sandra. Always something knew on your post. Love it!

  13. Very, very cool. One of them looks like an eye with two eyeballs and wonderful eyelashes. Or, a mouth with two olives and strange whiskers.

  14. Very, very cool Sandra.
    No I don't want to be in those prickly Nickernuts.
    I'm sure those things would get attached to me if I even looked at them.

  15. Nick your nuts, indeed!

    I love Brer Rabbit.

  16. I know what you're talking about! Boy, was that a hard read--even for a southerner.


  17. Yikes! I'll say, I wouldn't want to bump into one...

  18. I haven't thought of Brer Rabbit for a good many years. It was one of my favorite stories as a child. These pods look downright lethal.

  19. Super cool photos of this neat-o plant! If anyone doesn't know about Brer Rabbit and the Brier Patch, they need to go back and have a childhood do-over.

  20. Your photos are excellent, love the detail that you captured! I've never seen those but I am fascinated with them.

  21. Whoa baby they look like dried up mouths with teeth.
    Hugs madi and mom

  22. Wonder if they are related to Venus Fly Trap?....:)JP

  23. Wow, how cool. My favorites are one and four. That would have been so hard to identify, too. So I guess it has no flower or anything, just this strange seed pod? And then the seeds grow into a plant. No wait, I love the last picture just as much, they look just like bird's eggs in a nest.

  24. "Nickernut" is fun to say... :)
    xo Catherine

  25. Okay girl - now I can relate - we have those sticky and I do mean sticky things all over here. Ouch.

  26. Oh, gee, this is a really neat plant. I would love to see it in person!

  27. Never heard of this, but it's so cool looking. :)

  28. I didn't know what they were called but I do remember those prickly pods. When hiking in the woods I always had to watch to avoid getting stuck.

  29. Gotta love the name...just saying. :)
