Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Fence @ Historical Village

On  the way home from dropping off my homeowners new policy and lots of money, I stopped in the three acre Manatee Historical Village. Every time I go there I drop back into 1880.

I only took a couple hundred photos, could have taken thousands, but the heat drove me back to my AC in the car...

this gate is for you TexWisGirl  queen of all things Fence and Gate in the state of Texas


  1. I love these photos, Sandra. Hope you are feeling ok this morning. Take it easy this weekend.

  2. Oh boy I would love to go there!!!!

  3. I especially like that eerily trailing Spanish moss!!


  4. This house looks picture perfect. Love the picket fence too!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. Isn't it funny how quickly we can pop off a couple hundred of photos??!!?? I always think back to my 35mm camera days and shooting in film. Let's just say my snapping decisions were much more selective back in the day :)

  6. Beautiful, reminds me of the Florida I visited as a kid. Love the Spanish Moss.

  7. Now that is my kind of house, it needs to be sitting on beer can beach with all the old trees. I can see me with my feet up on the railing sipping tea and you can come over and take pictures of the water, sand and trees. My kind of living.

  8. We are still having heat here too - which is very odd for us for mid-September. But I will take it!
    Enjoy your weekend Sandra!
    xo Catherine

  9. I can feel the breeze blowing the Spanish moss and faintly her chatter in the summer kitchen as the noon day meal was being prepared.
    Hugs and beautiful photos.
    Cecilia aka Ceal

  10. awesome!!! did you link in to friday's fences? :)

  11. A beautiful place to stop and take photos!

  12. I want to stay there and pretend we are in the olden days!!!!!!

  13. Love that big mossy tree. WAY cool.

  14. The second photo especially pulls me in. The angle captures a spirit of the 1880-era site. Your composition of fence, porch, door, tin roof, moss and tree transport me to another time and place.

    Thank you for the trip.

  15. After I fiddle here on the blogs for a while it's ......
    Bill Paying Time....
    Can you see I'm procrastinating?
    Got to do the Homeowners thing too.
    Love the vintage home and all the moss on the trees.
    Have a great weekend Sandra.

  16. Love your photos and the surprise wish of happy Friday the 13th - gave me a good laugh for the day.

  17. You would have had to drag me out of there!!! I do remember seeing this gorgeous Spanish Moss with maybe this house behind it, very long ago on your blog. After the moss, my next favorite things are the two white fences with different patterns, the one around the porch, and the one around the yard. AND your amazing and beautiful green eyes!!!!

  18. Boy, do I hear you Sandra.
    Bills, insurance,car license and smog and property tax due too.
    Sometimes I just don't know how we will pay for it all.
    It's definitely a lesson in Trust.
    As you can see I haven't gotten to the bills but
    Now I really have to do them!!!
    So for's over and out!

  19. Thanks for sharing this beautiful house (and fence). Have a great weekend.

  20. I like the brick with that nice gate. :)

  21. That house looks very much like one an old neighbor (gone now) lived in in Florida years ago. That just shouts 'Florida!' to me.

  22. Such a pretty place!

  23. I want to move into that house. Can I please!!!!!!

  24. Love, love, love that house and the fencing. I would love to leave in a home like that, it's so beautiful.

  25. fantastic house and fence! the big mossy tree is just lovely!

    happy friday!

    big hugs!

  26. I love white picket fences! Nice pictures. We have car insurance due in a few days...ouch!!

  27. Love those picket fences !
    Your new header is great too !!
    Happy weekend :)

  28. Spanish moss in the trees and white picket fences bring back lots of memories of southern summers.

  29. The small house style is even present in these parts. It was a visit to heart test for me on the 13th

  30. These photos are beautiful, wouldn't mind living in one of those houses. Beautiful fences too. Have a lovely weekend. Am just chilling at home, the weather has gotten a little cooler now.

  31. I love Spanish Moss and wish that I could have some on my trees here. I wonder why it won't grow here. sandie

  32. I'm transported back in time by this series of photos. How nice you could rock in the rocker and imagine times gone by without someone coming along and getting you to move along. The heat just oozes out of those pictures, but lots of lovely shade and that Spanish Moss is so atmospheric.

  33. Very nice. It was worth leaving the air conditioning for a little while!

  34. I could move into this it:)

  35. Oh, I so love this the gate for Tex, too.
