Thursday, September 12, 2013

It is a TWO Post Day....

Windows live mail is my email program.

I sent the silly mouse up to click send receive and accidentally clicked work off line.

no problem, click it again and work on line.

It was stuck and would not let me go back on line. NO EMAIL

Numerous clicks on YES and even more  not so nice words coming out of my mouth,

I contacted Mr. Google search and a forum created by MANY who had the same thing.

Answer was ....Make IE your default browser. WHAT? I use Chrome and Firefox. but I did it any way, and guess what? it worked....

please file this in your memory for when I need it again and can’t remember what to do.

That hole above the fence is where I zoomed on those amazing clouds a couple of days is hard to focus through all the trees.

Below: 3 photos merged in PicMonkey to give you perspective on the tree the Cactus lives in.


  1. I am so lucky, I don't have Windows! Woo hoo! Best decision I ever made.

  2. Wow that is one impressive tree!
    I always only used internet email (no email program on the computer) ever since I got my first email address before I even had a modem at home.

  3. My computer works perfectly until it doesn't!! That's when I throw up my hands and think I'll just go buy a new one. Hmmm, that's why I don't have an Iphone yet!!


  4. Your yard is so pretty. It is like walking through a tropical forest.

  5. oh those kinda things drive me that tree...

  6. WHAT??????????????????? I HATE Windows Live and have made many visits with our computer guy about it, and even HE cannot fix it! So after reading this I called him. He said that there are a few windows Live problems that can be fixed by making I.E. your default, because I.E. and Windows Live are linked. I cannot wait to try this and see what happens tonight when I have to send out the church mail. Did you get a new stove?

  7. Maybe that's why I have been having trouble with my computer too.
    It takes forever to do anything and has some new glitches which were never there before last week.
    I have Chrome and Foxfire too.
    Trouble is I most of the time don't know what the instructions say to do.
    Something finally seemed to be fixed just a while ago and I can go from one website to another more easily.
    This totally fries my brain.

  8. I'll avoid even thinking about your email/computer problems. We hate 'em but can't do without them these days. I'll comment on your header instead, that I just noticed. How cute and creative you are. Your up beat personality and wonderful sense of humor comes thru loud and clear with this one!!! Love it!

  9. Thanks for the information and pictures!

  10. p.i.t.a. but glad you resolved it! :)

  11. Glad you got it fixed, but how crazy is that! I use Chrome and Firefox and do not want to ever open IE if I can help it.
    Hey, I do love your header- how do you make those?

  12. Some tree!

    So glad I have a Mac, but glad you found solution!

  13. I too use Firefox and Chrome but do NOT want IE as my default browser...always have problems, runs slow...guess I'll just stay on-line!...:)JP

  14. I use windows live mail also. Hopefully I can remember this if I ever do the same thing.
    Who would have thought that your default browser would make a difference.
    That is some amazing tree

  15. I enjoyed these photos so much.

  16. You live in an abundance of vegetation.

  17. I rarely ever use IE...only Firefox. I love how you merged the pics in the last shot.

  18. Gee----people got off of IE because they were having trouble with Blogger... NOW--they are saying to get back on it in order to get email.... Huh???? What a hassle...... Hope it all works out for you..

    Gorgeous and HUGE tree.

  19. And now you know why I use gmail and Yahoo mail. I can't remember the last time I used IE. I use Firefox for most everything except the tablet and phone.

    I LOVE that tree!

  20. I use gmail and aol. And google chrome and firefox. My son loves his mac book, maybe one day I'll get one. :)
    I love the tree!!!

  21. Glad you managed to sort out another computer quirk which can be so frustrating. Love the shady corner of your yard, the clouds and blue sky, the orange flower (now I know where it grows in your yard) and that wonderful foliage on your huge pine tree. Hope you're feeling ok after your treatment which didn't sound very pleasant.

  22. I hate it when I mistakenly click on something and then cannot figure out how to get out of it.

  23. i totally enjoyr=ed your photos. your yard is very welcoming and pretty!

    gmail for me. i tend to favor google products ;i use google chrome and firefox.

  24. Not a fan of windows after I had ID theft issues.i have gone back to back since 2007.
    Love that tree

  25. Very cool picture. Gmail for me too, google is so intuitive however not without issues at times as all services I guess. But it runs well with macs. Not a huge fan of windows but am forced to use it at work :( Enjoy your day!

  26. Isn't if funny how many browsers we have to carry around! sandie

  27. My IE and chrome work like a charm...for now :-/
