Friday, November 15, 2013

Meet My New Truck

 don't you just love my new Jeep?    NOT.. my mind would love this, my body would not and neither would our purse for paying for the gas it burns.

We traded my Saturn Vue for a Kia Sorrento.... 3 days...9 car lots..and I sat in over 30 cars and trucks before we found the perfect FIT for me

the last view of my Vue sitting by the Kia at the dealer
they are a lot alike but the Kia is so quiet and fast and smooth. I accidentally did a little EEEH EEEH when I kicked the new Kia to get across a busy street.
The story is a crazy one and has a not so perfect end to a not so perfect day.
UPDATE: the Kia is fine, I am to...


  1. They look like twins! I'm so glad you found a car you like, but I'm a bit concerned after reading the last sentence. What's up with that?

  2. Well I love your new car and I'm excited for you but I'm concerned about your not so perfect end to a not so perfect day!!

  3. Lots of great reviews on Kia cars. Drive Safe :-) Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
    BTW: We got a tasty giveaway on our post today and a chance for you see my balancing trick again. Golden Woofs

  4. oh, dear. sure hope you and the kia were okay!

  5. For a minute, I thought you'd be doing some mud bogging (is that what it's called. Your new car looks like a first cousin to your old car. I've decided that my next car is going to be the new SUV from Bentley. The fully-loaded price is $180,000! Now to put the house on the market.

    Happy trails!


  6. The Kia is nearly a twin to your Vue. THANK goodness the hunt is OVER!!
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  7. Congrats on the new baby! A lot of people really, really like theirs. Or so I have heard...

    I would love to have a full sized truck to drive one more time in my life, but we have to go for economical on gas. Specially the way we like to go for drives.

  8. Thankful that you found a "just right" car. Hope you are ok.

  9. Oh, oh...what happened??? Glad you're okay! I'm happy you found the perfect car for you. Enjoy!

  10. I'm glad you found a new car you like, but the last sentence is a mystery. Are you going to tell us The Rest of the Story

  11. Take it easy on the new car! Seriously- hope you both ok. :)

  12. Hope you are okay. The ending to your post has me a bit worried for you and your new car too.
    Glad you did find the perfect fit for you. Good job.

  13. Congrats, Sandra... I was hoping you would find the PERFECT car for you. Is it new --or nearly new? What year model is it? Our "new' one is a 2010--and only had about 25,000 miles on it... We got a good deal on a 'nearly' new one...


  14. It's gorgeous! I just can't get rid of my truck! I love it. It's only got 48,000 miles on it and is 13 years no sense trading it in.
    Still..every now and then I think about a new car. If I could pay cash, I would do it maybe but I cannot so I won't.
    Hugs, and congrats on your new car..and..ARE YOU ALRIGHT? Tell me you didn't have an accident in your brand new car!!

  15. Oh.. Sandra...I have been thinking about you and what decision you made about a new vehicle. I like your new Kia. Looks good to me. Should be great on gas. When we get a new one....and get rid of the gas guzzler, 73,000 mile Jeep that is 10years old and Jim will NOT trade it!......I would then like to look at the Kia.

  16. My SIL/BIL won a Kia Sorrento in a golf tournament last year...they love theirs too, Sandra!...:)JP

  17. Will we get to hear the rest of the story?

  18. It's hard to give up a car that has been good to you. I know the feeling. But that Kia looks pretty darn nice. Here's to many long happy miles in it!

  19. Hope you enjoy that new car and get many happy miles from it.

  20. oh, sandra, sure hope you and your car were okay and congrats on your new car!
    it's gorgeous!

    have a great rest of your day~

  21. Congrats on the Kia, I'm glad you found a perfect fit for you. Just go easy on the lead foot next time. Can't wait to hear the story.

    Since you didn't buy the Jeep does that mean it's still available? Love those things.

  22. well I'm glad you found something you like and they do look quite a lot alike.
    You have me very curious about your ending here though.

  23. Happy for you sweet Sandra that you finally found your perfect fit in a car. I am a bit concerned though about your not so perfect day. Hope you and all in your life are okay. Hugs

  24. Glad you found a car just right for you. Our daughter no 1 has a Kia which she chose a couple of years ago and she's very happy with it. Since this is rather belated I know the end of the story and glad it was nothing to do with the car and all to do with your sweet doggie.

  25. Goodbye to your old car and say hello to your new one! In terms of appearance, it doesn’t have much of a difference from the old car, but definitely not with its engine and performance. I’m glad that you’re fine as well as your car. The truck looks great, by the way. The downside is that it’s not the kind of vehicle you needed, and it’s difficult to maintain as well.

    Horace Norman @
