Sunday, December 15, 2013

Winter Wonder Land - Florida Style

Photo's taken by MadSnapper, Saturday December 14, 2013 at 10:36 AM
No edits, Straight out of the camera except for re-size for web.

Winter Wonder Land-Florida Style
 by MadSnapper

In December we have no snow, no sleet, no ice..
Outdoors is so very nice.
Sunshine and flowers and a balmy breeze
the temp is a wonderful 77 degrees.

Below is using Auto setting on my Canon Rebel, above photos were taken by setting the shutter speed at 1/125
What a difference..


  1. We do remember seeing red hibiscus last year. We are enjoying seeing white stuffs this year. It's Beautiful. Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy FL sunshine. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Yes, what a difference! Those photos are so beautiful. I envy your 77 degrees. And the hibiscus. I know there is a woman around here who manages to keep them through the winter, but I've never managed to do that. I'd love to be there right now, enjoying your weather and your gorgeous December flowers!

  3. florida's version of the poinsettia. :)

  4. I am jealous of that 77 degrees. We have not had a high temperature up to 32 degrees f in a couple weeks. OBTW what you was in the grass in my Sunset Sunday photo was not rocks, but snow. It was about 12 degrees outside when I took that last Sunday.

  5. Ooops, I meant "saw in the grass" not "was". Dyslexia of the fingers.

  6. Just beautiful! Oh, wow, to be warm on Christmas... We are freezing here, everything is brown, and I am ready for spring... or a move to Florida???? LOL Love the photos, I plan to be back several more times just to look at them!

  7. We're in a winter wonderland here. Nice to see a pop or two of color.

  8. Such pretty photos and the weather sounds delightful. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your Sunday.

  9. Mom says we might come spend the winter with you Mr. Bob, Baby and jake...We had cold rainy dreary weather yesterday w 1" of rain.
    Hugs Madi and Mom your BFFs

  10. Rub it in! The only thing we have blooming is icicles and mud.

    Great photos.

  11. Looks wonderful! :) I'd say no real need of Christmas trees, with all that natural beauty outside...

  12. Beautiful Hibiscus---we have a strand that has to be cut before frost---love them when they are out.

  13. The light in these really worked to your advantage and helped create interesting flower images full of vibrant colors and a nice strong contrast. I like them!

  14. The hibiscus is all lit up, and so are even the leaves! God's Christmas tree! And do you know that the hibiscus is the original rose of Sharon?

  15. Beautiful pictures, Sandra!!
    I envy you still having all that gorgeous color around you~ everything here is.... brown. :(

  16. you don't even want to see what it looks like in my world right now. I could go for some Florida style winter

  17. Yep...talked to Sis today and it was 70 at her place! Beautiful hibiscus, Sandra!!!!...:)JP

  18. Oh my goodness 77 and sun would feel terrific today. I am so tired.

  19. Gorgeous flowers. A friend of mine is in Florida right now.I hope he is enjoying that beautiful weather.I am sure he is.

  20. Your yard must look very beautiful with all that colour we associate with the Christmas season. Sounds like wonderful weather too. Enjoy!

  21. Your yard must look very beautiful with all that colour we associate with the Christmas season. Sounds like wonderful weather too. Enjoy!

  22. Your yard must look very beautiful with all that colour we associate with the Christmas season. Sounds like wonderful weather too. Enjoy!

  23. Your pictures are stunning. You know, for some reason I missed your blog this morning, but I am so glad I noticed it and went back to read, look, at these pictures. The little oranges you mentioned are tangerines from the tree at our Los Angeles house. Hubby picked them when he was there doing plumbing work.

  24. Stunning shots.. Just beautiful. I never never use auto for that fact . If I had too I sure would though.

  25. From the comments above you should be careful, you might have bus loads of bloggers coming your way.

    The hibiscus are gorgeous, so vibrant in the bright (and warm) sunshine. We got up to the 50s this weekend and it was very nice. I kind of like the cold weather because it helps to get rid of some of the insects for next summer. But I will never turn down sunny and warm.

  26. What a beauty this crimson hibiscus. We have plenty in your garden too !

  27. Oh, my. It was -28 F here yesterday. Think it will warm up to above zero this week. It's such a treat to see your beautiful flower.

  28. Beautiful red! No colors around here but for Christmas decorations here and there. Enjoy some beautiful flowers for me. Hugs

  29. Yes, you got the best setting to capture your Florida version of Christmas red.

  30. Your photography skills are inspire me....AND I need a new camera....

  31. wish I was in Florida...we were in the 60's today...felt almost like summer....beautiful shots...

  32. a lovely hibiscus flower sooo wonderfully photographed. i have a large hibiscus which has not flowered in years...i think i have to bring it in for the winter.

  33. Now that is my idea of winter. ;)
    xo Catherine
