Friday, February 7, 2014

Hibiscus Cheer for you today

To all my fellow bloggers that are in the path of these winter storms, I wish you safety and warmth and an early spring....

As I walked my laps around the pool deck, this bloom was hanging across my path. I noticed only one side had opened... You Know The Rest Of The Story...

My Raspberry Zinger tea, the first ingredient is hibiscus.
Below is a video on how to make tea from these flowers.

If you don't have 4 minutes to watch, basically, just pull the green stem and the stamen off, put flowers in a measuring cup, pour boiling water over them, add lime or lemon juice and sugar... pour over ice.


  1. What cheering photos for those of us who are stuck in the snowbank! And a free recipe to boot. I had no idea I could make tea from hibiscus blossoms. I hope I remember to do that this summer. Can't wait to try it!

  2. truly awesome shots!

    i will definitely try that tea from hibiscus blossoms asap! sounds so good.
    happy friday!

  3. This takes me back to Los Angeles, where hibiscus bloomed all throughout our neighborhood. Is the tea good?

  4. oh yes this is what I needed.

    Yesterday I was so desperate. I took snaps of the flowers on the food store.

    Us Canadians are now having camp fever and I am sure the Americans and elsewhere where snow came unexpectedly.

    Thank you.

  5. So pretty! Hibiscus in Feb...what a treat! One of the benefits of living in Florida! :-)

  6. such a rich color. i'll skip the tea. :)

  7. Beautiful flowers.

    I needed a glimpse of what is possible for spring.

  8. Gorgeous red and you know me and red!!
    Hugs C

  9. I have so loved your hibiscus every year. They are gorgeous! The color is fantastic. It is so nice to see something bright and beautiful on the computer instead of snow.

  10. I had no idea you could make tea from hibiscus! They are so pretty. I'm craving flowers after seeing nothing but white when I look out my windows, so I'm happy to see this pretty red one!

  11. Love the colors! Have never tried making Hibiscus Tea.

  12. Your flowers all have the greatest names...not to mention brilliant color.

  13. The water droplets on these images of the flower is awesome.

  14. Yes, I needed to see this beautiful flower today. I have never made this tea myself but I think it would be very good therapy once I find some in bloom!

  15. Great video! We use to have hibiscus at our other house but don't have any at this house but I will try this when I visit my dad.

  16. Beautiful flower. great post. Can I make coffee out of this stuff.

  17. I was so engrossed in that beautiful red that now I have to go back and read how to make the tea..:):)
    Gorgeous flower! I've never had that kind of tea. I have a new Hybiscus plant in a huge pot on my patio..and the flowers are a gorgeous pink. So far they have kept blooming until very recently.

  18. they are soooo beautiful!! i watched 1/2 the could anyone do that to those beautiful flowers ;)

    what i did find interesting was the info about which ear to wear the flower in!!

  19. Beautiful photos, Sandra. Hope you both will enjoy the weekend.

  20. You don't see much red around here these days unless someone falls on the ice. These pics are just gorgeous!

  21. Oh, my, these are a sight for sore eyes! Just brighten up any day.

  22. Good to know recipe. Blood pressure med, nice beverage and happy to look at.

  23. Thanks for sharing the tea recipe...but the flower is really my cup of tea!...:)JP

  24. Thank you for the beautiful burst of color. I wish I could be doing laps around the pool instead of huddling under blankets.
    So have you tried to make any of that tea yourself?

  25. These are gorgeous photos of the hibiscus blossom. Now I'm off to make a cup of tea.

  26. It is nice to see some color on these dark, snowy days. I have heard of Hibiscus tea but had no idea how it was made. Now I know but hope I can remember it when we finally see blooms here again.

  27. I'm not sure I could pick a flower like this apart to make tea.It is a beauty.

  28. The tea sounds wonderful but flowers here are rather too precious here this time of year for me to make tea out of them. ;)
