Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pine Trees in March

Cable guy is coming today with new Lightning Speed Internet..
If  I am missing you will know why.
See this tiny little thingy off the Pine tree? The squirrels are eating part of it and the rest falls on the pool deck leaving YELLOW POLLEN all over the deck.
I sweep the deck twice a day the result is instant itchy eyes

Our pool is full of pollen, we can write in the water with our finger, and there is a yellow scum line like a million dirty kids bathed in the pool after rolling in 
pine tar mixed with pine pollen. (forgot to mention the pine tar)

But they are beautiful. Sometimes it is hard to remember how pretty they are as we sneeze and our eyes burn and itch... So compare SNOW to POLLEN...
and choose one.


  1. Oh I remember that pollen but at least you can see your deck!!!!...:)JP

  2. Sounds like it creates quite a mess! Nice photos though, lol.

  3. I remember the pine pollen. Wow, it made my eyes itch.

  4. we get that a bit later with the oak trees 'poofing' out and sending yellow pollen down.

    good luck w/ internet!

  5. Oh yes, I am allergic to those nasty things too!

  6. WooHoo I can comment...thanks to my geeky Physics IT fellows I followed their advice.

    Oh in just a month or so the EYDOTD
    (evil yellow dust of the devil) will be here too. We feel for you.
    Good luck with you lightning fast innernets set up. Mad Monkey will be Nanosecond Mad Monkey

  7. Well that doesn't sound like fun at all. How long does that go on? I choose snow. Enjoy your high speed internet....

  8. Yikes...pollen and tar mess....must be sticky, too. I would hate cleaning up that twice a day. Have fun with your new fast speed internet!

  9. I love the last photo, but what a shame the pollen is such a nuisance in more ways than one. :(

  10. Yes, that's soon to come here...right after we get through with the March craziness. The yellow pollen will be all over the porch, my car, the roof, in the ditches...and I am allergic, so not so fun.

  11. There's always something! Soon we'll be complaining about how hot it is, too. :)
    Enjoy your high speed internet!

  12. Don't make me choose between snow and pollen.On some days it would be one and other days the other one,depends on how cold it is.

  13. Sandy, you've got your work cut out for you getting rid of all that pollen. Great photos!

  14. We have such a variety of pollen miseries here.
    As soon as things start blossoming so do my eyes and nose.
    I think I will take the pollen over snow.
    Today its spritzes and measurable rain. We need some more gully-washers to fill our lakes and bring lots of snow to the mountains.
    I am such a dreamer...

  15. just goes to show that no matter where you live there is going to be a less than favorable time of year. Given the choice I would take the pollen over the snow

  16. Good luck and I hope your internet is now super fast!! :)
    xo Catherine

  17. Well, they are pretty....sorry they are causing so much trouble! Hope your internet is FAST!!

  18. I hope the cable guy got your new high speed internet installed (wondering how he did that, we just pay more and it happens).

    I remember the pollen storms in the spring, we still get a little of it here. I'll take snow any time over that.

  19. As much as I dislike snow, pollen is no better. But I do like your pictures, however.

  20. Ah----hate pollin.... Think I'd choose SNOW over pollin though --at least the 'small' amount of snow we get here in Tennessee. Bet the Minnesota folks would choose the pollin since they get SO much snow.... ha


  21. Ah that must be so hard to clear all that out, and kt sort of sticks to doesnt it? You live in such beauty so it's worth the efforts
    Early morning here heading in to the city reading blogs. Its a 40 mins ride and relaxing too

  22. Ummm that's a hard one. Both are pretty but snow doesn't make your eyes itch. Which is harder cleaning pollen off the deck and the pool of shovelling snow? Luckily I have neither problem but possum and gecko pooh on the deck drives me mad.

  23. Hi Sandra, Its amazing how beautiful something so annoying is when seen up close.

    Love your header :)

  24. Pollen and I are not good friends. I much prefer snow.

  25. You will LOVE high speed internet.....:)

  26. No pool here, but our van is covered in yellow and hubby and I have itch eyes, draining sinuses, hacking and coughing. Yech!
